
ii_Deathly_Seduction_ii's avatar

Last Login: 01/17/2016 2:36 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/17

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ii_Deathly_Seduction_ii Report | 03/18/2012 7:30 pm
Add II_Darkest_Seduction_II
sagethemerc Report | 03/17/2012 9:08 am
Jack_Skellington_xSally Report | 03/12/2012 4:48 pm
Hello there. Would yo like to socialize in rally?
Vincent von Hellbond Report | 02/26/2012 6:05 am
Dear sister let you know the sweet knowledge of my glorious and permanent return to Gaia.
It will be in may of this year.
I hope you will welcome your brother back.
Lord Giblets Report | 02/26/2012 2:12 am
heh i could tel from your profile lol
Lord Giblets Report | 02/19/2012 1:48 pm
i wontder of you would freak out if i told you i have a entire Vocaloid consort on my computer
Lord Giblets Report | 02/15/2012 9:41 pm
muhahahaha i have now spammed your wall!!!!! it comes with being my friend
nicole1501 Report | 02/09/2012 7:52 pm
hey how r u doing ????? question
DragonOfSangelui Report | 12/07/2011 4:26 pm
Your bored account is a noob.
I just totally didn't give a damn what your speech bubble said about it is all.
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twistedfaceoff Report | 10/14/2011 1:38 am
gnight kiddo

Dedicated to Vocaloid Characters Len and Rin, Miku and Luka.


Hello my name is Angel...I'm not telling my age if you want that you have to ask me.I'm very sweet,loyal,gentle ,very trustworthy and tenderhearted with alot of problems,Alot of people on here spread alot of hateful rumors about me being untrustworthy but thats not true you can trust me.My love life is complicated..i really don't know what goin on right now..once I find out myself then I'll tell you ....here is some things I love and hate

Demon (melancholy of deceit)

My Family


My Friend

pretty much anyone nice to me


People who god damn labels!

******** barbies!

Seafood (I'm allergic)

alot more but I won't go there

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the rest of these are me now...(i dont care what anyone thinks)

the first two are me now as in sept 7,2011
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this was in december about two years ago..
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Item List:
Forty Winks
Death Whisper (11th gen)
Queen of Death
Queen of Death
Queen of Death
Queen of Death
Queen of Death
Scarlet Mist
Total Value: 1,839,000 Gold


just so people can know more..

.A L L. A B O U T. Y O U.
Name: Heather
nicknames: Angel or Tenshii
Birthdate: May 17
Place Of Birth: a hospital
Zodiac Sign: Tarus or the bull
Gender: female
Status: Taken
Siblings: biologic brother, and a half brother
Animals: a cat and a wolf
Hair Color: redish brown
Eye Color: dark brown
Height: 5"7"
Personal Style:im a goth personally
Current Location: New olreans
Future Location: not sure yet

