iCanderous Ordo

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"I think I need something more than killing and fighting in my life. I need a purpose or something like that."
―Canderous Ordo[src]

Canderous Ordo, later known as Mandalore the Preserver (Te Taylir Mand'alor in Mando'a), was a Mandalorian of Clan Ordo who fought in the Mandalorian Wars from 3,976 BBY to 3,960 BBY. While serving with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders he participated in several battles, earning significant glory and prestige with his bold tactics and leadership. Despite their many successes, the Mandalorians were decisively defeated by Republic forces under the command of the Jedi Knight Revan, and Ordo was among the survivors who were forced to give up their weapons in unconditional surrender. The Mandalorians scattered across the galaxy and Ordo began working as a mercenary, eventually settling on the planet Taris. Under the employ of local crime lord Davik Kang, Ordo encountered his former enemy, Revan, although neither recognized the other. Revan had declared himself a Sith Lord and attacked the Republic following his victory against the Mandalorians, but was eventually betrayed by his apprentice and had his mind reprogrammed by the Jedi Council.

Having grown bored of his life as an enforcer and eager to seek new challenges, Ordo decided to join the former Jedi and left Taris, traveling with Revan and his companions to Dantooine for a meeting with the Jedi Council. Revan was given the task of finding the location of the Star Forge, an ancient superweapon being used by Malak's forces, and Ordo accompanied Revan on his mission, confident that he would find new challenges along the way. Contributing his experience as a warrior and commander, Ordo helped Revan throughout his journey, content with having found a task worthy of his efforts. When Revan finally regained his memories and revealed his true identity, Ordo remained loyal and declared that he was proud to serve alongside such a formidable warrior. When Darth Malak was defeated and the Star Forge destroyed, Revan and his companions, including Ordo, were honored by the Republic for their role in the conflict.

After the conflict, Ordo reclaimed the mask of Mandalore with Revan's help and became the first leader of the Mandalorians since their defeat in the war. Revan soon regained memories of a threat in the Unknown Regions and left known space, instructing Ordo to restore the strength of the Mandalorians in preparation for his return. Ordo then began the arduous task of reuniting the scattered clans and rebuilding their military power. While reestablishing the Mandalorians, Ordo encountered another former opponent from the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Exile. After learning that the Exile was being hunted by the Sith Triumvirate, Ordo decided to aid her in gathering the Jedi Masters who had survived the First Jedi Purge in order to prevent the Sith from regaining their power. While traveling with the Exile, Ordo continued recruiting Mandalorian clans and was instrumental in helping the Exile defeat the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus. After the Exile eliminated the Sith, Ordo parted ways with her and awaited Revan's return from the Unknown Regions, keeping the Mandalorians ready for war.

Early life

"I was one of the best youth warriors in clan Ordo in my time."
―Canderous Ordo[src]

A young Canderous Ordo.

Canderous Ordo was born to the Clan Ordo on the Mandalorian planet Ordo, and grew up during an age of significant breakthroughs in Mandalorian technology, when the Basilisk war droids were being perfected.[4] Ordo In those days, young warriors would prove themselves in real combat with unknown opponents on a number of worlds. Ordo underwent his verd'goten, the warriors' initiation, and received the privilege of piloting his own Basilisk.[1] Ordo recalled almost every battle he had participated in, including his first, an 80 kilometer plunge through the atmosphere of an opposing planet on the back of a Basilisk war droid, dodging self-guided projectile and beam weapons, with barely any armor protecting him. During that battle, he gained considerable honor for his achievements, and became part of the most promising young warriors of his clan.[1]

Following the defeat of the Mandalorian Crusaders in 3,996 BBY, he was recruited by Mandalore the Ultimate into the Neo-Crusaders to serve as a battle tactician rather than a foot soldier.[5] Before the Mandalorian Wars started, Ordo witnessed what may have been an unknown species scouting the galaxy. His party was traversing the asteroid belts of the Crispin system, in order to hunt the pirates and smugglers that used the frozen methane gas shells of the main belt for cover. Ordo targeted a small asteroid with a thermal generator, causing the outer layer of frozen gas to explode and destroy the hidden ships, but then the asteroid started rotating and spraying thermal projectiles that easily melted through Mandalorian armor, then mysteriously fled before the Mandalorians could counter-attack. They tracked the vessel rimward through hyperspace only to abandon their search when the ship went beyond the borders of the galaxy.[1]
[edit] Mandalorian Wars

