About Mee (:

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Alright Whatsuppp! (: Thee name is Samantha Green dont forget it I'm 12 years old turning 13 soon. I do have a boyfriend his name is Joe Estrada we've been going out for almost 3 months & May i tell you its been the best three months of my 12 years! People call me the meanest shiiit ever to me but i learn to deal with ittt. Most of the time they call me a slut witch im not cause i dont sleep with every guy in the ******** schoool matter a fact i've never slept with a guy and... Thhe people who talk about my life only talk about it cause they have no life them selfs.... Well anyway I attend Antelope crossing and is in theee 7th grade! [: well im gonna go cause im sorrta on the phone with my friiiend, So Byeee