I Said Lol

I Said Lol's avatar

Last Login: 03/16/2011 12:48 am

Gender: Male

Location: i totali liv in new zealand...

Birthday: 09/24


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Lolz heyy mi names lyk Jono,
Lolz im totali lyk azn but i was lyk born and liv in nz (da best countri eva) and lyk the onli language i can speak is lyk english ... which is rly weird ... coz im totali lyk azn ...

Umm i play the clarinet ... if u dont know wat that is then look it up in lyk a dictionari or sumthin ... and i wanna b lyk an engineer, entrepreneur, and possibli make a band or rite a book ... and i lyk drawin stuff ... but i actuli think i suck ... but mayb i dont ... and i totali luv listenin 2 music <3 ... im always lyk listenin 2 music ... when i go 2 places, when i do mi homework, when im sleepin ... lolz :3 i luv music <3

O btw i hav msn ... its aeterno_x@hotmail.com (lolz :3 i fink it means sumthin in latin :/) add me :3 lolz :3

Neways mi bday is on lyk the 24th of septemba (lolz rememba 2 send me prezzies) and mi fav colours r lyk black, white, gray, navy blue, lime green, crimson, silver, gold and pretti much evry colour :3 fav animal is probz a wolf (not bunnies lolz :3) ... fav food is mayb chiken, sushi, or mcdonalds (nt rly sure how 2 spell that ...) lolz :3

Woah ... i rote waaay 2 much ... omg ... i rote lyk tons ... blehh :/

lolz :3


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zina-balerina Report | 06/06/2011 2:50 am
heyyyyyyyyyy how r u, havent talked for ages, how u been, hope u can comment back heart
zina-balerina Report | 10/02/2009 11:12 pm
heyyyy jono long time no see ive missed u
i havent been on here since last year
anyways how r u
zina-balerina Report | 09/26/2008 3:50 am
really that means ive been playin more than u
zina-balerina Report | 09/26/2008 1:07 am
i mean like how long hav u been playin this whol thing for
zina-balerina Report | 09/25/2008 3:00 am
ohh lol
how long hav u been playin for
zina-balerina Report | 09/24/2008 11:19 pm
y dont u like gaia anymore
zanooba008 Report | 09/24/2008 8:26 am
nice pro
zina-balerina Report | 09/24/2008 3:04 am
ohh yehh i no
how long havent u been on here for?
zina-balerina Report | 09/12/2008 11:57 pm
hye jono how u been man u havent been on or so long when will u go on
zina-balerina Report | 08/25/2008 3:45 am
Just read the little stories and

Think of a wish as you scroll all

The way to the bottom. There is

A message there - then make your


No attachment on this one.



I'm 13 years old, and I wished

That my dad would come home from

The army, because he'd been having

Problems with his heart and right

Leg It was 253 p .m.. When I made

My wish. At 3 07 PM . (14 minutes

Later), the doorbell rang, and

There my Dad was, luggage and all!!

I'm Katie and I'm 20 and I've been

Having trouble in my job and on the

Verge of quitting. I made a simple

Wish that my boss would get a new

Job. That was at 135 and at 255

There was an announcement that he

Was promoted and was leaving for

Another city. Believe me...this

Really works!!!

My name is Ann and I am 45 years

Of age. I had always been single

And had been hoping to get into a

Nice, loving relationship for many

Years. While kind of daydreaming(and right after receiving this email)

I wished that a quality person would

Finally come into my life. That was at

910 AM on a Tuesday. At 955 AM

A FedEx delivery man came into my

Office.He was cute, polite and

Could not stop smiling at me. He

Started coming back almost everyday(even without packages) and asked me

Out a week later . We married 6

Months later and now have been

Happily married for 2 years.

What a great email it was!!



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