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Ayeee Sit Your Lardd A s s Down &nd Read THis,
For All You Niqqas &nd Hoes Out There,
The Name She Was Given is SELENA learn it, live it, lOVE it<3
Her Birthday is February 6 You Bitchess better NOT forget it<3
well what cann i say about this SPECIAL girl, let me think
well for starters she my sister, this Biitch is old, lmfaoo just kiddinn
i love yaa PUNKK<3
this girl right here is mahh Mainn Trainn , she's the Apple to my Bottom , The PenuttButter to my Jelly , &ndd EVERYTHING else in betweenn,
this girl will Rock your world insidee out, she DONT take NO ONES shiit, so if youu fhuckk with her best believe she'll Pop like a balloon runnin outta air<3
she's Unique Not Your Average Hoee<3 for her youu gotta payy, lmfaoo Jkiddinn she ain't no hoee, so any biitch that wanna fhuckk with her better bee readyy [:
this girl is a Muthaa Flippinn DANCER , dance is her favorite thing to do, &nd when she in her "im Making dance moves, Don't Fhuckk with me" type of moods, you best believe the wheels in her lil mindd are spininn,
this girl is MY LIVE No H o m o, this girl right here is NOT only my Sister she's also MY BESTFRIEND &nd what i write one here isn't gonna show her that she is, cuz she knows, what i write on here is to show ANYONE that's she's MY BestFriendd &nd NONE of Youu Hoess Or Niqqas Are Gonna get in between that, so if youu plann to try, youu better take you hand &nd put it on the mouse n clickk the Big X at the top of the Screenn, well Chikaa i think this hackk is long enough, soo imma Hop Off Your Tipp, Hopefully youu Niqqas&ndHoes do the samee<3[:
well Peacee, Punchh, Capn Crunchh [insider] im Outt this Shiiz<3
byee love Kimberly Other Wise Known as - NiqqaGetOverYourSelf

Welcome To My world![:

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Selena is the name i was given when i saw the man in white, im currently 18 sing me that sepcial song on February6, i love too have Funn, Dancee, Draww, Readd, &&' MOST of all to just be ME, imCurrently Takenn By This One Guyy, He's Simply The Best, e's Also Really Strangee<3.Wish Me Luck, cuz imma need it *cough[:
im very SHY at first, but once i know youu, &'im Comfortable with youu then youu better bewaree, cuz i cann be very LOUD watch out whenn youu give me candy, cuz givinn me candy is likee youu takinn drugs<3,
well that's enough about me, let me get to know YOU,,like i saidd once youu know me you'll love me, so get to know me, if not then its YOUR Loss<3