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EYYY! This Be MIMI Hacking >o> Micky's Page kkk~ Micky Is Very Sweet, Nice ,Caring,Funny and respectful This Kidd o 3o Is SINGLE SO GIRLS I WANT YOU TO MEET HIM Cuz He Kicks a** Lol :3 Micky Is Cool To Hang And He'll always Be There For You When You need Him o'-'o Will Always there To Cheer You Up And Always There For You If You Need a Hug :3 This Boyy's Been Breathing Fo 13 years >o> And His Birthday November O:< You Better NO Forget To Give a gift or Say Happy Birthday Or It wont Do Any Good >:I.Micky Can Be Very Forgetful Lmfao But he has His moments You know.Micky LOVES skating Seriously. He Even Takes Pictures of Hijmself Skating o-o. Anyways Micky's Always so Neat in The Flesh top to bottom So Freshly Dressed o 3o WOOT!! O:< Micky Aint no Fake And If You Jock His Pictures I Will Haunt You >damn>. NOTE biggrin on't Jock Someone Else Pictures Go Get a Life Or something o-o" . I've Only Known Micky Fo 3 or 4 months And he One of My Mains Already And Thats Hard to Achieve >o>.I Swear I Gotta make This Long. Cuz This About Micky. But Seriously i dont know what to say. There is So much. o-o Lets Just Sing a Song.Nahh I sucks at Singing Anyways And Who would want to hear someone with a baby voice Singing x 3x.If you wanna Stalk Micky He Lives In Philadelphia That Fo Sho. What? oh. I dont know What Street o-o .You ask Him Yourself o-o.oh Uhm.God I swear i was Gonna Say Something -Forgotten- oh oh! Adrian Is One Of a Kind. You'll Never Find Any Guy Like Him.And Wish You Guys Have A Great day today And Every Other day c: Lol This is Long Enough to Make My Eyes Burn xD Im Getting Sleepy .Hold on I Don't need to Worry about Haters Right? Adrian Got No Haters(; Love Yah Micky♥Lol~ -hugs tight-
Mimi Rocks The Nikez! oh eh oh! Micky Rocks The Nikez! oh eh oh!
Now I Gara Gara Go! Im Gonna Gonna Go!Lalalalala~


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aha:] yoo niqquhs its ebony,
hackinn dis boyz paqe ,
well wat can i say bout him,
he is hellahh sweet, nicee , funny , nd all the above lol
if he ever needs meh he can holla at mee anytimee ,
soo im outtz, qet at meh -ebony

AMANDA'S HACK =3 User Image
Ahh. . .This young un. THE DUDE'S SINGLE LADAYY'SS, Hook him up ;DD This guys THE bomb! I ******** hate LOVE him! He's the best man! You'd be lucky to even know him. He gives horrible GREAT advice wink . He likes givin' free hugs aswell ;D When your down, he'll help you out! He's friggin' awesome ! Don't mess with the boy, or you outta mess with me! This boy's been here and there razz , Always hangin' out in rally. Say high to him my young ones ;DD This guys THE best person you'll ever know. o 3 o Should I continue? Yes. . .OKAY! ;D He's the flippin' greatest person you'd EVER know in your life! If you ain't his friend, trust me darlings, your missing out on ALOT! ;3 I honestly. . .am blank minded right now o3o But. . .Uhmm. . .erhmm. . .BARNEY! ;D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Erhmm. . .well. . .I uhh. . .BYE!!!! :3

~ Love yaa ;DD -Mandy Pant'sss :3
This is me xD
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Took me forever to get this trick!

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I was so happy when i got it!

Fakie Big spin!!
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What what?? lol


yo i like to kid around and joke alot

yo i like to kid around and joke alot