
What's up!? Anyways first things before anything -- My real name is Yanset. You can call me Ivan whatever you want. Second of all I love to roleplay! It's an extreme dream and love. Um let's see, I like friend request - I like mail and i love comments. What don't i love [ Dirty Minds gfy! ] Um I'm a chilling person but when i have to be serious im serious alright, Besides from that.

Go figure.
Chinangs History:

History: Chinang born into the wealth of his family, His father being named Kuja, later changed into Gizy. He grow up in normal settings, life as a genome was not really that exciting it was usually battles, training and such. Until he grew older that was, then he began to feel love for women, to fight his own battles and have his own journeys, He worked up his way into life as a Genome of a second generation, he was always a mood swinging kind of person, never found his true self, and always failed at every perspective in his life, in combat, in keeping a relationship, at his studies at everything, not until recently he began to settle himself in, to be stronger, faster , smarter and all that he always wanted to be, yet now in this voices life there is a new goal.. he wished to be the " Dark Messenger Of The 2nd Generation " This would be a title he would have to work hard for, he would have to prove himself, and also show ' himself ' that he is worthy of such, now he trains day and night, countless blood drops and countless sweat drops, countless times he has thought " I can not go on any longer. " Yet the thought of victory always graced his mind, he had found a love once again, her name being Belial, one which at a child hood thought of as a familiar, ended up not being, which formed a great attraction, now she has his child. Life would go on with him, He had also found his settled weapon which would be a katana, a wide one indeed, which he gave off the name of the ' Silent Sonata' because of its appearance, it was quite soothing. Yet he was alone, he had nothing to protect him from battle, He traveled all the way to the battle that took of place years ago.. in Terra where he found a broken sword, it glimmered and a small bluish symphony arose from it, He had no name for it, but even so something called out for him, from that calling forward he named it ' Jenova's Orientation, it allured him to go where he could find books the most, he read day and night about Jenova and about the events that revolved around his father, His wisdom also increased during those days, Physical and Mental abilities had gained their respectful place in his life, together with love, and all that he had been down on, failed about and basically ended, had been revived, better and with more duration. With many other familiars to mention were “ Nemo ” which was well like a mother to him at his younger ages while his father was gone, There was his uncle Jecht which was the bad habit of his life, but always seemed to cheer him up when ever he was on the wrong side of the day, his Uncle Zidane which was the biggest influence in his life hence the reason why he is so clumsy and such, His sister Crystal which he only saw at a young age, and at those very moments with her, were the exact same moments when he truly understood the word ‘ hate’ And last but not least, the rest, well the rest were the people who he once loved and moved along from him, but as for now all the people mentioned are all the people needed. Up until now the only thing known of his attitude lately is that he seems to be incredibly protective about his family.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Sa Na Ta Ah Na

Report | 04/25/2009 5:21 pm

Sa Na Ta Ah Na

-random profile poke-
Soul Paradox

Report | 11/13/2008 7:29 pm

Soul Paradox

Soul Paradox

Report | 11/04/2008 6:02 pm

Soul Paradox

UUUUUUUUUUU!!!! *points accusing finger* WHY HAVE YOU NOT RESPONDED TO MY MESSAGES?!?!?!?!?!?! hmmmmmmmm?

Report | 10/19/2008 12:01 pm


Forum Done?

Report | 10/11/2008 2:49 pm


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Broken Incubuss

Report | 09/13/2008 10:56 am

Broken Incubuss

hello. i was wondering if u would accept my bid for the wings if u say no i totaly under stand and when i get some more gold i will bid on it agin. sorry if i wasted ur time.


Report | 09/08/2008 6:00 pm



Report | 04/26/2008 8:12 pm


thx for buying me hermes
Grandmaster Kenshin

Report | 03/23/2008 6:41 am

Grandmaster Kenshin

Hey happy easter!!!Al so i have ur xbox control ill give it to u when i can

Report | 03/22/2008 11:07 am


A samurai look with a dark halo over your head...nice. If this were in the arena though, probably an 8 out of 10.


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