
Hi there.

I see that you have come across my amazing profile.

Okay, so it's not that amazing. So, clicked on me, did ya? Curious? Lookin' for something?

Well, how 'bout I just jump right into it then? :]

You can call me by my username if you'd like. If you know my real name, well hell, use it. Feel free to take it upon yourself to give me a new nickname. I've got lots~. Make me even more unique than I am, right? <3

Yes, I am a girl. I'm a junior in high school and for "professional" reasons I will inform you that I reside in Southern California. (It's not all it's perked up to be, trust me.) I happen to be taking an extra class this year. >_> And it..sorta sucks. I mean, with A.P. Rhetoric and Composition [English], and then A.P. Psychology. But that class is ******** amazing. : D I love my teacher. I'm also taking my third year of Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. I do plan on becoming commissioned as a lieutenant in the medical field for the Air Force. It's my dream.

Did I say A.P. R&C/English, you ask? Why, yes, I did. I like reading. I like literacy. I like writing. I LIKE READING LITERATE WRITING. I do not like text talk. D< I hate it. Please do not communicate with me in such horrid branches of the already complicated English language. For Christ's sake, people, type out your ******** words. It's not hard. Hell, that's why you took/are taking an English class. Hey, maybe it'll help with your less than decent grade in it, too. That is also why you have a full keyboard. Leave your text talk to your CELLULAR DEVICE. [Yet even there I don't text talk. Don't text talk to me on there, either.]

Speaking of writing, I love to write. I am quite passionate with it. I also absolutely love to roleplay - you guessed it, with literate partners. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, don't hesitate to PM me. :] I'm very flexible regarding ideas, original and anime/game/book/etc. based. I play both genders. I double. I like original characters and I have a multitude of them.

Currently I'm looking for someone who will play Sesshomaru from InuYasha. Indulge me? [As of the eleventh of December]

Hm, anime. I ******** love anime. You should see my FullMetal Alchemist room. I love Ro-, ahem, I love it. Thinking back into ancient history, I remember InuYasha was the anime that began my entire love for it. It followed with Yu Yu Hakusho, and eventually I came to love most of what I came across. To this day my favorites remain the last three mentioned, along with Kuroshitsuji [Black Butler], Hellsing, Sailor Moon, Orphen, Chrono Crusade, and...a lot more. xD Can't forget about the whole manga deal, can we? I love manga just as much. My dire favorite is called Cross. Just Cross. Nothing else. It's called Cross. [If you're someone who knows what I'm talking about...and you like it...then HOLY JEEBUS CRISP I LOVE YOU.]

Fun Facts:

I'm Italian. Yes, I walk the walk and talk the talk. Literally.

I love to cook and especially bake.

I sing.

I draw, too.

I love comedians. Gabriel Iglesias, George Carlin, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, and Dane Cook remain to be my utter favorites.

I love big dogs. As in, BIG DOGS. I despise little dogs. Like ********.

I have a high tendency to put my motherly abilities to use on people. You might be a victim of this. xD Sorry. Can't help it. I've lived with babies all my life and taken care of them all my life. I love children.

I like MSN. I have LiveMessenger.

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Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Itai Yukeida Mustang

Just my journal, read it if your'e so nosy.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Dj Beest

Report | 05/04/2010 5:47 pm

Dj Beest

Hey! i was already your friend! xD

Report | 04/03/2010 5:50 pm


Hey! Happy Birthday!

Report | 02/20/2010 11:12 am


Lol hey, how's life?
Exquisite Vintage

Report | 12/20/2009 12:17 pm

Exquisite Vintage

woman !!
get online !!!
Pink Genocide

Report | 12/19/2009 2:29 pm

Pink Genocide

I NEED TO HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS. I'm going insane. Dx Either that, or I need to do some hardcore RPing. Like NOW.
Pink Genocide

Report | 12/19/2009 2:22 pm

Pink Genocide

xD Speaking of FML, I have to bounce back to that website and see if there's anything new.
Pink Genocide

Report | 12/19/2009 2:12 pm

Pink Genocide

Uwah~! I thought you had died or something. .-.
Pink Genocide

Report | 12/19/2009 2:05 pm

Pink Genocide

By the way, you said you was gonna give me a reply last niiiiight. D': And this morning I was all "Eh?! Pero... porque Rosalita?!??!" D'x
Pink Genocide

Report | 12/19/2009 2:00 pm

Pink Genocide

Yeesh. That sucks. Dx
Pink Genocide

Report | 12/19/2009 1:43 pm

Pink Genocide

I'm so bored. >_> This is a sucky first day of vacation.


There's such a sad love deep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel - open and closed within your eyes.....

Itan is a literate roleplayer and is always seeking roleplays.

PM her. <3