"You had us outnumbered five to one. You had more ships, more troops, more supplies and the Jedi on your side. And we still made the Republic tremble before we fell!"
―Ordo to Carth Onasi[src]

A Mandalorian and Basilisk War Droid.
By the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Ordo had attained the rank of commander and helped lead the Mandalorian's aggressive assault. For thirteen years, before they would invade the Republic in 3,963 BBY, the Mandalorians stockpiled resources from the worlds they conquered just outside Republic jurisdiction. Ordo participated in countless battles, one of the most notable being the First Battle of Althir, in which he defeated an Althiri fleet ten times the size of his own and earned the command of an entire part of his clan.[1] During the battle against the Althiri, Ordo's initial plan was to make a feint at flanks of the Althiri fleet in order to draw them out and weaken their formation. Ordo planned to have the bulk of his forces to attack from the rear and defeat them. However, when the Althiri let their fleet split in two, leaving their center exposed, Ordo took advantage of the situation, breaking formation and eliminating the enemy commander, putting a quick end to the battle and avoiding further losses. However, in abandoning his position, Ordo left part his own forces vulnerable and they suffered great losses. The sole survivor of that stand, another Mandalorian named Jagi, believed Ordo to be a glory hunter, and was determined to have his revenge.[1]

During the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorian forces were widely feared and hated for their indiscriminate and brutal tactics, which in many cases resulted in the complete destruction of some worlds. Though Ordo did not enjoy wiping out worlds for its own sake, it was his belief that the tactics the Republic used when the Mandalorians finally did enter their territory, like setting their bases inside major cities, left Mandalore little choice but to raze whole worlds such as Serroco in provocation.[1] Ordo expressed his disappointment with the weakness of the Republic forces and viewed their tactics as cowardly. Even with the Republic finally taking action, the brutal efficiency of the Mandalorian advance overwhelmed Republic defenders and they continued cutting a swath into Republic territories.[1]

With the Republic on the brink of defeat, a Jedi Knight named Revan and his followers disobeyed the Jedi Council's orders for neutrality and took command of the Republic war effort. In Revan, Ordo finally found the worthy opponent and challenge he was seeking. Ordo was greatly impressed by Revan's tactics, many of which were similar to those of the Mandalorians in their efficiency. With Revan's leadership, the war soon began to shift in favor of the Republic. Revan's ferocity, tenacity, and subtlety earned him a great deal of respect from Ordo. Despite the continual losses the Mandalorians faced against Revan's forces, Ordo was pleased with having found a conflict worthy of his skills, even as the Mandalorians were pushed to the edge of defeat.[1]

In the close of the conflict, Ordo was among the two fleets that filled the space around Malachor V, where the Mandalorians had committed all of their forces in a last attempt at defeating the Republic. Ordo and the rest of the Mandalorians were unaware that Revan had intentionally lured them to Malachor V as part of a trap. With the fleets engaged, the Jedi Exile, the General in command the Republic fleet, activated the mass shadow generator, a superweapon which destroyed a large portion of both fleets and devastated the surface of the planet.[3] Ordo was among those outside the scope of the superweapon who were able to escape the mass shadows and survive the battle. In 3,960 BBY the Mandalorians surrendered unconditionally, with Mandalore having been personally defeated by Revan while the others were stripped of their weapons and armor, and sent into exile on the Outer Rim. With nothing to call his own but the honor of having fought in the war, Ordo became a mercenary and wandered the galaxy looking for further challenges. He eventually ended up on Taris, enforcing for local Exchange boss Davik Kang, but soon found his new job ill-suited him, offering no challenges worthy of his skill.[1]
[edit] Jedi Civil War
Ordo in the Lower City of Taris.

