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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez


176 lbs.

Hair Color:
I have light blue hair that I have to spike up with tons of gel every morning. It's a pain to deal with, but worth it. *Runs hands through stylish hair*

Eye Color:
Their blue as well, although I put green lines below them similar to the eye markings on the Panthera genus of cats, for obvious reasons.


6th Espada in Sosuke Aizen's Army

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General Info:
I appear to be a laid-back and an irreverent individual at first glance, but my scruffy exterior hides a brutal, impulsive, excessively-violent personality and a lethally-short temper. I'm blunt, sarcastic, and quite sadistic, revealing a psychotic grin whenever I become excited. I have no respect for authority and say whatever is on my mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. Probably why Tosen gets on my case all the time, he's an annoying b*****d. I also get into fights with Ulquiorra Cifer, the 4th Espada, usually because Ulquiorra interrupts my battles or otherwise clashes with my ideals, obviously can't stand that my powers are far superior then his. I also now hold a grudge against Ichigo Kurosaki, and will kill him by any means necessary, he along with anyone else who dares look down on me.

I'm portrayed to be a very rude and disrespectful character. I use none of the honorifics in the Japanese language, except when addressing Aizen (though I am quick to discard the formality when Aizen is not around), and refer to Orihime as woman in conversation. However, I do have a code of honor, wanting to fight Ichigo at his strongest, I brought him that woman to heal his wounds beforehand so that our battle would be a fair one. Despite my aggression and obvious bloodlust in battle, I possess a feral cunning and have a knack for quickly exploiting any opening my opponent reveals. Keep that in mind if you ever feel the urge to get in my way.

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Honestly I find this pointless, explaining my past to you low lives. Whatever. Just try to keep up so I don't have to repeat myself. Before I became an Arrancar, I was a panther-like Adjuchas-class Menos. At one point, I met up with Shawlong Kufang, Edrad Liones, Yylfordt Granz, Nakeem Greendina, Di Roy Linker, and two other guys who's names I can't remember. While I was attacking the latter, I damaged Di Roy and killed the two other guys from the group. Shawlong then suggested that I should lead their group in their quest to evolve into Vasto Lordes, offering to follow me as their "king" should I accept.

Later when Shawlong realized that their evolution could go no further, he asked me to "eat" them, which in context referred to only a piece of them being eaten. I called them cowards, but did as asked. And that's all you need to know. When we were all turned into Arrancar by Aizen, the five acted as my Fraccion, following my orders without question.

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Powers & Abilities:
* Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: He is a very proficient hand-to-hand combatant, possessing considerable strength and flexibility, capable of out-fighting Ichigo's Bankai during their first two fights, even with one arm during the second battle. He is also fairly powerful for his rank as he is able to capture an unreleased Ulquiorra, an Espada two ranks higher than himself. Still, Grimmjow almost lost an arm in this conflict.

* Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: Although he usually prefers hand-to-hand combat, Grimmjow is also able to fight effectively with his Zanpakuto as well. Even during the time his arm was cut off, he has displayed that he could fight off Ichigo Kurosaki and subsequently Shinji Hirako while each of them were wearing their Hollow masks.

* Pesquisa: Grimmjow has demonstrated this ability when he and his Fraccion invaded Karakura Town.

* Hierro: As the Sexta Espada, Grimmjow has the passive ability known as Hierro. As seen in initial fight with Ichigo Kurosaki, Grimmjow was able to grab Ichigo's Bankai and block with his arms and fists without receiving any damage at all, though Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho attack was strong enough to leave a scar. Later, after increasing his own power, Ichigo is able to cut Grimmjow.

* Immense Spiritual Power: His spirit energy is very high, noted by Rukia to be "worlds apart" from his Fraccion and making her wonder if he was even the same species. However, he is easily overwhelmed by Aizen's spiritual pressure and is not under the same release restraints as the top four Espada. He is capable of exerting Spiritual Pressure of overwhelming power.

* Highly Perceptive Combatant: Similar to Kenpachi Zaraki, Grimmjow has shown himself to be deceptively sharp in battle, able to notice traits about his opponent quickly and effectively. During each of his battles with Ichigo, Grimmjow was quickly able to determine facts about Ichigo's abilities despite them being relatively new.

