I Love Snedwig

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Le Mer Report | 08/27/2009 8:33 am
Le Mer
Hope you're doing okay. Love your stories.
manbarpig Report | 11/12/2007 2:16 pm
Xx_Baku_Chan_xX Report | 10/02/2007 9:37 am
OH the snedwig!
gods hideous creation Report | 09/20/2007 2:36 pm
gods hideous creation
i miss yew!!!
x-Roses of May-x Report | 09/16/2007 3:03 pm
x-Roses of May-x
tashasan Report | 08/26/2007 11:51 pm

x-Roses of May-x Report | 08/25/2007 10:26 pm
x-Roses of May-x
-Mo0se Cakes- Report | 08/25/2007 5:14 pm
-Mo0se Cakes-
Figurine Illusion Report | 08/24/2007 12:38 pm
Figurine Illusion
These are the thoughts that are on my mind User Image


User ImageMoments that haven't yet been defined
CrossDressing JamesPotter Report | 08/23/2007 5:17 pm
CrossDressing JamesPotter
I love your Snedwig fic. xD

- Cross-Dressing James Potter


Hey everyone, I'm Lucy's mule - aka Lian/Vintage

I write Snedwig and chill in the Is-Snape-A-Virgin thread. Should I be arrested? You decide. C:

[[ These Snedwig stories belong to me, Lucy, and The Is-Snape-A-Virgin thread, and the characters are JKR's of course. Do not steal my story or I will hunt you down and kill youuuuu. D< ]]

Snedwig Part I
Severus Snape blinked, flicking his greasy mane of hair out of his eyes. It couldn't have happened. Impossible. He squinted his eyes, barely able to make out the tiny side-car as it fell through the glassy night sky, getting smaller and smaller- BOOM.

In a flash of light the car exploded into a puff of fire and smoke. It was all Snape could do not to scream into the night; the agonizing, tortured scream that filled his soul. He knew he had to concentrate on the matters at hand, knew that there were, dare he even think it? More important things than a dead owl right now. Dead ... just thinking the word was like a punch in the stomach. She was dead, gone forever, his one, last love. A single tear tricked down his cheek before being swept away by the fierce air rushing past him as he continued to fly after the others into the uncertain night.


He remembered when they had first met. It was a quiet, misty day, a few weeks into the start of the new Hogwarts school year, and Harry Potter's first year. He had taken an instant dislike to the boy, who seemed to him a constant reminder of that scrawny git James getting it on with Lily Evans. But still, under Dumbledore's guide, he was supposed to look out for the boy and protect him, and so he made sure to watch him carefully whenever possible. It was during breakfast in the Great Hall one morning that, his eyes on Harry, he had first seen her- a majestic white angel flying nimbly through the air, dropping parcels of random not-importants to Potter. He couldn't take his eyes off of her- the perfectly pruned feathers, the glassy, yellow eyes that didn't judge him like everyone else! As he watched, she clucked affectionately to Potter, nibbled alluringly on a cheese fritter, and then suddenly turned and met his eyes. A shiver ran through him.. he felt as though she were staring into his soul, the soul of the poor little boy whose parents never loved him. "It's okay," those glorious amber eyes seemed to reassure him in a way Lily's green ones never did. "It's okay."

And just like that, she was gone, flying off through the window and probably toward the owlery with the others. How Snape wished that he had wings, and could soar after her, to be forever in her fluffy, winged embrace.

Snedwig Part II ~ At The Owlery
The night was chilly with autumn air as Snape opened the door to the owlery, wrapping his cloak tigher around him to keep out the cold. He didn't go here much, assuming it to be noisy and covered in owl droppings, but now in light of his current situation, found it to be a peaceful place, the stars shining fondly through the open windows on the empty rafters and nests the owls occupied during the day. There were only a few hundred droppings, and besides, the place was delightfully empty of mice and small insects. The smell was musky but strangely pleasant. Pulling up a stool from the corner and dusting the droppings off, he settled down for the night. All he could do now was wait, for he knew she'd be coming. What would happen next though, he couldn't know. Absentmindedly he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out the gifts he had brought her- a sackful of birdseed and a dead mouse he had stolen from Mrs. Norris earlier that day. This was going to be the perfect date.

Hours passed. Snape was beginning to feel sleepy, but he knew he couldn't doze off for fear of missing her before morning came. In vain effort to keep himself awake he pulled out the dead mouse and took a sniff, hoping the repulsive smell would distract him from thoughts of drowsiness. When he had first taken it it hadn't been so bad, but the smell had been getting increasingly worse since then. He hoped she would still like it. Time continued to tick by.

