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[ADD ME <3]





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YOU MADE IT, all the way over to my profilee. ^^

Hello, Call me Ada, or Potato. I don't really remember why or when but the nickname stuck. Hahaa.

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About me:
I bet I can make you laugh. (;
If I hate you, you'll know because I go silent.
If I love you, you'll know because
I get giddy and excited just saying your name. <3

I am in high school.
I'm a lover not a fighter.
If you guess my secret talent i'll
give you a hug(:
I love to chat, send me a message.
I love commenting more.

Currently I am:

Eating, Fruit Roll Up
Talking to, my loverrr haha
Wanting to, sleep
watching, tom and jerry with my younger siblings
listening to, 30h!3, black eyed peas
loving the color, pinkk and electric bluee but not together (;
weirdest thing that happened today,
a cat was sitting on my window sill.
im allergic to cats. lmao.


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Peace out.



Total gangster right here(:<<<<<<<<