* Cero: Grimmjow makes liberal use of Cero in battle, firing them from the palm of his hand. In the anime, it is commonly colored red, although in the games, it is often colored blue. He also has a habit of firing at point blank range to increase lethality even though he sometimes gets caught in the backlash. His Cero is powerful enough to neutralize the Cero of fellow Espada Ulquiorra Cifer during their brief scuffle, even though it badly burned his right arm from his hand to his elbow. Grimmjow has also shown the ability to fire one Cero from each hand, but it is unclear whether this is a unique ability.

* Gran Rey Cero: As an Espada, he is able to use this Espada-exclusive Cero variant, which produces a much larger and more powerful version of the normal Cero, enough potentially to cause great damage to Las Noches itself. For this Aizen banned its use inside the fortress, although Grimmjow clearly ignored this during his last battle with Ichigo. In order to fire it, it seems Grimmjow must first cut his own hand on his Zanpakuto, mixing his blood with the Cero. Grimmjow's Gran Rey Cero is colored blue in the anime.

* Bala: He has demonstrated the ability to use Bala, another common Arrancar power, but he seems to prefer the somewhat slower and more powerful Cero.

* Garganta: Garganta is how Arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. Grimmjow demonstrated this ability during his own personal invasion of Karakura Town. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.

* Sonido Master: As the 6th Espada, Grimmjow is very proficient in the use of Sonido. Even in his unreleased state, he is able to keep up with Ichigo Kurosaki while using Tensa Zangetsu. Initially, Grimmjow could even surprise and overwhelm Ichigo with his speed.

(Panther King)
The guard resembles a crooked "S" and it's sheath and handle is light blue.
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* Resurreccion: His release command for his Zanpakuto is "Grind", referring to grinding one's teeth. To release his Zanpakuto, he holds it up, like the start of a low sweep stroke, with his right hand. The sword glows as he puts his left hand up to it. He then rakes his hand along the length of the blade, with a swift motion, while calling out its release command, in turn releasing a torrent of spiritual power that causes tremendous gusts of wind in the immediate vicinity. Grimmjow's appearance changes drastically to something more feline and predatory. His teeth become jagged and sharp, his hands turn into black claws and his feet become black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail. His hair becomes very long and flowing, and the markings around his eyes enlarge and extend to the tips of his ears, which become cat-like. He loses his distinctive jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of a headgear on his forehead. His clothing changes to become a form-fitting white segmented armor, similar to his original Adjuchas-Hollow form. He has blades protruding from his forearms and his calves.

Resurreccon Special Ability: His abilities while released include:
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* Enhanced Hierro: Grimmjow's Hierro receives an augmentation as well. He was hit by a point-blank Getsuga Tenshō from Ichigo Kurosaki in his Vizard state and received no visible damage.

* Enhanced Speed & Agility: Complimenting his already impressive speed and power, Grimmjow's released state augments his speed drastically, giving him animalistic agility and movement to match.

* Enhanced Strength: His strikes pack enough power to incidentally destroy large skyscraper-sized pillars in Las Noches via collateral damage during the fight with Ichigo. His strength was also enough to send Ichigo through several buildings with one strike, as well as send him flying hundreds of feet with, merely with a few light punches and kicks.

* Shockwaves: When in his released form, he can roar loudly enough to create shockwaves in the air and surrounding area, powerful enough to throw off his opponents.

* Darts: He can also fire a large number of explosive "darts" from his elbows with enough charge to demolish huge buildings. They look somewhat similar to an axe blade, but with an indention in the middle. A Hollow Mask-enhanced Ichigo was somewhat able to withstand 5 of them, and continue fighting.

* Desgarron (Japanese for "Panther King's Claw"): His strongest attack; His claws glow and then he makes a slashing motion that creates giant "claws" of solidified energy, each about a kilometer long, from the end of each finger. The attacks act as a ranged claw attack, which he controls like his regular claw attacks, by using slashing motions. The power and force behind them is considerable and Ichigo was only able to deflect and shatter them through sheer force of will.
((Info from Bleach Wiki Site and Wikipedia))

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They get old...

Q: Have you seen every episode of Bleach?
A: More times than I cared to, yes.

Q: Are you a virgin?
A: I don't kiss and tell.

A: *Cringes* ******** no!

Q: Is is true what I hear about you and ____?
A: Probably not.

A: ...Well, don't you just feel proud of yourself?