"I'm someone you don't want to get on the bad side of."
―Ordo to Revan at their initial meeting in the Taris Lower City[src]

After the end of the Mandalorian Wars, as Revan took up the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith and started his own crusade against the Republic, Ordo became the most famous Mandalorian mercenary in the Taris Sector. By the time of the close of the Jedi Civil War, he had been fighting across the Galaxy for forty standard years. Ordo had become increasingly dissatisfied with his life as Kang's enforcer, a career which he viewed as monotonous and without honor. Acting as little more than hired muscle, Ordo typically carried out simple tasks requiring little of his talent, such as threatening uncooperative clients who owed Kang money or salvaging useful equipment from Taris' Undercity. Unhappy with the mundane nature of his current life, Ordo longed to find new challenges and opportunities which would allow him to use his skills.[1]

By this point, the Jedi Civil War was in full swing with Revan's Sith Empire achieving countless victories against an already battered Republic. Revan himself had since been betrayed by his former apprentice Malak and captured by the Jedi, who re-wrote his memory and had him serve the Republic. The war had even spread as far as Taris, and the Republic warship Endar Spire was destroyed by Malak's forces over Taris. Unknown to Ordo was the fact that the amnesiac Revan had been on-board the Spire and was one of the few survivors along with Carth Onasi, a Republic soldier who had served in the Mandalorian Wars. Ordo actually encountered Revan while carrying out a job for Kang in the Lower City, although he did not recognize his former opponent. Ordo was soon sent on a salvage mission by Kang into the Undercity, where most of the escape pods had landed. Ordo was reluctant to lead Kang's inexperienced men into the Undercity, and was frustrated upon finding the pods had already been stripped of anything valuable by local gangs. While continuing the search, his group was ambushed by rakghouls, deformed mutants native to the Undercity. While fighting off the rakghouls, Ordo encountered Revan once again, who was also attempting to reach the escape pods in search of Bastila Shan, the Jedi in command of the Endar Spire. With Revan's aid, Ordo's group successfully fought off the rakghouls, although Kang's men sustained significant casualties. Ordo informed Revan of his findings at the pods before leaving and advising Revan to do the same.[1]

After the botched salvage mission, Ordo decided he was done working for Kang and began preparations to leave the planet by stealing Kang's personal starship, the Ebon Hawk. He soon found leaving Taris would be more difficult than he originally thought, as Malak was blockading the planet while he conducted his own search for Republic survivors. The only way to pass the blockade was with the correct launch codes, which could only be obtained from the local Sith garrison. Ordo purchased a droid capable of bypassing the garrison's security but knew he was too well-known to personally storm the base. He soon found his solution when he heard that Revan had successfully rescued Shan from captivity, wiping out the Black Vulkars gang in the process. Impressed by his recklessness and skill in battle, Ordo chose Revan for his plan to bypass the blockade and escape Taris. Ordo met with Revan and Shan and offered a deal; he asked that Revan retrieve the launch codes and in exchange, he would get them into Kang's compound in order to steal the Hawk. Despite some reservations on Shan's part, Revan agreed, and Ordo gave him instructions to obtain T3-M4, who could get them past base security.[1]

[edit] Working with Revan

"Whatever you are fighting, it will be worthy of my skill."
―Ordo to Revan[src]

Ordo and Jagi shortly after the latter committed suicide.

Ordo then waited for Revan to obtain the launch codes, and soon heard about his attack on the Sith garrison. Revan and Bastila soon returned with the codes and Ordo took them to meet Kang. Ordo vouched for Revan, stating that he was a potential employee for Kang's operations, giving the group free reign in the Exchange base. Ordo led the group to Kang's personal hangar just as an impatient Darth Malak ordered Taris bombarded. Unfortunately Kang and another one of his enforcers were also hoping to make their escape, and Revan and Ordo were forced to deal with them first. With Kang killed, Nord attempted to set off a thermal detonator, but was crushed by debris as the bombardment continued. Ordo narrowly escaped with the rest of Revan's companions as the city was leveled around them. Having seen more combat and excitement than he had in years, Ordo decided to continue traveling with Revan and contribute his experience to the group. Ordo accompanied Revan to meet with the Jedi Council on Dantooine, where Revan was given the mission of finding the Star Forge, a superweapon being used by Darth Malak against the Republic. During the journey Ordo aided Revan with his tactical insight and experience in combat, although he often disapproved of Revan's more compassionate actions.[1]

