
Sup yall!,Here are a few things about me.....

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I am the grey between the black and white.
I am the maybe stretched between what's wrong and right.
I am the undecided future, untainted with others crushing wishes for me.

You are another face in the crowd.
You are just like any other; unique, independent, proud.
You are self-satisfied like we all should be;
You are yourself, like everyone else should be.

Now you ask: Who are WE?
What are we put TOGETHER? made EQUAL?
We are one, living in the same messed up world.
We are alive, responsible for what our lives will unfurl.
We each hold a different path of individuality; a certain path our own minds travel.
We walk on the same earth; the same gravel.
We are human, prone to make mistakes.
We control our choices, what we will undertake.
We are one in a thousand, bound together by a bond of likely hood.
We're not evil, not at all perfect, no where near good,
We're not empty; not full,
Not ready but not yet done at the least.
We're still young, yet we have no time at all.

Gather what's left of something broken; a dead dream from the past.
Let's use it to make our lives worth the live,
Use it to make something last.........


name biggrin eborah
nickname: Wolfie, Debbie, blue, (whatever ya'no?
wieght: none of ur beeswax!
Family:2 bros and mom(including everyone else)
fave music:rock, J-rock, metal mostly, old-school rap, Hip-hop, generally anything

Sometimes im a little shy and not full of q uestions but l8er on i can become really hyper. Dont ever think im all x o's cause i can be mean trust me. But mostly im a nice girl almost to nice. I support my friends tward thier dreams and things they want.

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"Success, fame, fortune, its all an illusion.The only reality is the bond between two people, and the friendship they share."

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Well obviously i like anime hehe:
User Image oh what was that? YAOI you say? well i got some YAOI!!:
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~okay okay, i think ill spare a few of you homophobes and stop XD~

whats about some of those AWOMSE pictures, hm? or was it calle FANTASY! like FINAL FANTASY! and others (:

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A true song: Miri Ben Ari- Syomphony's of brotherhood




Some seriousness goin on here but not much

Hey go take a peek ~.^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/09/2009 9:54 pm


hey blue how have you been? O.o?

Report | 11/17/2008 4:50 pm


ehh?... recently noticed the change in ur name... oh! and ur yaoi freaks the h*** out of me.

Report | 10/24/2008 8:28 am


Hey jsut started up my gaia account again!!!! witch means im back Bitches!!!



Report | 08/03/2008 12:19 pm


if u send this to 12 peoples and then press ctlr+w than you will get 40000gg it REALLY works!!!!

Report | 07/27/2008 9:47 pm



heh,You remind me of michel Jackson

Pfft,Haha XD

Report | 07/27/2008 9:26 pm


*holds Fluffy rock*

.......realy.....Fluffly rock...of Justice..?-?

*Crushs fluffy rock into dust*

pitty ^^

Report | 07/27/2008 9:03 pm




what...just happened >>? <<a

...Fluffy rock?....Eh? *-*

Report | 07/27/2008 7:48 pm


*steals cupcake*


*Eats cupcake then aims rocket launcher*

I wanna use this anyways >3<

You shall experence roleplay pain!

*Pulls trigger and a daisy pops out*


You like...Didnt see anything

*throws rocket launcher random direction*


Report | 07/22/2008 9:30 pm


A Nwuueees >3< Anything but the bunnies!! User Image

Save the bunnie >User Image


*Takes out a rocket launcher*

A WArning to you my friend,I got a rocket Launcher mwuaha >D

*cough*Thank you for the comment Though*cough*

Caution: Might Have Sudden Urge To Kiss You

kisuke hyoujin

Report | 06/30/2008 11:35 pm

kisuke hyoujin


I needed it so I stole it. So, what? You wanna fight about it?



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Help us out will ya'?