
Hi!..=) I realli feel like experssin myself at the mOment so here I am..

The name's Czarina Marie...

abOut mee:
-the username is 'i-wAnt-cAndee69' coz i realli love candy and think dat da numba 69 is realli funni hehe..
-the theme's blue coz i jus think blue rox..even tho my fave cOlours are like pink, yellow and black..but frOm now on, blue's gunna b in that shOrt list of faves wink
-the outfit's one piece coz i jus find it reali cUte!! >.<

whAt i wAnna express abOut:
-hypOcrites shOuld get a life and quit pretendin tO b sOmeone they're not and will never ever be..
-leavin' ur lOved ones behind in place so far away is painful..i shOuld kno, i'm experiencing it..
-i like listenin to sOngs wit words i can relate to..even tho i knO dat sOoner or later i'll end up teary eyed..
-a wOrld withOut music is like...i can't even explain..

QuestiOns dat i'm forever waitin to b answered:
-hOw will u ever find out if it realli is love or infatuation?
-can a bOnd as strOng as such b brOken as life gOes on?
-is it realli pOssible to seriOusly fall in love in an age as young as mine?
-y am i so emOtional at times? is sOmething wrOng wit me?
-y am i so afraid dat i'll lose them once they change?
-y does it hurt so much to know dat he could stop lovin me jus like dat?
-can time make it easier to let go and move on?
-actiOns speak lOuder than wOrds??

mOre abOut me..whAt i dO in mY spAre timE:
-sing & dAnce
-make myseLf cry (weird, but true)..i get real gOod at times =D
-stare at mySelf in the mirrOr (talk abOut vain..but hey dats me!!..so deAl wid it)..
-think..like dEep thinking..
-listEn to great mUsic... biggrin