Officer Cybil Bennett

iCybil Bennett's avatar

Last Login: 12/20/2011 3:01 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Silent Hill.

Birthday: 09/28/1991

Occupation: Police officer.

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Brahms Police Files

Hello. I'm Cybil Bennett, a police officer from Brahms.
What's Brahms? It's a town neighboring Silent Hill.
The only reason I came here to Silent Hill was to investigate why we suddenly lost contact with our officers stationed here.
Of course, original reasons can leave way to others. But, let me back up.

I was driving down here on my motorcycle when I passed a large van. I didn't get a very good look at the driver, (my sunglasses and his tinted windows hindered my view) but I know that he had dark hair and a defined chin.

I was forced to abandon my motorcycle further down the road; I must've crashed into the side of the mountain or something, because the next thing I knew, I was walking into Silent Hill.

I met a man in a diner who called himself Harry Mason, and told me that he was looking for his daughter, a young girl named Cheryl.
He insisted upon looking for his daughter, so I gave him a Smith & Wesson Sigma pistol, and ordered him to be careful.

At the time, I didn't know exactly what I had gotten myself into, getting mixed up with this complete stranger...
Nevertheless, the two of us were thrown into a wild chain of events that brought us closer together than I had thought.

I saw Harry again in an antique shop and explained that we (the police) were looking into any drug deals in Silent Hill. Personally, I thought that was the reason the town was so screwed up, but Harry seemed to think otherwise. He started talking about darkness overtaking the town and stuff like that...I just wanted to end the conversation. I didn't believe that crap.

I was scouting around a boat when Harry showed up again, and began spouting the most random things, saying that something "otherworldly" was happening. Even though I saw what Silent Hill was capable of when the weather started to change, I was still hesitant to believe him. Finally, we split up to look for his daughter, and agreed that we would meet back at the boat. Harry decided to look in the lighthouse; I chose the amusement park.

I don't remember everything that happened next very clearly. I know I was walking around the park, trying to see through the omnipresent fog. There was a noise behind me, but I didn't have time to turn around before it slammed into my back. I let out an involuntary grunt before I blacked out.

The next thing I know, I'm lying on the ground in the park, bleeding from a massive wound in my upper back. Harry was kneeling next to me, shaking me by my shoulder. I had never before considered him to be "handsome" before that moment. Lying face-down and looking up at his face, which was lined with concern, I finally realized how much he meant to me. Don't ask me how it came so quickly...I don't even know myself.

I tried moving, but Harry gently put a hand on my shoulders and told me to stay still, promising that he'd "take care" of me. He explained to me why he and Cheryl had come to Silent Hill, and about his wife, and what it was that drove him so strongly to find Cheryl. Again, I felt sudden warmth for the man sitting next to me with his arm around my shoulders, supporting me as I healed.

Eventually, I found my way to an odd place, where a woman named Dahlia Gillespie and her daughter, Alessa, were waiting. I tried going towards them, but Alessa made a movement; I was instantly hit with some form of energy. I flew backwards, hit my head, and passed out upon impact.

Harry says that Alessa gave him a newborn baby before she created a portal and disappeared. Apparently, I got up and followed him out, but all I remember is waking up and groggily walking towards a bright light.

The very last thing I remember is standing with Harry, holding a small bundle, and the two of us looking at each other as the sun goes down.

Other than that, I can't tell you much more.
Confidentiality and whatnot.
You understand.

But I can tell you this, with utmost certainty: I love Harry Mason. I would give my life for him, just as he risked his for me on more than one occasion.
I don't know if - and I highly doubt that - he feels the same, but that's okay.
As long as he remembers me, I'll know that I meant something to him at one time.
And that's all that matters.


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oQuentin Report | 05/10/2011 9:08 pm
Well...I'm surprised you haven't been killed yet. Personal achievement, or blind luck?

Professor Cypress Report | 05/04/2011 3:00 am
Professor Cypress
Love what you did with the profile,looks good.
III Jill Valentine III Report | 12/18/2010 12:45 pm
III Jill Valentine III
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!!!
XxAlessa_GillespiexX Report | 09/12/2010 5:53 pm
H-hi Cybil...
Mind-Nom P 3 N G U 1 N Report | 09/07/2010 2:55 pm
Mind-Nom P 3 N G U 1 N
Hello Cybil. :3
SH2_James_Sunderland Report | 07/07/2010 7:17 pm
Hi Cybil!
--Real Pinkamena Pie-- Report | 02/04/2010 2:31 pm
--Real Pinkamena Pie--
*pokes you with a spoon and runs*
QhaZomb Report | 01/17/2010 8:09 pm
Cybs! :D
Harry Mason -SM- Report | 11/22/2009 6:17 pm
Harry Mason -SM-
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So, when did you start wearing contacts?
Harry Mason -SM- Report | 11/17/2009 7:21 pm
Harry Mason -SM-
B-but, my license... Doesn't it say I live somewhere in town here?

Er, Lebbon Street, I think? You mentioned it when I gave you my ID...


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