While searching for the Star Forge, Ordo often regaled Revan with tales of his past battles, and would later explain that he hoped to continue finding battles worthy of his skill while traveling with Revan, something he could not do under Kang or any other employer. Ordo also expressed his opinion of the Republic's weakness and believed that the galaxy would have been in much better hands under Mandalorian rule. Eventually Ordo was inadvertently reunited with his former comrade Jagi, now a Hutt employed mercenary. Still bearing a grudge against Ordo for what he saw as abandoning his men during the Battle of Althir, he challenged Ordo to a duel in the Dune Sea of Tatooine to answer for his choices. Ordo would not stand the insult and was determined to kill him so that his honor would remain unblemished. Revan insisted on accompanying Ordo to the duel site, and managed to convince Jagi that Ordo had saved many more lives with his choice despite the death of Jagi's unit. Shamed by his actions and having lost his purpose in life, Jagi committed suicide, greatly shocking and traumatizing the normally stoic Ordo. Despite this, Revan's actions had earned Ordo's loyalty, and Ordo expressed his gratitude for Revan's help.[1]

At one point during their travels, the Ebon Hawk was ambushed by Admiral Saul Karath and taken aboard Interdictor ship Leviathan. Revan was detained with Onasi and Shan apart from the rest of the crew, but arranged for one of the others to stage their rescue. After being set free and releasing the crew from their cells, Revan, Onasi and Shan went to the bridge to deal with Admiral Karath and the tractor beam while the others followed Ordo to secure the Ebon Hawk. Fighting his way to the docking bays, Ordo's leadership got the rest of the crew to the ship with no casualties, and they escaped as soon as Revan returned.[1]

After escaping the Leviathan's weapons range, Revan explained to the crew that he had encountered Darth Malak when heading back to meet with the crew, and Shan had been captured while giving Revan and Onasi to escape. Revan then confessed that Malak had informed him of his true identity as a former Jedi Knight and Sith Lord. Ordo was pleasantly surprised, and his loyalty remained unchanged due to his high level of respect for Revan's prowess in the Mandalorian Wars. Proud to serve with such a powerful warrior, Ordo expressed his willingness to follow Revan anywhere he commanded. Ordo continued traveling with Revan, their search soon leading to the planet of Lehon in the Unknown Regions, where the Star Forge was located. Revan and his team boarded the Star Forge as the Republic Fleet launched an assault. Fighting his way through heavy Sith resistance, Revan succeeded in rescuing Shan and slaying Malak in single combat. With Malak's defeat and the triumph of the Republic, Ordo was awarded the Cross of Glory along with Revan and his companions for his part in the defeat of the Sith.[1]
[edit] Mandalore the Preserver

"I brought them here, gave them a purpose. The galaxy will be ours again, I promise you. That is the future."
―Mandalore to Kreia on the future of the Mandalorians.[src]

In the peace after Malak's defeat, more of Revan's lost memories began to resurface, and he began to remember a threat he had encountered in the Unknown Regions. Realizing that the galaxy in its current state stood no chance at repelling an invasion, Revan began preparations to strengthen the Republic before leaving to confront the threat himself. Ordo was instructed to gather the scattered Mandalorian clans and restore the strength of the Mandalorians in order to support the Republic. While Ordo did not think the clans as they were could return any time soon, Revan gave him Mandalore's Mask to help convince the broken clans of the legitimacy of Ordo's authority. In addition, Revan told Ordo the truth about Mandalore the Ultimate and their Sith allies, and of how his people had been tricked and that all along the Sith had been behind the Mandalorian Wars.[3]

As Ordo journeyed to reunite the Mandalorian clans, he met an ailing Taung who declared himself to be the true Mandalore, and claimed that the man known as "Mandalore the Ultimate" was a pretender to the Mandalore title. Before dying, this nameless Mandalorian consigned his armor and clan to Ordo, asking him to preserve their traditions. Ordo took the armor for himself, and incorporated the mask given to him by Revan. Taking the title of Mandalore the Preserver, Ordo returned to the Mandalorian outpost of Dxun, one of the four moons of Onderon.[6]

