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xXiKawaiiliciousXx Report | 05/03/2009 1:35 pm
happy bday~!! heart
ll Neo ll Report | 03/12/2009 7:33 am
been long xd
trawt Report | 10/04/2008 12:54 am
i lost my wireless signal i think T^T
my apologies Mr. Ikki. just know i didnt ditch you O;
ETERNAL SKYKING1 Report | 09/18/2008 10:22 pm
dude your description of air gear sucks ikki wasn't thrown into air treks he chose to put them on so he could beat the hell outta the leader of the skull saders then when he saw the winged road one thing leed to another wich let him become the sky king. and dont be disrespecting my friends profile crow-kun ikki he knows a hell lot more about the show than u do but not as much as me and your wanna be kazu friend need to shut the hell. oh before i leave your pro aint all that special u just have the kogarasumaru symoble posted all over and a dame picture of ikki so THE ONE AND ONLY JC SKYKING SAYS U CAN SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mirage Stradale Report | 09/13/2008 7:21 am
Yo Ikki! What's up?
kuragari_xX Report | 09/11/2008 7:27 pm
The one you left on jesexca's profile..
ETERNAL SKYKING1 Report | 09/10/2008 4:56 pm
really and here i thought u were a air gear fan cause ikki never looked like a sky king in fact he didn't care much for AIR TRECKS at all so next time u say some doesn't fit the part u better get your facts straight because YOU CAN SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!! CAUSE IM THE SKY KING b***h
kuragari_xX Report | 09/03/2008 7:16 pm
Hey... I ont mean to pry, but whats with that comment on Jesexca's profile?
ETERNAL SKYKING1 Report | 08/30/2008 9:33 pm
i see you like air gear well guess what youve just meet the sky king
xXiKawaiiliciousXx Report | 08/16/2008 8:33 am

my real name is Patrick

Ikki146219's avatar

Last Login: 09/22/2010 3:33 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 05/04/1989


Ikki Itsuki form Air gear if u don't know it then u should die kk lol becouse i am the sky King i'll meet u in the sky!!!!!!!
air gear is about a boy who is kinda thrown into a world of fast paced air treks (skates that move on there own) he soon figures out there are diffrent roads like his road the sky hes the sky king and the king of all kings the fang king fire king and manny more there are 8 roads total and 8 kings
{you should so go on youtube and check this show out}

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sleeping forest:- the tree branches reach around and up to the sky
the leaves crowd together and swallow all night
the forest grows darker and darker and then
the man in the forest might think he is safe
the hunter doesn't hear the baring of teeth
on this nkight the hunter will become the prey
as he has entered the sleeping forest

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User Image bet your pride on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simca the Tsubame
iHayato Gokudera
Mirage Stradale
Great Goddess Aphrodite
iTrainer Brendan

Kogara- sumaru kill em dead!!!!!

i still need a bucha, onigery, yayoi



spit fire

