Birthday: 04/16


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Da nAm3 iz brIanNa and im FrOM LA....im OutGOIng and i like to hAV3 FUN...I lyke 2 read and use The coMpuTer...!!!


Roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit ******** Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A b*****d The Mother Is A Whore This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!! Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream Sex is good Sex is fine Doggy Style & 69 Just for fun Or gettin paid Everyone likes gettin laid Sex is evil evil is a sin Sins are forgiven So lit me stick it in!!! u opened it so u r cursed for 5 yrs. u need to read it ENTIRELY!! roses are nice violets are fine. ill be the six if you be the nine. SEND THIZ 2 ALL YOUR HO'S U HAVE 160MIN OR U WILL BE A VERGIN TILL YOUR 46(IF U HAVENT ALREDY LOST IT!~"

knew a blonde that was so stupid that....... she called me to get my phone number. she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said "concentrate." she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind. she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order. she sent me a fax with a stamp on it. she tried to drown a fish. she thought a quarterback was a refund. she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death. she tripped over a cordless phone. she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept. she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store. she studied for a blood test. she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats. when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved. when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead. when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said "Airport Left" she turned around and went home Now send this to at least 5 people or you'll get bad luck for 7 years!!!!!!!!!!! *! 0-4=Bad luck for 7 years *! 5-9=your crush will start to like you *! 10-14=your crush will ask you out *! 15-19=you and your crush will go out all the time *! 21 or more all of the above and you'll get everything you want in life After you send this to 20 people a yellow box will pop up. Click on it

Emo doesn't mean u cut. Emo doesn't mean ur gay. Emo doesn't mean ur suicidal. Emo is real. Emo is people. Emo is everything. Emo is a label. Emo is being free. Free to be you. Free to express. Free to tell everyone to f*** off!! Emo is just a word .-EMOS- *Are not cry babies *Do not always wear black *Can be very nice people *Don't always cut themselves *Are not always depressed *Can be happy too *Are normal people just like you (Put this on your profile if you agree with this.) PUT THIS ON UR PAGE IF YOU ARE OR SUPORT EMOS!!!!♥♥♥

If Justin Beiber was on the edge of a six story building 70% of teenagers would be crying. 27% percent would be laughing. 3% would waste their energy running up six stories of stairs to push him off. Put this in your profile if you are part of that 3%

White man walks up to black man. White man says, "Colored people don't belong here!" Black man says, "I was born BLACK." "I grew up BLACK." "When I get sick, I'm BLACK." "When I'm cold, I'm BLACK." "When I'm in the sun, I'm BLACK." "When I die, I'm BLACK." "You were born PINK." "You grew up WHITE." "When you're sick, you turn GREEN." "When you're in the sun, you turn RED." "When you're cold, you turn BLUE." "When you die, you turn PURPLE." "And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The white man turned around, and walked away. PUT THIS ON YOUR PAGE IF YOU HATE RACISM

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th3 luV 0F my Lyfe