Only a select few knew the identity of the new Mandalore, as he never took off his armor and helmet in the presence of others, not even while sleeping, according to rumors. While it was tradition that the leader of the Mandalorians kept his helmet on, Ordo probably had more reasons to do so, such as keeping his ties with Revan secret, a relationship that few Mandalorians would have approved. Making Dxun his base of operations, the new Mandalore continued the arduous task of restoring the clans to prominence. He found his recruits in all walks of life, serving as mechanics, scouts and mercenaries for clients across the galaxy. Inspired by Ordo's vision of the return of Mandalorian influence, countless clans banded together and joined him on Dxun.[3]

Approximately five years after Revan gave Ordo the task of reuniting the Mandalorians, Ordo encountered another figure from his past in the Mandalorian Wars. The Jedi Exile was one of the many Jedi who joined Revan against the wishes of the Council and led the Republic Fleet during the final battle at Malachor V. In the years since Revan's departure, the Republic had continued to weaken in the aftermath fighting costly wars against the Mandalorians and the Sith. The Sith, led by a new trio of Sith Lords took the opportunity to quietly regain their power, eventually culminating in a devastating strike which eliminated most of the Jedi remaining in the galaxy. The Jedi Exile was one of the few survivors and was in the process of tracking down the Jedi Masters who had gone into hiding since the purge.

Her search for Jedi Master Kavar led to Onderon, and an attack by forces loyal to Onderonian general Vaklu forced her to land on Dxun. The sensors of the Mandalorian camp picked up the Exile's arrival, and Ordo was curious as to why she was in possession of the Ebon Hawk, a vessel that had last been seen with Revan. Determined to find some answers, Ordo had Mandalorian sentries meet the Exile outside the camp and lead her to him. Ordo immediately recognized the Exile and decided to observe her in order to learn her intentions. When the Exile requested transport to Onderon, Ordo agreed to take her the on the next supply run under the condition she proved she was not going to be a liability. By accomplishing various tasks for the Mandalorians in camp the Exile gained quite a reputation among his warriors, and Ordo decided she had proved her worth.[3]
[edit] Travels with the Jedi Exile

"I am Mandalore, leader of the Mandalorians. I will help you fight your battles and plan your strategy. But I will not be your errand boy. Find some other lackey to do your bidding."
―Mandalore to the Jedi Exile[src]

Canderous leading the Mandalorian attack on the Ravager

Ordo held up his end of the bargain and began preparing his shuttle for travel to Onderon. During his preparations, Ordo was confronted by one of the Exile's companions, the mysterious Kreia. She revealed that she had also been Revan's teacher long before and now asked for his loyalty to the Exile. Ordo was initially angered by Kreia's lack of respect toward his people, but she also expressed her esteem for the loyalty he had shown to Revan and promised to answer why her old apprentice did not take Ordo with him when he left for the Unknown Regions, as long as he kept the Exile safe. Ordo was perplexed that the old woman knew about him and Revan, and resolved to keep a close eye on her in the future.[3]

Unexpectedly, Sith Assassins assaulted the Mandalorian camp during before they could launch, having tracked the Exile to Dxun. With the aid of the Exile and her companions, Ordo repulsed the initial intrusion before accelerating the shuttle launch and leaving the remaining Sith for his Mandalorian forces to deal with. After arriving in the city of Iziz, he directed the Exile to an acquaintance of his, doctor Dhagon Ghent who he thought was in contact with Kavar. Though Ghent was being held by local authorities as a suspect for the murder of Captain Sullio, an officer of the Onderon military, they were able to prove his innocence. In gratitude, Ghent arranged for a message to be smuggled to the Iziz Royal Palace, where Kavar was hiding under the protection of Queen Talia. Ordo was delighted to meet the Jedi Guardian who the Mandalorians believed would have led the Republic forces in the Mandalorian Wars, but General Vaklu's forces interrupted their meeting, forcing the Ordo and the Exile to return to Dxun. Before departing, Kavar promised to contact the Exile again. Upon their return to Dxun, Ordo then decided to join the Exile against the Sith in order to prevent their influence from spreading, as well as to search for more Mandalorian clans.[3]

