

Aliases: Edward Anthony Masen (human name)

Species: Vampire

Gender: Male

Age: 17 (physically)

Date of birth: 20 June 1901

Occupation: Student

-Edward Masen (biological father)
-Elizabeth Masen (biological mother)
-Esme Cullen (adopted mother)
-Carlisle Cullen (adopted father)
-Alice Cullen (adopted sister)
-Emmett Cullen (adopted brother)
-Jasper Hale (adopted brother)
-Rosalie Hale (adopted sister)

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Edward Anthony Masen was born in the year 1901 to Edward and Elizabeth Masen.

While nearly dying of the Spanish influenza in Chicago in 1918, he was changed into a vampire by a doctor named Carlisle Cullen as the result of an indirect request made by his dying mother; Carlisle believed that Elizabeth sensed that he was different and asked him to do "what others cannot do" to save her son's life.

As a human, Edward was very sensitive to the thoughts of the people around him, and when he was changed, he gained the ability to hear others' thoughts. After Edward was changed into a vampire, he rebelled against Carlisle's practice of drinking animal's blood after about a decade, though he understood why Carlisle only fed on animals. Since he could read minds, he purposefully sought out and preyed on only the worst of society, which was how he justified his actions to himself. However, after a few years, he became guilt-ridden, realized that Carlisle was right, and returned home. He has not strayed since.

Edward, like all vampires, possesses superhuman strength, speed, durability, endurance and agility. Edward is the fastest of the Cullens, easily able to outrun any other member of his family. Edward can also read the minds of anyone within a few miles of himself as a side affect of his nature, though with one exception. Some vampires have special talents such as Edward's, but not all do. He can also cease breathing for as long as he desires when needed, since breathing is not a necessity for vampires. Like other vampires in the series, Edward is not adversely affected by sunlight, but avoids it, as it causes his skin to sparkle. These vampires are incapable of sleeping, and receive nutrients only from blood. He and his family resist the temptation to drink human blood, a vampire's natural food source, choosing instead to drink the blood of animals.

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

iEdward Cullen

Report | 02/24/2012 5:21 am

iEdward Cullen

iEdward Cullen

Report | 02/24/2012 5:20 am

iEdward Cullen

iEdward Cullen

Report | 02/24/2012 5:19 am

iEdward Cullen

iEdward Cullen

Report | 02/24/2012 5:18 am

iEdward Cullen

l Demoiselle l

Report | 08/11/2009 5:38 am

l Demoiselle l


Report | 04/10/2009 10:56 am


Hi, nice pro.

BTW, you have forgot that Edward has a daughter, Renesmee, and he is married to Isabella Marie Swan. :- )
enjoy yourself

Report | 04/06/2009 10:52 am

enjoy yourself

*is expecting to be bashed by obnoxious fangirls*
Celestius Nexus

Report | 01/15/2009 3:20 am

Celestius Nexus

Randomness FTW. >;o
The Great Yatagarasu

Report | 12/13/2008 6:46 pm

The Great Yatagarasu

'Ello, Edward! It's Alice! ^^

Report | 11/12/2008 12:49 pm


edward >;o !!!!!!!!