Country: Finland

    Human name: Tino Vainamainen

    Age: 20

    Birthday: December 06

    Height: 170 cm (5' 7")

    Finland has short blond hair and violet eyes (originally colored blue in some early illustrations, and are brown in the anime). He's strong, but with a cute face. He is described as having a "moon face" that is "a bit plump" and round shoulders. He wears a light blue military uniform with a cross neck-charm on the jacket, and sometimes wears a white beret on his head. In a 2011 blog post, Himaruya described him as a "powerful person".

    He is the shortest out of the five Nordics and stands at 170 cm, but only when he's wearing a hat. There is approximately a 12cm height
    difference between him and Sweden. It is revealed that Sweden knows how to sew, and he managed to alter some of his own clothing so that Finland would have extra clothes, as their 12cm height difference was very noticeable.

    Finland also received clothing from the Italy brothers, in exchange for fish. However it was said they didn't always fit his frame.

    He is also often shown in the role of Santa Claus, due to the
    fact that Santa is claimed to live in Finnish Lapland.

    Finland is described as being simplistic, gentle, and honest, as
    well seeming rather adult-like. Estonia, a friend of his, described him as worrying a lot but with a strong core. He is calm but serious and
    hard-working. He is said to show "great physical strength" during
    fires and is abnormally strong against the cold.

    He's very talkative, especially around Sweden, thinking up jokes to
    lighten the atmosphere, however he is actually a quiet individual. He loves to think of interesting and unusual festivals that no other country could
    imagine, and actually likes the taste of salmiakki. He also happens to love saunas. Before gaining his independence, Finland used to be an underling.

    Out of the five Nordic nations, it is said that he suffered the
    most hardships in his life. He also sometimes feels a bit like an outsider with the rest of the Nordics due to having a Finno-Ugric language
    rather than a language derived from Old Norse.

    ( Info from Wiki. )