Jiraiichiii no.2

Ikarru_Inarri_Ichiraiku's avatar

Last Login: 03/25/2009 7:42 pm

Registered: 05/23/2008

Gender: Female

Location: USA

Birthday: 12/26/1991

Occupation: N/A

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So ravishing, yet sexy!!

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Angel Blade

Once upon a time, there was this girl, who had a secret. By day, she was this sweet innocent girl. But at night, she turns into this immortal Goddess, beautiful, astonishing, sexy, reckless, but a hero among the people. With her sword of the angels, she cuts and slashes through all those who oppose her. She stands for respect, love, and honor. She will kill anyone who gets in her way. She's a true Goddess. No, I'm not talking about me, but Angel Blade is a fierce one, especially with that Sword of the Angels. She protects the helpless; in their eyes, she's an angel. And that's why they call her Angel Blade.


The days when i was just a little girl are all but memories. I yearn for my youth, but every girl must enter womanhood. I never wanted it to be this way. I was the sweetest girl on the planet, until he came along...I despise that man for taking away my innocence. Why? How could he? Why me? I don't know....I just don't know anymore....

What Happened?

The time has come once again to bring back an old lecture i called "Ms.Haze Speaks". I find it very important to talk about this matter, or matters. Gas prices today are just insane. 5 dollars a gallon! This is madness! We're at war with Iraq, for no reason at all, and no side seems to be winning. All this talk about celebs, yeah, I know it's a free country and all, but why cant the press leave them alone? Would you want someone taking your picture every 5 seconds as soon as you step out of your door? Or spreading rumors about you in all the popular magazines? I didn't think so. Look, all I'm trying to say is "What the hell happened?"That's all I want to know. Can someone explain that to me, please? What the hell happened? Taxes are high, gas prices are skyrocketing, war, gangs,exc. This is madness!! It drives me crazy!! I just wish it would all go away..just go away....all of this crap.....

No Worries

I'm happy to say that I'm doing good! Not a worry in the world right now. I'm fine, and I hope you are too!This message goes out to all. If you are having any problems, and you need someone to talk to, come here. Don't worry, I won't bite...much....

Ikarru Inarri Ichiraiku

This is me, the real me. I'm a writer, lover, poet(kinda), free-stylist, thinker, runner(I love staying in shape), angel(at times), motivator, social activist, a cool person, a positive thinker, and whatever I want to be! Hell, I'm just one person, right? No...I'm Ikarru Inarri Ichiraiku!


I have taken the time to post new comments on my profile. I told you. I love to write! It's my passion! I love it! I need it, I care for it, I want it, and I have it. And since I have it, I'm keeping it, as close to me as I can.Until they come up with something better than writing(that I like), I'ma keep on doing it! Until then, I'll be waiting....

Heart Breaker

I'm a heart breaker. I try not to be, but things happen, ya know? I used to be devoted to my relationships, but that was a long time ago...that was before she came along. She ruined my life, emotionally. Maybe that's why I don't know what it means to love, because I never had it, ya know? I don't mean to do it,, but no one can give another something the giver never had, ya know? I'll find love, one day, I hope. Pray for me, okay? Just pray for me...

My Poem

keeps peace at all times
an awesome person
really cool
really nice
undefeated in Soul Calibur(Any)

ready for anything

Important to myself
helpful to all those who need it
incredible(in bed)
really fun to be around
anytime you need me, look me up
kinetic(just kidding)
universally known(just kidding)
-This is my poem, and this is what my name stands for!!
(Hope you liked it!)

Cool Like That

I'm a cool person. I can go to a neighborhood, and fit right in like I've been there for years. I can go to another planet and blend in so well, you wouldn't know I was there. I'm one of those people who can be friends with anybody, and I mean anybody! How do I do it? I don't know. I guess I'm just cool like that...

The Struggle

The struggle in our society today is just crazy! It's insane, but I don't want to get into that yet again...So I think I'll just end this comment off right now. I know it's not my style, but I just don't want to hear it right now, nor do I want to talk about it right now...

Dont Worry About Me..

Don't worry about me, don't cry for me, just pray for me, and hope for me. just think of me, and care for me. Listen, baby girl, I'ma legend, if I ever leave...

Public Service Announcement

This message is for all those in the struggle to survive in our carzy world that we call home. I just want you to know that it will get better. I don't know when, but it'll be alright. Everything will be alright...

My Sexy Love

there are many things that I love about Etsuko. The way she holds me. The way she comforts me in the morning. The way she kisses me at night. her touch. Her smile, her compassion, her emotions, even the way she slaps me when we play fight. Being a Lesbian isn't what I thought it would be, but I like it. Some don't but I like it. Some think it's wrong, and I do too, but my feelings for her won't let me break free from her...Even if I go straight again, Etsuko Yamanobe will always be my Sexy Love smile


People ask me "Why do you write?" Before I insult them to the point that they'll hate me forever, I say, "Why do people make music? Why are people artists? Why do people do what they do? Because they CAN! Because it's what they do best, they love it, it's what makes them, them. That's why I write. It calms me, takes away my pains(emotionally)It's just what I do. It's me, it loves me, and I love it. It's just who I am". That's what I tell those idiots who ask me such stupid questions as that...

My Life

I could me minding my own business, and all of a sudden, someone will come up to me, asking me, "Hey Ikarru, would you please race me?" And with my cheerful disposition, I say "yes", when I really don't want to, but I do it anyway, despite the fact that's so bothersome. Yes I love racing, but every challenge I get always comes at the wrong time! That's annoying. Not only do I have to stop what I'm doing, but I have to blaze this guy or girl in a 40-yard dash. I'm not conceited, but that's what's going to happen. We start, I finish first, they're left behind. Rhat's how it is. I'm not saying that i'm the fastest girl alive, but no one has beaten me....yet. That's just a little story I thought I'd give you about my life. To me, It's just a typical day...Don't you think so?

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Here's what you need to know about me. I'm a nice person, until you get on my bad side. I love to freestyle, run; I just love being me!

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iPanda_jonathan Report | 08/05/2010 9:44 pm
i love you
The Comment Rabbit Report | 03/21/2009 8:03 pm
The Comment Rabbit
I dunno o.o
The Comment Rabbit Report | 03/21/2009 11:30 am
The Comment Rabbit
My nose keeps dripping >:!
The Comment Rabbit Report | 03/20/2009 4:14 pm
The Comment Rabbit
Mommy <3!
I haven't talked to you in a long long long time D;.
Me misses you!
iPanda_jonathan Report | 02/07/2009 4:16 am
i love you baby...
The Comment Rabbit Report | 12/26/2008 11:38 pm
The Comment Rabbit
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
iPanda_jonathan Report | 12/25/2008 8:17 pm
hi baby....

happy birhthday....

i love you so much

take care of yourself....

because i care...
Xx brianna_evans_sexi xX Report | 12/14/2008 6:17 pm
Xx brianna_evans_sexi xX
u might not remmember meh but i waz ur friend a loooooong time ago lol smile
iPanda_jonathan Report | 10/16/2008 3:24 am
hi baby...how are you?... i miss you so much... i love you....keep safe...
iPanda_jonathan Report | 09/26/2008 3:54 am
i love you very much baby
i miss you baby...

My Beloved Ones