Link's playlist

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About Link

Hello. SO. This is supposed to be about me right? Well there is not much about me to know. All you need to know, is i am a large LoZ fan. I support Link X Malon i actually think it was part of the PLOT LINE TO TP. You can consult me on that whenever if you like. I have a video, and physical proof to back it up. So if you REALLY want to know me. Just...get close to me ;3 specially if you have red hair, and own a ranch ;D Lol. I'm just kidding. I already am dateing someone red haired. x3 she's cute, funny, sexy ;3 awesome. and reminds me very much of malon when i see her. Only more spastastic x3 so yes. Im taken.


Hello. As you can probably tell, i am a fairly large Zelda fan. You can even go as far to say that i may even be.. say a theorist. But, there are a coupel of theories i would absolutely love to adress. First, lets head off with the most ridiculous one. The Tetraforce.

So, lets start off with telling you what the theory is. It is the thought that there is a FOURTH peice of the Triforce. Just think for a's a RETARDED THEORY. There CANNOT be a fourth peice because it is called the TRIforce for a reason. There are THREE PARTS to it. Thus meaning the prefix Tri-. You can argue that there were only two peices of the triforce in the first legend of zelda. WRONG. Think about it, if Gannon had the Triforce of power INSIDE of him, then can't link have the Triorce of courage inside of him? I'm actually gunna lead of with another theory here, the thought that even if there is only one of the peices of the triforce made, it would still be called the triforce. This, is very much true. If you can take a peice away of say...a sword, and what would you call it? The hilt, blade, handle, OF THE SWORD. So, if you take a peice of the triforce away, you wouldnt just call it courage or power, you would call it the TRIFORCE OF WISDOM, and so on. Another reason this can never be true, is there is THREE GODDESSES.... how the ******** can there be a fourth peice without a fourth god? and if so, what the ******** is that god gunna be? Goddess of Cowardice? I think not..


Split time line theory: Although, i believe this with all of my heart, every last bit, i have to shoot it down... The games do come in a sense of a timeline, but they are not. This is VERY wrong. Nintendo themselves actually sent Ocarinahero10 a letter stating that there is actually NO TIMELINE to the story. Just bloodline after bloodline of the great hero link. It is quite sad, i know. Just think of it as... different Realms, like the dark world and the overworld.

If you have any theories you may adress to me, TELL ME, i would be more than happy to find the many flaws it has. Better yet, if it is a revoloutionary theory, take it to Nintendo. See what they think about it. They don't give a damn, they will just give you a half assed response.