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Last Login: 07/11/2010 8:19 pm

Registered: 12/23/2006

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Location: Bellfourche, SD

Birthday: 08/08/1992

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Only the roses thorns can depict my thougts.
And its pedals portray the beauty I hide inside.
-Jeremy Anderson


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Sinking Wonder

I look into the Abyss.
But all I see.... Is you.
Your smile somewhat.... Unreal.
Your eyes deep an black.
But soon after your soul returns.
Your limbs again in your control.
But you just sit there in a daze.
Are you wondering?
Wondering why your free?
Wanting to know why you where not left to rot?
The things you saw, inspiring yet....
You cant grasp it because your to scared.
Scared of who you are.
But mostly scared of what you see when you look into the glass.
The person trapped inside shattering.... But he doesnt fall to the ground?
The pieces of that cracked glass freeing themselves into the air!
Showing you and you alone, that no matter what the world tells you....
Your just shattered pieces in a neverending sky.

Hi ummm Im Jeremy and Im a scitsophranic psychopathic annoyingly hyper attention whore with an eating disorder!
I am also a....
Video Game Player.
MMO Player.
Fahion Freak.
Hair Stylist.
Make-Up Stylist.
And Lastly A Metal Head.

I am many a thing, but one thing I am not is a backstabber!
In the like social way, cause physically Ive probably stabbed someone in the back even if it was just a pencil, straw, knife.... you know the things that dont hurt people?
Well now that I have finished with my stabbing of physicalness and not socialness Ill go to music.
This is what I listen to.
Japanese Dark Metal. (Girugamesh)
Japanese Death Metal. (Dir En Grey)
Japanese Metal. (Maximum The Hormone)
Techno. (D.J. Kristoff)
Bass Trance. (Angerfist)
Crazy a** Psycho Rave. (Mindless Self Indulgance)
Death Metal. (Otep)
Lighter Death Metal. (Slipknot)
Fun Metal. (System Of A Down)
British Industrial. (Imogen Heap)
Britsih Mello. (Frou Frou)
British Fun. (Lily Allen)
Pop. (Lady Gaga)
Emo. (Forever The Sickest Kids.)
Emo Pop. (Metro Station)
Punk Pop. (Pink)
Those are just some favorites, most of which not many people in my hometown of Belle Fouche whould even dare listen to, you know just incase one of there "Omg Wtf It" Girls appeared broke up with them for likeing something different.
Oh I love Video Games! Heres some to just scratch the tip of the iceberg!

Xenosaga One-Three.
Final Fantasy Eight-Twelve.
Romancing Saga.
Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Tales Of Symphonia One-Two.
Resident Evil Four-Five.
Resident Evil Zero.
Viewtiful Joe.
Shadow Hearts Three.
Oh god I just orga...... Anyway when it comes to writeing Im very secretive, I like to hide the joy in my poem's under a massive layer of sadness.
It just is what kicks my emotions, and Im not to good at rhymeing, I also hate rhymeing cause people always think that if a poem doesnt rhyme it isnt a poem, and in my opinion rhymeing just kind of ruins the seriousness of a poem.
I found my really nice poem!!!! So i will post it. So ya........ ummmm...... uhhhhh....... stick it in!
And by it I mean Private Message if anyone everl feels Like talking.

Father Time........ Why did you place me?
What am I meant to do?
Am I like the rose?
Beautiful and popping, yet sad and distant....
My thoughts are my thorns.
They restrict that which would wish to touch me.
They keep me safe from everything.
But my petals, which portray my soul attract others.
Does my beauty overglow the pain I cause?
Would anyone or anything want to take the pain my thorn cause?
The pain of such a beautiful thing dieing!
I myself am the rose, I began small and diminished.
Father time made me grow into a beautiful creauture filled with pain!
He made my petals wither, and my protective thorns fall!
But he didn't take my thoughts, my thorns lay before me still mine...
I still breathe!
I still grow!
But I continue to ask.
Are my thoughts, my life, my soul, worthy enough to be in the book of Father Time?
Are my thorns, my branches, my petals, worthy enough to grow?


Maximum The Hormone-Buiiki Kaesu

Dir En Grey-Saku