A: And you're retarded. *IGNORE*

Q: Can I glomp you?
A: No.

Q: Can I hug you?
A: No.

Q: Can I--

Q: What is Pi to the 1,000th digit?! rofl
A: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751

Q: ... surprised
A: Damn straight.

Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: 42. Or 69. Either/or.

Q: Why are you always so mean to me!?! crying crying crying
A: 'Cause I'm one badass mother ********. twisted


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/25/2010 11:33 pm


My My My what ever will this RP account become? ^_^

Report | 12/20/2009 4:51 pm


You know for some reason the way you said that I just thought of Ichigo with a fake Asian accent going "You be so clever. That be frive dollaaa" LOL xD Aww he just wants to be your new pet ^^ Or you can sick one of your 4 pets on him. I'd be the most effective if you ask me *cocky*

Report | 12/20/2009 4:46 pm


This just popped into my head and I figured I'd share... Grimmjoww needs to change his name to Pwnjoww xDDD which is very close to my name Pwned joo xDDD

Report | 12/18/2009 1:58 am


xD none involve your gifts <3 funny from the way you try to extort them from me I thought you hated them. However one you'll find out on New years and btw I have that friday off and andy and jess are probably going so the 3 of us will have a room. Meaning that I have to leave when they wanna...well I'll just kick your friends out and steal you *selfish* hee hee!

and the last one you might not find out for a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time unless you know where to look on teh interwebz biggrin

P.S The Night of the ball I get off at 6 PM I'm going to race down there get the room and pretty up for you...or if there is time I want to take you to dinner. Just the two of us :3

Report | 12/18/2009 1:44 am


Hmmm not grounds for an epic pout...so what your saying is. I get you tomorrow night *feeling warm* and saturday night *feeling fuzzy* and then Sun DAY (not night feeling loved though I'm sure by this day I will be unable to walk) xDDDD Rofl

and yes dan ftw LOL it was cool seeing him again. Oh so I'm feeling generous should I reveal two of my secrets to j00 now or laterz?

Report | 12/18/2009 1:33 am


Would help if I didn't get excited and press submit minus the other information. Um I get off work around 5 and dunk gets off around 8 so about then. What days are you staying? teh weekend *big chibi excited eyes* Lol

and yes I got jumped...I was manhandled by dan LOL xD it was an epic man hug.

Report | 12/18/2009 1:31 am


WOOT! so you ish coming today...someone just improved my friday like 10 fold xD

Report | 12/18/2009 1:22 am


Their fine now so it's alright for you to come. My mom gets like that but her and I are fine now and as for my dad he feels bad for acting the way he did because I was super one wordy with him. He acted that way because this group of people I was working with used to be friends with a group that I had a huge falling out with and he thought I was going to get jumped or something stupid. I understand your point though, but they are fine now. What's the entire plan this weekend? It's been keeping me going this week ^^

Yeah well....we can still get ideas! I has money...just not that much! xD

Report | 12/18/2009 1:01 am


Well my dad started harassing me about taking those photos tonight because he didn't trust where I was going or whom I was going to be with. With that he decides to call me when I pick up andy to tell me that it doesn't sit well and he wants exact directions of where this place is at and then that if I don't keep in contact with him each hour he'd drive up there himself. Really really pissed me off still mad actually because that is unlike him. Then afterwards just about a half hour ago actually, my mom starts nagging me about everything so I get a little irritated and she starts throwing a fit about some s**t or another. Then she starts trying to make me seem like a terrible son because I "Don't Care" about what happens to her or dad which is complete ******** BULLSHIT and then to top it off I mention moving and she just basically as always told me that I can move if I want but I wouldn't be able to make it. ******** CHRIST! *end vent*

I wish you were here...you make me smile...<3 instead I feel like breaking something but I'm not going too.

Well I haven't looked into outfits either but would you like too with me? I'm taking this ball very serious, its my chance to do something really amazing for you. Monroe knows the plan don't you dare interrogate him xD

Report | 12/18/2009 12:46 am


That was honestly my 3rd guess xD but yeah...work was okay got demeaned a little on the phones which didn't bother me, but tonight specifically is caused by my parents and it's a lonely night but 90% the first part. Oh and I should let you read that maybe....it pertains to what I talked to andrew about. Also did you manage to go dress shopping?