
hi my name is j. im 13 and i love art.

i have short black hair with bangs that go into my eyes and i am 5' 3 1/2 [short, i kno]. im not fat or skinny, im in between [i weigh around 112 lbs.]. i am pale and i look like a vampire. i have glasses---emo glasses.

if you kno me in real life you will kno that i am slightly bipolar, at school im a spaz but at home i am a goth.

i love random comments on my profile. anddddddddd...i live with my mom, cause my mom and dad divorced and i dont visit him often. my dads gf lives in houston and she used to work with this company that used to be into the whole forign exchange. during the summer i got to meet some japanese kids around my age and all i heard during the night was these fast talking japanese girls. when i am 18 i want to visit japan so i am currently learning japanese, though i am not really good at it.

i enjoy cooking and reading and watching anime on the net. i once got called a nerd by a sixth grader crying i can slightly understand that because i am in most pre-ap classes in school.

my friends from school are the randomest people alive and i am very thankful for them, even though they act like idiots most of the time.


im grounded, so now i can only get an hour on the internet each day. and i cant even go on the phone. and i can only watch tv for an hour each day too. this sucks. and im grounded till i get ab honor roll. sigh.