Iason Aeowyn

Iason Aeowyn's avatar

Last Login: 04/04/2012 9:05 am

Registered: 03/05/2004

Gender: Male

Location: England


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My Blurb

Well, how do I go about this? I suppose it's like a classified ad in the personals?

Anyway, hello. My name is Iason Aeowyn. So many people pronounce my name in different ways that I actually respond to most versions, but to make it easy, just go with Ia - "aya." ;3 I'm 20-some, a Pisces, and really very friendly. D: I came to England from Sweden with my family after undergoing some hard times. At first, I lived with my mum, my control freak of an older brother, Ikaya, and my nit of a cousin, Ionas.

..Well, okay. My brother and cousin aren't that bad. I love them, but I just wish they were nicer and happier. gonk Now, I've moved out and am living with my significant other.

So, uh.. personal stats.

Right. I know I'm Swedish, but contrary to the stereotype, I'm only 5'8". People often mistake me for a high school kid. gonk I guess it's because I act a lot like a kid--Oh, another thing I get a lot is that I act like a girl. O.o Some might call me a metrosexual, but.. I don't know. I'm me, and whether people feel most comfortable calling me a kid, a girl, a metrosexual, or a f**, it's all the same to me. And FYI, I'm pan. D<

I try to stay on the positive side of things, and I like being nice to people. I hate conflicts, so I'm a pacifist. I guess it's because of this that I get called a girl. I don't see why being nice and not liking conflicts - or being girly, for that matter - is considered "bad." ._. Oh, and I took an interesting personality test! It's called the Color Test, although I don't know how accurate it is. .-.

So, my turn-ons: sweets, cute things, children, seafood, the sea, music, sex, clothes and fashion, social events, people, charities, car racing, alcohol, plushies, kitties, designer label clothes, flirting, gifts, games, being praised!, clubbing, being spoiled, nonsensical random paraphernalia, warm fuzzy feelings, gifts, flowers and nature, snuggling, singing, dancing like a retard, Nutella

Turn-offs: mean people, g.. gu.. boomsticks, violence, wars, being belittled or criticised. celery gonk

And my hobbies include: archery, swimming, water polo, fashion, and being my best friend, Damon's, keyboardist/back-up vocals in his band, The Fizzy Retards. :3 singing/piano.

My philosophy in life is to live it to have fun. You only get one life, so it'd be a shame to waste it. D< Do the things you love, and love others. I'm a romantic, and therefore cheesy, I know. But I believe that every living person out there is on a quest for something that involves another person. Whether it's for love, friendship, atonement, revenge, repayment, forgiveness, family, or ambition, no person is ever an island, isolated from others. This is part of why I hate violence and why I like to be generous with myself. As I have only one life, so does everyone else, and everyone deserves a way to smile. heart If things were perfect in my world, it would be like my NationState's motto: "Free life, love, and happiness!" D<

I'm a dork. I know. :B I love life, and I love other people. Especially sexy ones. mad And [cheese alert]I'm hoping.. hoping to find my soulmate someday, if not THE one. I mean.. a soulmate would go beyond THE one, no?[/cheese alert] It could just be one of those stars two steps beyond my reach, but I can always hope.

Oh, did I mention I love music? Of all sorts! American, European, Asian.. It's amazing how people communicate with music. I even have a theme song! Ionas assigned it to me 'cause I play it so much on the iPod. .-.; Romeo Atervander Ensam by Kent. It's a Swedish song, and I don't think Gaia supports Swedish characters, so this will have to do. gonk

I love that song. And I love the people who are taking the time to read my crappy profile~ xd As I like to say, I'm a happy-bug~ whee heart

lol I have a lot of gonks. XD;

Iason heart

Eurydice Music Video

About the video

The story of Orpheus and Eurydice has always been one of my favourites, and I absolutely adore this song, so I will pimp it out as much as I can. Note that this video isn't exactly accurate to the myth, and it is abstract and artsy, so.. yeah. Still, it's a lovely video.

Another favourite story of mine is The Little Mermaid - where she turns to foam at the end, not the Disney version.


View All Comments

Lucius Cross Report | 08/18/2010 5:25 pm
Lucius Cross
Damn straight I'm not. Don't listen to Arthur.
Arthur Mayers Report | 08/18/2010 3:09 pm
Arthur Mayers
I think Lu wants to be closer to people than you realise. wink But I can understand why you would feel that way.
Lucius Cross Report | 08/18/2010 3:03 pm
Lucius Cross
Oh, you're actually active on here, Ia? Cool.

I haven't played that with him yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time until he forces me to.

Don't flatter yourself. I don't force you to do anything related to gaming. You suck, anyway, and would just slow me down.
Micah Baikov Report | 08/18/2010 3:01 pm
Micah Baikov
Pssh! Never mind then. I take it back. Your avi sucks razz heart

But I love you!
Arthur Mayers Report | 08/18/2010 2:59 pm
Arthur Mayers
Really? I always thought you two were pretty good friends. But I was wrong, I guess. razz

And Micah's on here too? Honestly, I don't pay attention enough to notice these things, hehe.

I haven't played that with him yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time until he forces me to.
Arthur Mayers Report | 08/18/2010 2:50 pm
Arthur Mayers
Haha, well, he seems to really enjoy it. smile And I'm okay. It's good to hear from you again, Ia.

I have to say I was a bit worried when Lucius told me he hadn't heard from you.
Arthur Mayers Report | 08/18/2010 2:35 pm
Arthur Mayers
Ia! It's been a long time since I've heard from you. smile How are you? Is everything okay?

And yes, Lu made me. And then pestered me until I changed the uh....avatar's clothing. rolleyes
Iason Aeowyn Report | 08/18/2010 2:29 pm
Iason Aeowyn
Haha, sorry. The thinger said I need to write that on a profile, so I wrote it on yours.
Micah Baikov Report | 08/18/2010 2:29 pm
Micah Baikov
Why thank you, Ia! biggrin Yours is cool toooooo. heart
Micah Baikov Report | 08/18/2010 12:36 pm
Micah Baikov
heart 4laugh heart heart heart

