Prince Larsa

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House Solidor

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LARSA FERRINAS SOLIDOR: the clever young son of the Solidor legacy, Prince Larsa has both weight of responsibility and the freedom from present rule-- he exercises both by using his power for great justice, and trailing undercover as "Lamont" the truth of conspiracies running underground in his land and his ever continuous bid for peace; Larsa sees the survival of the previously thought dead Ashe and Basch as evidence that all is not quite right in the world, and a dissembling that needs to be cleared; he sleuths out the truth of the Nethicite; he denies the Senate their tangling of him in puppet strings.

Prince Larsa loves both father and brother and is loved in return-- the Emperor's death is a blow too hard to feel just in passing, and it's a dash of both desperation and grief for Larsa to pull his sword on Vayne in an attempt to stop the madness, and harder still when there is little time to mourn Vayne's passing. And yet, Larsa must keep straight on as the prince he is, forcing the future through the sheer strength of his vision.

Larsa's purity of heart is closely guarded, with neither pair of familial hands spilling too much blood if Larsa remains unsullied. Judge Gabranth also swears fiercely to his service, which offers him eventual redemption, and Basch takes up the princely guardianship when Gabranth dies and Prince Larsa steps up to his place of Archadian rule after Vayne's demise. With the mighty power of justice vested in him, Prince Larsa works the way of allies-- his offer of protection, and the gift of defensive Nethicite, to the captured Penelo turns into friendship; his aid to Ashe in her time of need becomes peace between lands; his good relations with the ruler of Rozzaria completely opposite with his brother's enemity.

Role Playing Guide

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Since some people are unaware that there are unwritten standards to rp, I thought I would post them here.

1. Do not permanantly scar or kill my character unless I tell you it is okay.

2. Do not decide actions for my character or otherwise post them for me.

3. Do not hit me with smut. Larsa is not gay by nature so go breathe rainbow agenda and steriotypes on someone else.

4. Please don't spam.

5. Please stay in character to the best of your ability.

6. Post me comment posts, I will post back.

7. Send me PM posts, I will get back to you. I don't bite!




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