
Name: . . . I rather not say

Nickname(s): Rosa, Rose,


Birthday: Nov.17

Birthplace: My mom O.o

Current Location: In my computer

Eye Color: Dark brown almost black

Hair Color: Light brown

Height: 5'2

Weight: *zips up mouth*

Lefty or Righty: RIghy betch

Zodiac Sign: Scropion

What Do You Drive: Austin ( Inside joke)

Screenname: I Rosalie I


Color: Purple at the moment

Number: I D K

Band: Coldplay

Music Genre: Anykind but rap and country

TV Show: Misadventures of flapjack

Movie: Anything by tim burten

Actor: John depp

Actress: None

Kind of Movie: Any kind but horro

Cartoon:Chowder, misadventures of flapjack and many more

Sport: Tennis

Fast Food Restaurant: I D K

Food: Anything my mom makes

Ice Cream: Vanilla

Cereal: Um.. Corn flakes

Candy: Lolipops

Drink: JUICE

Alcoholic Beverage: None

Quote: None

{---Do You---}

Have any siblings: Yes

Have any pets: No

Have a job: No

Have a cellphone: Yes

Have any special talents or skills: I'm a good writer

Have any fears: Yes

Have a bedtime: Kind of

Sing in the shower: Sometimes

Want to go to college: Hell yes

Get along with your parents: SOmetimes

Have any piercings: My ears

Have any tattoos: No

Swear: Sometimes

Smoke: No

Drink: No

Do Drugs: No

{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love" Yes and I still am

Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: Never had one

Are you single: Yes

Are you in a relationship: No

Do you have a crush on someone: HELL YES

Ever been dumped: Yes

Ever dumped someone: No

{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit

Black or White: Black

Lights On or Lights Off: Is this a sex question?

TV or Movie: TV

Car or Truck: Car

Cash or Check: Cash

Rock or Rap: Rock

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

French Toast or French Fries: French toast

Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberris

Cookies or Muffins: Both

Winter Break or Spring Break: Winter break

Hugs or Kisses: Both

{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: Yes

Smiled for no reason: Yes

Laughed so hard you cried: No

Talked to someone you don't know: All the time

Drank alcohol: Yes and I liked it

Done drugs: Does smoking life count? xD

Partied 'til the sun came up: In my dreams( No really in my dreams) xD

Gotten a ticket: FOr being to hot. ;D Kidding

Been arrested: no

Been convicted of a crime: Yes for being crazy O.o

Been in a wreck: I don't understand

Been out of the country: Yes

{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: Yes

Ever TP'd someone's house: No

Ever egged someone's house: No

How many languages do you speak: 2

Who do you compare yourself to: Myself xD

Ever regret anything: Everything

Do you like being tickled: I'm not tickleish I just laugh for no reason

What are your goals: To be more superior then everyone ( Impossable I know)

Are your fingers tired: Nope

Are you tired of this survey: No

Are you happy: Very gay( GAY MEANS HAPPY)

Do you wear contacts/glasses: Glasses

Color of your room: White soon to be blue

Random avis:

User Image

Dream avi:
User Image
Total Value: 432,811 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
After Exclusions: 207,568 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Kong Sang Scarf
Elegant Blue Ribbon
Enchanted Book 3rd Gen.
Angelic Earmuffs
Sky Sparkle Empire Dress
Oculus Mythica
Blue Alien Tattoo
Silver Prince's Rapier
Holy Gauntlets
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Scarlette Teacup

Report | 12/17/2008 3:14 pm

Scarlette Teacup

They're after me lucky charms!
Hiya dood

Report | 12/16/2008 1:33 pm


Whoever you are who hacked Rose!
Stop now!
Cus I reported you and I'll find out who you are.....

Report | 12/13/2008 11:10 pm


Yeah really.. lol.


Urg.. Trees left me alone on towns..


Report | 12/13/2008 10:52 pm


Maybe i am...



Report | 12/13/2008 10:44 pm


It certainly is not madam!



Report | 12/13/2008 10:39 pm


You indubitly are.

*nod nod*


Report | 12/13/2008 10:30 pm



bad bad.


Report | 12/13/2008 10:14 pm




Report | 12/13/2008 10:07 pm


Lawl.. that would be kinda bad but then again kinda awsome at the same time...


Report | 12/13/2008 10:06 pm


Like mine..




User Image
Thta's my kind of love.