Traveling with the Exile, Ordo met other Mandalorian clans on Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa both of which joined his forces on Dxun. Not all the Mandalorians immediately submitted to Ordo's authority, and Esok, the leader of a group of Mandalorian mercenaries stationed on Dantooine was killed in an attempt to usurp the title of Mandalore. Eventually, Kavar sent the Exile another message, requesting the Exile's aid against General Vaklu, who had since launched a military coup to seize power from Queen Talia. While Ordo respected Vaklu's ambition, he agreed to support Queen Talia once he learned that Vaklu's forces were receiving aid from the Sith. Returning to Dxun once again, Ordo was informed that the Mandalorian camp's sensors had picked up a large amount of Sith activity on a different part of Dxun. The Exile split his group, with some of his companions leading Mandalorian forces to destroy the Sith presence on Dxun while the Exile returned to Onderon to help Kavar and Talia.[3]

The group and Mandalorian forces on Dxun found that the Sith were massing around the ancient Tomb of Freedon Nadd of a Sith Lord, and using the area's dark side energies to bolster their power. The Mandalorians and the Exile's companions were successful in defeating the Sith forces in the tomb, defeating many high ranking Sith in the process. Meanwhile, the Exile made use of a Basilisk War Droid provided by Ordo to travel back to Onderon. The Basilisk's presence had a significant effect on the morale of Vaklu's troops and helped the Exile in her effort to break through the siege of the Royal Palace. With Kavar's help, the Exile was ultimately successful in defeating Vaklu and rescuing Talia.[3]

Later on, Ordo distinguished himself in the Battle of Telos IV, leading his forces alongside Carth Onasi, now an Admiral of the Republic Navy, in engaging the Sith fleet led by Sith Lord Darth Nihilus. He boarded Nihilus' flagship, the Ravager, with his troops and met the Sith Lord in battle together with the Exile and Visas Marr. With their coordinated effort, the Sith Lord was slain, depriving the remaining Sith forces of leadership. Ordo also arranged for several proton bombs to be set on the ship, which obliterated the Ravager, enabling Onasi's forces to mop up the surviving ship vessels. After Nihilus' defeat, Ordo's suspicions towards Kreia were proven to be validated as she revealed her true identity as Sith Lord Darth Traya. Ordo joined the Exile in pursuing her to Malachor V, although he was reluctant to return to the site of the Mandalorian's greatest defeat. The Exile was successful in defeating Darth Traya and Ordo parted ways with her soon after, and continued his task of restoring Mandalorian power.[3]
[edit] Legacy
ARC captain Ordo, clone Null-11.

"Many battles does that one have left in him.—as Revan intended. A general needs an army, as he needs those he trusts. And Canderous is a loyal beast, no matter how much he is broken upon Revan's will."
―Darth Traya — (audio)Listen (file info)[src]

Little information has been discovered as to Ordo's fate after his journey with the Exile. According to predictions made by Kreia, Ordo's future would be one still full of battle. As a result of these battles and Revan's order to reunite the Mandalorians, Ordo and the Mandalorians would be remembered for thousands of years to come. Ordo's success in reuniting the scattered clans was instrumental in bringing the Mandalorians back to prominence after their defeat in the Mandalorian Wars, and without his efforts there would have been no reason for Jango Fett, and later Boba Fett, to don the Mandalorian armor.[3]

Approximately 300 years after Ordo traveled with Revan and the Exile, the Mandalorians became divided over which faction to support in the Great Galactic War. While most Mandalorians followed an Imperial puppet Mandalore and supported the Sith Empire, a faction of Mandalorians led by Jicoln Cadera stayed true to Ordo's legacy and believed the Mandalorians should support the Republic. Caldera and his faction were eventually destroyed by Mandalore the Vindicated.[7]

Millennia later, the Bloodletter may have owned a pair of blasters that had once belonged to Ordo. Clone trooper Null-11, an Advanced Recon Commando in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, was named "Ordo" by Kal Skirata in honor of the legendary Mandalorian warrior. Around the time of the rise of the Galactic Empire, MandalMotors ground military branch created a heavy assault vehicle comparable to an AT-AT, dedicating it the Canderous-class Assault Tank. It is unknown what became of the Mandalore mask, as it is not worn by any future Mandalores.[8][9]

edit Personality and traits
Canderous Ordo.

