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Huggable :3

Huggable_Assassin's avatar

Last Login: 09/21/2019 12:10 pm

Registered: 08/17/2007

Gender: Male




Welcome to Robbie's Profile! :P


View All Comments

Death_Mirix Report | 04/20/2010 6:36 pm
Death_Mirix Report | 04/20/2010 6:30 pm
how the hell r u huggable ur scary O_O
TheLostN Report | 04/20/2010 4:33 pm
Nice to know i was prettier a while ago but i sold my vampire get up
HobNobby Report | 04/20/2010 2:49 pm
Great attack, thank you!

I'm attacking your music list--thanks again!
The CuddlyBear Report | 04/20/2010 2:08 pm
Well i wont forgive you otherwise. >.>
The CuddlyBear Report | 04/20/2010 2:03 pm
^^ your a huggable person biggrin hug meh!
The CuddlyBear Report | 04/20/2010 1:59 pm
=.='im no meanyxD
The CuddlyBear Report | 04/20/2010 1:55 pm
:3 YEAH THATS RIGHT YOU APOLIGISE wink well thankyou but i do not asept your apolgy!
The CuddlyBear Report | 04/20/2010 1:44 pm
D: Why would you attack my profile t didnt do anything to you razz
A Bloody Band Aid Report | 04/20/2010 10:55 am
Yay I've been attacked!


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you're just gunna have to find out about me ;P oh! i love presents :3 mebe you should get me one so i'll decide whether i like you or not x)