
My Name Alexandra but people call me Alex. Im 16 years old and im about 5'6.i'm just going to be myself, don't judge me for who i am.My Favourite colour is PURPLE. I love to hang out with my friends and i talk alot so dont get angry if i dont shut up.. I am a belieber, Justin Bieber is my Favourite singer ^_^., and i like READING BOOKS... and no im not a nerd, I like to go on rally and meet new friends and also
I LOVE HORROR MOVIES, here are some i've watched:
House of Wax
The Ring
S.A.W (All of them)
Scream (all of them)
One Missed Call
Paranormal Activity
A Nightmare On Elm Street
Road Train

How to Get Gold

Don't degrade yourself with begging. If you want expensive things, earn the gold yourself. There are many methods of obtaining gold such as selling art and buying gaia cash, but for us talent-less cheap gaians, earning it is the way to go. See below for links on how to play bootygrab, how to vend, and how to play Zomg.

Learn How to Play BootyGrab - Fish Mafia Guild
How to Play BootyGrab - Gaia Guides and Resources
Humphreys Aquarium Chatting

Dancing Dolphins Raining Gold
Atlantis Chum the Waters Fabulous Bootyful Booty
Pirates Bay Glow Thread Royal Tenrag BG

Sparkling Waters Guild Grab-A-Glow Guild
Young And Old United BootyGrab Guild Ninja Booty Guild

The Vending Extreme
Guide to Marketplace Trading
500g + 48 days = 1 Million Gold
A Guide to Hoarding
Teh Hoarding Guild Investing Elite Guild The Profiteers Guild

Guide to Village Greens Farming
Newbies Guide to Zomg
z!F Guide to Rings and Stats