the best friends
Walter, Dennis, and Hershey.

Chris; Sixteen; Honduran;
Single -- maybe; In Los Angeles;
Needs to get head straight but doesn't.

Created by: ©24378281

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What to say about Chris? He's my best friend. I love him like no other person I love. < even more than Jose. He's made such a huge impact in my life. Ever since I met him in Hollywood from Anthony < who's such a douche bag; LMAO, good times, good times. Let's talk about the past to present; in order.
I met him on August 2, 2009, he was such a male jiggalo. Now he isn't; THANK GOSH. Well, when he laid eyes on me, I was his next prey. LOLOL. I remember, when I met him, we both were like "no way! i do too!" when we found out we lived in the same state&all. The second day I met him; right off the bat I knew somewhat that would become good friends. Well, that day we started talking on the phone. He was the first one I've ever talked on the phone with who's from online. OHMYGOSH. ******** deeep deeeeep voice I say ***** voice. xD He says my voice sounds like a five or six year old < erghhh. Anyways, since that day on; we've been super close friends. He's showed and told me things that I probably don't need to know, but it was interesting the find out. I remember the time, when I got in trouble from my mom. Me and Chris, talked on the phone for FOUR HOURS everyday for about two weeks or more. I got the bills for the phone and I nearly got murdered from my mom phone the high bill. It was worth it though, I gained a brother;best friend.
I knew more about about himself than he did. I knew when he was going into a new relationship; when he was depressed, and all that. Like, before he went out with Ali, he would always be like -show hershey a photo of a girl- "What do you think?" &i'd tell him what I thought about the girl. The next day, they're going out. SO LIKE CHRIS, WELL OLD CHRIS. It was hilarious at times, but usually after the relationship ended, we'd break into a fight. The usual cycle about how "your going to get hurt again!" ; "it's always the same thing chris!" and whatnot. But through all that, we remained best friends, and the best of the best at it. But one day, he found Ali, we had fights sometimes but with Ali around, she's the best influence that went over to Chris.
To this day, Chris is and always be my best friend. He knows I can write so much more about him. I haven't even mentioned the inside jokes, making fun of him&dennis, and all the other. But I'm tearing up just writing this. Just because he's leaving this website doesn't mean we're not going to be best friends anymore. He will always be my best friend < as I've stated before. One of the best things he's ever ever said to me was, "Lol stop putting urself down princess listen you are strong just people put you down" He calls me his princess, which makes me cry more because of how our friendship progressed in the past couple months.
And Chris before used to ask me, "Would you have gone out with me still?" And I would always say no. Now, I know exactly why I would say no. If I had said yes, we probably wouldn't be as close as we are now. I would have probably stopped talking to him, because of all the awkwardness that would have gone through us. So I'm glad that I didn't go out with him. Being his sister and best friend is all I can ever ask from him.
Some inside jokes that I can think of at the top of my head at the moment is when me, Chris, and Dennis were on the phone. It got somewhat quiet. And I was cleaning the bathroom. So to break the awkward silence, I asked Dennis, "Dennis do you have a fetish for white girls?" There was a roar of laughter coming from Chris. Another inside joke, or whatever. Was whenever someone mentioned oreos, all I can think about is what chris told me. He LOVES oreos, but when he eats them, he gets diareah.&Dennis told me how one time Chris was eating them while he was at his house and all. It was so hilarious. We might be a group of retarded perverted people for all I care. As long as I have my best friend by my side, I'm all good.
Blue Warriorx
-l Chachalaka l-

WARNING: this is very long.