i <3 music

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DiS iZ aLL BouT Me...JuS Me

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gabrielle anne hanamanaonalani berard
cake day is oct.6.90 = 18...19 in 3 mths!
hawaiian && puerto rican && filipino
short but tall at heart
smilin && laughin is wut i do best
friends = life && life w/o friends = no life
purple = best color ever = my second love
music = my first love = mi profession
piano && sax r my babies
hula && tahitian = me all da way!!!
na hoku mai kanoelani is da halau [group]
fun is a huge && so needed
poetry is a hobby = stress reliever
www.myspace.com/ihartmiself is my current address
[remember my name] = ur way to talk to me
aim is also a given = my second address
hit me up on myspace if u wanna kno it
delta is da college = my a.a in 2 yrs
music && architecture r da majors

frenz corner

• L • I • B • R • A •
Their Love is one of a kind

Very pretty, Very romantic, Nice to everyone they meet, Silly, Fun, Sweet, Have their own unique sexiness, Most caring person you will ever meet! AMAZING IN BED! Spontanious, Neat, Addicted and loyal to their friends, Not the kind of person you wanna ******** with. You might end up crying; The most irresistible, Strong, Powerful, EXTREMELY PASSIONATE! Rare to find, A great kisser, Incredibly intelligent, Most Libras are deep-thinkers, Outgoing, Lovable, Corky, Crazy, A fun-lover, Funny, Talkative, Erotic, Smart, LOVES sports, Gets what he/she wants, Loves to be in a relationship BUT, is completely happy and free if single

♥♥♥my bestie turtle speaking♥♥♥
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Oh wow… once again, ona has aked me to write up a bit on her. oh boy. well there’s not much to say about her other than the fact that she’s one of the nicest, most ENERGETIC, awesome people out there today. ona has been one of my best friends since my freshman year way back in 2006, and since then, our friendship has only grown stronger. you can count on her to be there for you when you need someone. shes absolutely cRaZiI in every single way and will always make you smile. i can’t really think of anything else to say except
I <3 U, Buddy!!!
-Dumb Dumb

♥♥♥mi sistah shellbellbelly has arrived♥♥♥
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Ona !s kRaZy N WaNts Me 2 Wr!t3 AbOuT HeR So HeRe I gO....
OnA :
* !s bad at pillow fights
* Likes to bury me in pillows
* !z an AmAzIng person
* !s not easy 2 overlook despite her height (or lack of it) ..lol ...
* is sooper funny!!!!!!
she is my bestest friend in da whole wide world!!!! i kno that god truely made us b3st!3s because our parents couldn't handle us as sisters.... we are sooper kRaZy wat can i say ona???? oh yeah.... "u da u da best, u da u da best!"... *muah!!!*

♥♥♥my bro steve-o here♥♥♥
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Hahahanamana is
A friend that i've grown closer with over the years
Negative at times, but get her laughing
And it's hard to get her to stop
My favorite thing about her is her kind heart
As well as her love for purple, music, and turtles
No she does not have a purple musical turtle
Anything else?
Oh yeah, she threw me from her car once
No i didn't get hurt
And she didn't do it on purpose but it's somethin that we both can
Laugh at because it's something we can look back
At and remember
Never have i met anyone like Ona
I can honestly say that i'm a lucky man for havin a friend like her

♥♥♥my bro zach zach iz in da house♥♥♥
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Well here i am again. what i've said before is gone but mostly still stands, though I doubt that any of us remember even remotely what it said. This is dedicated to Onalani, that wacky hawaiian we've all come to know and love. shes got a lot of friends, and that type of thing doesn't just happen by accident. So to all that would mess with her, be warned: we're close like family. and you don't mess with the family.

dese r mi dream avi's...i don't have all da items yet...