
Ignis_Scientia2010's avatar

Last Login: 05/29/2024 4:53 pm

Location: on the road

Birthday: 09/20

Occupation: Prince


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Name: Ignis Scientia

Nickname: Iggy, Specs

Age: 22

Affiliation: Lucis

Occupation: Prince's Advisor

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Green

Weapons: Dual Daggers, Spears

Orientation: ???

Martial Status: Single


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Sephira LOrange Report | 04/24/2024 9:02 pm
Sephira LOrange
So my bad i have been a little busy with personal life but i sent ya my new screen name in a dm
Sephira LOrange Report | 02/19/2024 7:53 pm
Sephira LOrange
Hey i dunno if you check this or not but my main discord is gone. I did send a request from my back up account
Sephira LOrange Report | 11/15/2022 7:41 am
Sephira LOrange
(I do! Sure whats your screen name on there?! Sephira L’Orange#7316 is mine)
Sephira LOrange Report | 11/12/2022 12:42 pm
Sephira LOrange
(I had that with my wisdom teeth back when i was 18, i had to see one. I had to be cut and have them removed that way. So impacted and only had three. Right before thanksgiving too, had to be really careful eating the soft foods. But i have been hoping as well since things got busy here. I am an exhausted birb at this point.)
Sephira LOrange Report | 11/12/2022 10:50 am
Sephira LOrange
Katrina heard but figured he mustve dropped something in the shower. She would check on him as soon as the brownies went in the oven and the food was plated. With a smiled she popped the brownies in with her vines and set the timer before plating the food and placed it on the table with two glasses of wine, one she knew paired perfectly with what she made. Clean up could wait till after dessert and they could relax together on the couch. Once everything was on the table, she lit some candles as well, hoping to set a nice mood for the night. “Remy, dinner is ready love!” Called out as she walked to the bathroom door. “Hun, you okay?” Asked thru the door. He wasnt like himself lately and she was worried something was wrong, and more than ready to give space if needed, but for now she worried about him. The headaches and him spacing out was worrying her and it made her think back to when the professor looked into his mind that day. She hoped he didnt do something while he was in there that was meant to be locked away.
Sephira LOrange Report | 11/12/2022 10:42 am
Sephira LOrange
(Sick, and honestly no energy. Like i havent really been doing a lot of replies anywhere except discord because i can keep up with them easier)
Sephira LOrange Report | 11/06/2022 4:33 am
Sephira LOrange
Hi hi
Sephira LOrange Report | 09/24/2022 1:09 am
Sephira LOrange
Once he was gone kat put music on then she went to work and had her vines helping as much as she could get them to. Now she had a plan for dessert too, and it wouldnt be hard to whip it up as she worked on supper. Kat enjoyed being busy like this, cooking and baking for the one she loved. It did not take long to get supper going, and she started to make a batch of brownies for after dinner. They had gotten some ice cream the week before and she thought it would go great paired with homemade brownies.

Kat seemed lost in thought as she worked, her mind running thru checklists of things to get for the pool house, how much was left to pay off on his christmas gift yet, and where she wanted to take him during the winter since they both don't like the cold. “I wonder if he would like somewhere like hawaii where it's warm all the time.” Spoke to herself. She had more than enough in her account now, the money her father left her finally hit her account after a long hold up in the system. Something about trying to keep it out of her mothers hands she was told. Plus Logan gave her a rather large sum for finishing her schooling, so she had a nice plush account now. Why not spend a little of it on the man she loved?
Sephira LOrange Report | 09/06/2022 4:44 am
Sephira LOrange
(*pokes* you okay?)
Sephira LOrange Report | 07/02/2022 3:01 pm
Sephira LOrange
She blushed at the kiss to the top of her head and smiled when he liked her dinner choice. “I am here to listen if you ever wanna talk okay?” Kissed him softly. “Now, why dont you go shower and by the time you are done, your tea will be ready and dinner will be ready. I was thinking we could watch a movie while we eat and you can pick it.” Suggested softly. “And i will always worry, its just who i am. I promise you will feel better after your shower. Then we can relax and ignore everything around us.” Katrina could not help but worry more than she let on. The wedding its self to her was uncomfortable, not for the reason most think, it wasnt the whole commitment issue. No it was more she was scared she was going to screw up something she already thought was good, and to her it was also wasted time, money and energy. She saw how badly some could go and how it got ugly real quick. She knew she would change her mind one day, but it was not today, that much was for sure. Besides, she liked what she had with hunky Cajun, and really didnt want to screw it up so soon.