And finally he saw her; she could have been a mirage, a lightly floating pure white angel hovering outside the window. As he watched she perched nimbly on one of the low lying rafters and clucked at him softly in suprise, her amber eyes blinking salutations. Butterflies leapt in his stomach as he got up and approached her.

"I..I knew you'd be here," He whispered.

She looked at him knowingly.

"I brought you something." He stammered, digging into his pockets and pulling out the mouse. He felt much like a shy schoolboy on Valentine's Day presenting his love with candy. Hedwig's eyes widened as she considered the mouse. Gracefully she extended her neck toward Snape's hand and plucked it from him, swallowing it whole. Snape smiled.

"And for dessert, I thought you might like this-" He pulled out the birdseed and sprinkled it in front of her. Hooting in gratitude, she quickly devoured it, and looked around for more.

"That's all I have, I'm sorry," Snape said regrettably. "But I'll bring more tomorrow- if.. you'll see me again?" He blushed.

She returned his gaze with that same piercing expression she had given him in the Great Hall earlier that morning, and he knew that she had agreed. Timidly he extended his hand and gently stroked her feathered head. "Goodbye," he said softly, and with a swish of his cloak he was gone, smiling to himself. One look into those soulful yellow eyes and he knew this love would be forever. It was amazing like that.

Snedwig Part 3: The longest, perviest one yet.
It was a brisk evening as Snape's black boots crunched in the newly fallen snow, walking up the main road in Hogsmeade. The moon shone bright in the night sky, and he found himself whistling a local muggle tune as he stroked Hedwig's fluffy white head in his arms. Hedwig cooed lovingly.

Nearly three weeks had passed since their midnight date at the owlery, and Snape's intuition about their possible romance had never been more right- the two had been inseperable (well, almost ... Harry still did have mail waiting) ever since. In fact, Hedwig was spending less and less time in the owlery and more time in Snape's room, sleeping like a fluffy little pillow on his bed. She didn't even seem to mind the strange smells from Snape's potions and the way the grease from his hair got all over his sheets and pillows. But so far, nothing had happened except a lot of cuddling and occasionally a pruning. Snape's hair was still greasy, but now he found it surprisingly free of small insects. This relationship was pretty much perfect. Still, Snape wondered when the right moment would come for him to make his move, and if he would be bold enough to do it.

It was Hedwig who had first suggested the Hogsmeade outing- although she couldn't speak in actual words, lately Snape had been getting the feeling she was telepathic or something, because whenever she looked deep into his eyes, her thoughts would seem to appear in his head ... usually things like, "Do you have a worm for me?" and "I like crickets, I found some in your bathroom", but yesterday she had clearly told him, "Let's go clubbing at Hogsmeade. I love to dance!", and he had enthusiastically agreed.

Now, walking briskly down the street, he could already see the bright, multi-colored lights shining outside the hottest wizard club in the town, The Magic Stick. Snape was so excited he shivered, and Hedwig flapped up from his arms to perch on his shoulder in hopes of getting a clearer view of the place. At the door, Snape stopped.

"Hedwig, darling ... I don't know if I can do this," he whispered nervously. "It's been a while since I've gone ... you know, dancing." As he spoke to her, the doorman gave him a strange look, as if a man calling an owl 'darling' was something unusual. Clearly he hadn't seen Aberforth and his goats down the street. Scowling, Snape turned back to Hedwig.

"It's okay, my love," she cooed, her thoughts appearing in his head as always, "I'll be there. I'll take care of you."

Snape melted. How could this gorgeous creature, so kind and compassionate, be with him? She was everything he had longed for in his entire lonely life, but had never seemed to get until now- warm, loving, considerate, funny, good looking, and affectionate- and most of all, she cared for him! Deeply and truly. "Thanks, babe." He whispered lovingly, patting her head and walking into the club.


The next morning Snape awoke in his bed, feeling strangely happy. He looked around, confused and disoriented. How did he get here? What happened? The night seemed like a blur to him ... Ouch! He clutched his head, a splitting headache emerging. Feeling his stomach churn, he ran to the bathroom and vomited excessively into the toilet.

"Too ... much ... butterbeer ..." He thought vaguely, as his memories flashed back to him. He had been really nervous, yet Hedwig's presence and a few butterbeers with a pinch of firewhiskey had set him more at ease. He had danced, he had sang karaoke, he had held Hedwig passionately, he had ...

Wait a minute, Hedwig! What else had he done? He scrambled back to his feet and peered out the bathroom door.

Hedwig lay asleep in his bed, as usual, but there was something different about her. As he watched she slowly opened her eyes and clucked at him warmly. "Was it good for you?" Her eyes asked.

And then Snape realized he was naked.