"I've killed many people. I can't say I'm proud of it, but I have. Criminals, competitors, businessmen, police…women, children…"
―Canderous Ordo[src]

A paragon of the ideals the Mandalorians sought to uphold, Canderous lived for battle. He was born and bred in a culture where pity and mercy are but a weakness to be exploited, where those who hesitate are weak, and the weak will die, unless someone strong protects them. Most civilizations would look at this sort of society as spiteful and bloodthirsty, but as he would explain to Revan, Canderous thought such conclusions were made out of fear and ignorance. What he really thirsted for was honor, which could only be achieved with challenge, through conflict with a worthy foe. Canderous was always impressed by a show of force, and was an advocate of fighting before diplomacy. He respected Revan for his attack on the Mandalorian fleet, and felt no regret or anger about being bested by a clearly superior foe. His driving personality traits were best described as ambition, discipline, aggression, and loyalty.[1]

He tended to speak in a gruff, serious manner, often relating old war stories. Whenever he encountered war veterans, he would usually ask them about the battles they fought in or what their opinion was of the Mandalorians. He often displayed disappointment when he found that many on the Republic's side did not share his fondness of the past. Perhaps this was a contributing factor in Canderous becoming disillusioned after the defeat of the Mandalorians. He once expressed this feeling to Revan, explaining that he was no longer the Mandalorian he once was.[1]

It is also revealed that though Revan and Canderous are good friends, he considered Revan his "employer." If Revan refuses to listen to Jagi, he replies: "This does not concern you, Jedi. This is between me and Canderous," Canderous replies "This concerns my employer as well."[1]

Canderous idolized Revan and firmly believed that, had Revan been born a Mandalorian, then nothing in the Galaxy could have stopped the Mandalorians from reigning supreme. Near the end of the Jedi Civil War, Canderous would have the sole honor of finally meeting and to a certain extent, befriending his hero in person, yet he was unaware of this at first, since at the time, the Galaxy believed Revan to be dead, and also because of the fact that Revan himself did not know who he really was, due to amnesia and a programmed identity implanted into him by the Jedi Council.[1]

Although he only intended to ally himself with Revan as a means of escaping Taris, and despite the fact that he had become, as Bastila Shan said, "a broken down mercenary who was serving at Davik's heel," Canderous still held true to the ways of his people and chose to remain amongst the crew of the Ebon Hawk under the belief that their adventures would bring him much needed glory and honor to his heavily diminished pride.[1]

Even though he was quite the loner amongst Revan's companions, virtually all of whom shunned and disliked him, Canderous slowly came to respect the programmed persona of Revan. When it was discovered that the highly Force-sensitive Republic soldier turned Jedi Padawan was indeed Darth Revan himself, Canderous was, unlike the rest of his companions, overjoyed. Whereas he considered Revan's artificial persona as his employer, Canderous willingly pledged his loyalty and allegiance to the former Sith Lord, firmly believing that his service to Revan would bring him more battles and glory than he could ask for.[1]
edit Arsenal and abilities
Ordo wearing Cassus Fett's armor

"I've fought countless battles–ones most didn't walk away from. The wounds add up–and even the implants are all that keeps me going sometimes. I may have been stronger in my youth–and stupider–but now I've got to rely more on my armor, my weapons, and my cunning."
―Canderous to the Jedi Exile[src]

Canderous could resist Jedi mind tricks, as his experience on the field of battle allowed him to shrug off most mind-affecting effects; fire grenades, flamethrowers and fear-inspiring Force powers couldn't stop him.[1]

He possessed great physical and mental stamina combined with strategic and tactical skills, which he proved on the Leviathan when the Ebon Hawk was ambushed by Admiral Saul Karath. During the Jedi Civil War his cybernetic implants were limited, but allowed him to regenerate minor wounds. He proposed to exploit this resource of his when Revan had to choose someone to stage the prison break on the Leviathan.[1]

As of 3,951 BBY, however, his implants included selective ability boosters that Canderous could activate as needed, without fear of damage. His weapon of choice since the latter part of the Mandalorian Wars was a prototype heavy repeater that never saw general production,[1] however, when he became leader of the Mandalorians, he was known to wield a common repeating blaster rifle. Also, during that time, he donned Mandalorian battle armor which he kept in exceptional condition.[3]
edit Behind the scenes
Early concept art of Canderous.