W H A T. I S. Y O U R. F A V O R I T E.
Color(s): black,green,red and blue
T.V. Show(s): Ghost Adventures, A Haunting, anything supernatural
Movie(s): tim burton animations
Animal(s):horses,cats (big and small) and wolves
Book(s):dark vampric love storries
Magazine(s): M-14
Band(s): Within Temptation, Evanescence and Breaking Benjamin
Singer(s): Emilie Autumn
Type Of Music: Rock of all kinds
Place You Have Been: Texas,Arkansas,Mississippi,Tennessee
Store(s):Hot topic and Spencers
Food(s): Japanese and Chinese
Candy: chocolate
Fruit Candy Flavor: grape
Pizza Topping: cheese
Shoe Brand: don't have one
Make-Up Brand: don't have one
Scent/Smell: hmm p.s. i love you
Sound: ocean
Soup: chicken noodle
Non-Alchoholic Drink biggrin r.Pepper
Alchoholic Drink: Vampire's Kiss
Candle Scent: mango
Sport To Watch On T.V: football
Flower: blood red rose
Sit-Down Restaraunt:Mandarin House
Fast-Food Restaraunt: Sonic!
Vacation Spot: Carribeans
Thing To Do: sing and cuddle to my boyfriend
Song Of All Time: too many
Weather To Be In: cold and snow
Reality T.V Show: none
Fictional Show: none
Type Of Book To Read: adventure,fantasy
Type Of Jewlery: bracelets
Bathing Suit Style: two piece trkiny
Accessory to have: ring,
Gum: fruit juice
Candy Bar: 3 mousekteer
Lip Gloss Brand: none
Lingerie/Underwear Brand: victoria secret
Color To Paint Your Toes: neon green
Color To Paint Your Nails: black
Day of the Week: saturday
Month of the Year: May
Day of the Year: my birthday
Holiday: Halloween
Season: Winter
Amusment Park To Visit: Blue Bayou
Shopping Mall That You Have Been To:Espanade Mall
City: Memphis
W H A T. W O U L D. Y O U. C H O O S E.
Cat or a Dog for a pet: cat
Hotdog,Hamburger,Veggie Burger: hamburger
Small Dogs or Big Dogs: big
Candles or Regular Lighting: candles
Beach or Mountains: beach
Soda or Tea: soda
Water or Kool-Aid: kool aid
Vegis or Fruit: fruit
Pizza or Pasta: pizza
Fish or Chicken: chicken
Lake or Beach: beach
Swimming Pool or Hot Tub: swimming pool
Flip Flops or Tennis Shoes: flip flops
Shopping or Playing Sports: shopping
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: coffee
Getting a Pedicure or a Back Massage: massage
Alchoholic Beverage or Non-Alchoholic: non
Swimming or Tanning: swimming
Rain or Snow: snow
Sunny and Hot or Cloudy and Cold: cold
Winter or Summer:winter
Fall or Spring:fall
Getting Flowers or Chocolates: flowers
Being too tall or too short: tall
Going to the zoo or Going to the park: zoo
Renting a movie or Going to the movies: going
Popcorn or Candy(at the movies): popcorn
Rollar Coaster or Ferris Wheel: ferris wheel
Going to Starbucks or Baskin Robbins: baskin robbins
Rap Music or Alternative Music: alternative
Country Music or Pop Music: pop
Comedy Movie or Romance Movie: comedy
Action Movie or Scary Movie: action
Buy a new DVD or Buy a new CD: CD
Getting Jewlery as a gift or Tickets to see your favorite band play: band
Dancing or Singing: singing
Mexican Food or Chinese Food: chinese
Italian Food or Japanese Food: Japanese
Not Getting Enough Sleep or Sleeping the Day Away: not gettingenough sleep
Going out and getting too drunk or Staying at home with nothing to do: getting drunk
Act in front of an audience or Sing in front of an audience: sing
Mini Skirt or Short Shorts: mini skirt
Tankini or Bikini: tankini
Wearing all black or Wearing all white: all black
Wedding In a Church or Wedding On the Beach: beach
Serious Relationship or Dating Around: serious
Cell Phone or Computer as Communication: cell phone
Digital Camera or Camcorder: camcorder
Eating Too Much or Being Too Hungry: being too hungry
Living In the City or The Country: country
Having a Mansion or A Few Small Houses In Different Places: mansion
Love or Money:Love
Lust or Love: Love
Having a bunch of kids or Having a bunch of pets: pets
W H O.
Is your best friend: Krishtian
Is you crush/boyfriend: its a secret
Do you always have the most fun with: Krishtian
Can you tell all of your secrets to biggrin J
Would you travel the world with: DJ
Is your best shopping buddy:Krishtian
Is the last person you saw a movie with: Chris
Is the last person you partied with:no one...
Is the last person you went on vacation with: no one
Is the person who's shoulder you cry on: Krishtian
Have you known the longest: Krishtian
Makes you laugh the quickest: DJ
Is your enemy: to many to name
Do you not get along with: Greany
Is your oldest friend:Craig
Is your youngest friend: too many
Do you see yourself marrying: secret
Is the actor you would most like to hook up with: Taylor Lautner eeee
Broke Your Heart for the first time:i dont remember
W H A T .
Do you want to be/acheive in the future: a bueation
Would You Wish For With 3 Wishes: love,money,happiness
Is the one thing you would take on a desert island: water
City do you most want to visit: london
Is Your First Thoughts Waking Up: ******** im still here
Are Your Last Thoughts Going to Sleep: is he okay?
Dessert are you most likely to order: something with lemon
Would you Do with a million dollars: use it for my life
Have You Secretly Always Wanted To Be: owl
Would you dress up as if Halloween was today: not sure
Is Your Most Memorable Day/Night: December 31
Do You Do In Your Free Time: read, gaia, sing, talk to people
Animal Would You Like To Be For A Day: horse
Is Your Least Favorite Food:seafood
Is The One Thing You Regret The Most: being born
Did You Want To Be Growing Up: everything
Is You Favorite Childhood Memory:none my childhood was taken
Is The One Country You Would Visit: England
Is Your Favorite Style of Clothing: goth,
Is Your Least Favorite Style of Clothing: ugly and old
Would You Do Today If You Were Going To Die Tomorrow: enjoy my life with my boyfriend

.W H E N.
Did you last see a movie(& what movie): harry potter 7 part 1 a few days after it came out
Was The Last Time You Kissed Someone: ..Febuary
Was The Last Time You Said "I LOVE YOU": umm last week
Do you want to get married: yes
Do you want to have children: yes
Was the last time you went shopping(& where): few days and at Barnes and noble
Do You want to Die: yes
Was the last time you excercised: last week
Was the last time you got your hair done: months ago
Was the last time you went on a date: idk
Was the last time you went to the DR: 8 months ago
Was the last time you ate/drank: 45 minutes ago
Did you first drink alchohol(if ever): 8 years old
Was the last time you got your way: I get my way all the time at least when I want something >
Was the last time someone bought you something: today

.W H E R E.
Do you want to get married at: beach
Do you want to go on your honeymoon: paris
Was your first kiss at: in a closet
Would you go on a first date if it was your choice:walking on a beach
Would you go if you HAD to go on a FAMILY vacation: cruise
Was Your "First Time" or Where would you want it to be: in his bed.
Do you go when you are upset:my closet and lock myself in
Is your favorite place in the world: with my boyfriend
Would you like to meet THE GUY OF YOUR DREAMS at: near water

Once and broken heart.....

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.....Always broken heart.





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Dont touch these people they are mine and i will kill for them

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my rl bff dont ******** with her or your jus begging for a death wish

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let me make this clear a** holes this is not a newb THIS is me THIS is MY bored account so dont you dare call it a noob ...
