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I Ilia I Report | 09/30/2010 7:24 am
I Ilia I
Ikana the Canyon Sage Report | 08/02/2010 9:54 am
Ikana the Canyon Sage
hello igos du ..."looks at ground"
--Real Pinkamena Pie-- Report | 05/10/2010 8:17 am
--Real Pinkamena Pie--
*jumps out of the ground and attacks*

ohai, this is my real account biggrin Gaia unbanned it, so now i can cosplay again!!! > w <
jfreklfmreklgmrelkgmw Report | 11/09/2009 9:29 pm
*wanders in to the throne room of ikana, prancing quitly neering only, but a few feet of the throne*
my my, what a dreery place *he said in a quite yet hi piched mockish tone"
......it.....needs more, "charm!" huummmmm..."looks round for any sine of life"
now i see why thay call this land of the dead....its....dead, ohhhhh, but the wonder of it.
"dances about the room moving the dust about"
i could use this place to my advantinge "stops dancing and tilting head in a appealing manor"

OH, but here before me, i see a king.....thus has no life....but i can tell yu still romeeee......"prances closer to the throne and tillts head a bit"
*with a mockish slur pich in his voice* AND!,yu must be the king Ikana i hear so so much about.......
here before yu oh grate king, stands yuer darkness and despare!!! "he said loudly,
lowring he tone as he continuse to speek to a softer mockish tone"
....oh what ever shall yu do?
when i brake open yuer tower and take this place as my own. twisted

(HIYA! ikana, cool to see a cos-play of that character, my fave level of the game to x3)
potatocat456 Report | 08/15/2009 2:19 pm
*wanders into the thrown room for unknown reasons* 0.0 wow, even after a couple hundred years, this place dosent look that bad. Oh, hi there. Im windfish8, the ruler of the Dream Realm.
Wolf Boy Link Report | 07/08/2009 3:56 pm
Wolf Boy Link
*wonders into the throne room* >,>
Overlord Keitaro Uchiha Report | 06/21/2009 5:58 pm
Overlord Keitaro Uchiha
lost to what?
Overlord Keitaro Uchiha Report | 06/21/2009 11:37 am
Overlord Keitaro Uchiha
I will be able to help u anyway possible.
Ikana the Canyon Sage Report | 06/18/2009 12:38 pm
Ikana the Canyon Sage
what is this great evil that sleeps upon in the stone temple "says in a serious manner"
T o x i f e r o u s Report | 06/16/2009 9:47 pm
T o x i f e r o u s
You have been randomly commented by Purferating bullet.
Now doesn't that make you feel so special?

Yay. Another LoZ fan! =D


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Igos Du Ikana

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Last Login: 07/14/2017 5:15 pm

Registered: 10/06/2006

Gender: Male

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