Canderous Ordo is a playable character in the computer and video games Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, though he's credited as "Mandalore" in KOTOR II. He is voiced by John Cygan, and was created by David Falkner, Steve Gilmour, Casey Hudson, Drew Karpyshyn, James Ohlen, Preston Watamaniuk, and Derek Watts. Bioware had previously used the name "Canderous" for a minor NPC in their first ever RPG, Baldur's Gate.

Although his birth date is still a mystery due to the lack of canon sources on Mandalorian time measurement, Canderous was set to be[10] sixty-three Mandalorian years old as of 3,951 BBY. His name can be loosely translated in Mando'a to 'kando' meaning 'important, weighty' and 'ruus' or 'rock'—implying his significance as an foundation and anchor for events in the galaxy far, far away.

He also had a tattoo on his left shoulder. With a Force alignment score of 30, he was the only playable biological character to have a default dark side alignment. He, along with Hanharr is also the only biological party member in The Sith Lords that can't be trained in the ways of the Force.

Game files include a Mandalore model without the helmet that is never used throughout the actual game. However, in one particular cut element, the Exile can ask T3-M4 if he knew Mandalore, in which T3 and the Exile react as if T3 is showing a hologram, possibly of Revan and Mandalore without his helmet, but the droid actually displays nothing. Canderous' helmet as Mandalore is probably used to show how the armor of Mandalorians developed between the Tales of the Jedi style and the movies' style, it also bears some similarities to that of Cydon Prax, a Chistori warrior of the Rise of the Empire era.

In the non-canonical dark side path of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Canderous is the only non-droid party member who joins the reborn Darth Revan without question, save Bastila, who has already fallen to the dark side. Zaalbar may do so as well due to his life debt, only to turn on the player later on, and only if the player is persuasive enough to have him murder his best friend Mission Vao on Lehon.

In the Star Wars Miniatures game, the Mandalorian Commander figure resembles Canderous. In the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide RPG-supplement, Canderous' title as Mandalore is revealed as Mandalore the Preserver. Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption contains a reference to Canderous in the form of the Zann Consortium's Canderous-class assault tank.


View All Comments

iZam Wesell Report | 01/18/2011 4:30 am
iZam Wesell
How about the local cantina? I hear they're not too bad.. and, `sides, I bet I've been to far worse ones along my travels.
iZam Wesell Report | 01/13/2011 5:39 am
iZam Wesell
Hmm. Sounds fine to me, handsome.
iZam Wesell Report | 01/08/2011 6:07 pm
iZam Wesell
We do, don't we?
iZam Wesell Report | 01/03/2011 12:26 pm
iZam Wesell
"I usually move around a lot. I get more business that way."
iZam Wesell Report | 12/30/2010 10:05 am
iZam Wesell
Well, if it isn't one of my favorite Mandalorians.
iAtton Rand Report | 12/28/2010 9:00 am
iAtton Rand
"Yeah, well, maybe you should stop sneaking up on me like that." Atton replied with his commonly sarcastic tone.
Paxalien Report | 12/18/2010 8:18 pm
[Just thought to say you're my new Gaian Hero. Canderous is my favorite Old Republic character. Thankyou for bringing him to Gaia. smile ]
iCad Bane Report | 11/13/2010 1:33 pm
iCad Bane
You heard right.
Mandalorian Jango Fett Report | 10/23/2010 10:09 am
Mandalorian Jango Fett
Sure has. Let's keep it that way.
captain valkerie Report | 10/17/2010 12:49 pm
captain valkerie
10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich

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