Who am I?


I was quite a mean person back then, so I will update it on my kindness. u//v//u heh i'm so yanyan//killed

My name will not be said here, though most people call me SHINee or Shin or stuff like that~
My name in real life is *doot doot* but you can call me "Omu" online.

"Ryu" is also okay, or "Uchi" -- though those names are kind of stupid now lol I used them like a couple of years ago orz

My age ... if I told you I was 16/17 heh sorry I'm not that old //spins
I am NOT looking for "relationships" online, I purely use gaiaonline as a social network and not as my life anymore.

Current residence.....that is also a secret heh but if you ask for my hometown I will say Hong Kong. uvu But I cannot speak Cantonese. 但是会讲普通话。uvu 简体字或者繁体字都可以喔~ 我要我们的关系又熟悉又性感一点儿好不好//killed

...As you can tell I am very lonely but don't pity me okey .v.;;
I want to make all kinds of people happy, so I write things sometimes u//v//u depends who you are
I am currently taking Japanese and Chinese lessons (me being Chinese, yes but English being my first language). So no, I do not use google translate...
And I often get the sentence structures mixed up sometimes so if I wrote something weird just now then please forgive me, I was thinking in either Japanese or English ;;;

DeviantArt: https://www.omuletsuX3.deviantart.com/