
3/15/10 @ 5:55pm -
(Currently listening to "West Coast" by Coconut Records)

I'm sorry.
I suck.
I'm back though.
Forgive me?

xox, Hayley

ps - I just got back from a school trip to Peru (we were there for 2.5 weeks!) and I have pneumonia. FUN.

12/13/09 @ 8:53pm -
(Currently listening to "American Boy" by Estelle)

This weekend was really fun! I went to this girl who I've known since like, before birth's bat mitzvah (my mom has known her parents for like 25 years). It was really fun! It as weird being a little older than everyone there but still, I had a great time. I also went shopping. Duh. You know me. I bought a really cute Marc by Marc Jacobs sweater. Anddd I bought a bunch of things from Urban Outfitters. I got a red sweater, red rights, a red chain infinity scarf (all for grade color day for spirit week at school), a gray infinity scarf, a deep green/blue hat, and a cute mug for my mom for xmas. Other than that, I stayed in our hotel room and watched movies (Jennifer's Body & Whip It) and last week's SNL with Blake Lively. Anyways, I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Ughughugh.

xox, Hayley

12/10/09 @ 10:51am -
(Currently sitting in my dark bedroom)

I'm SO SICK. This isn't even funny. Food poisoning, I think.
Anyways, I made a new dream avi. It's twice the amount of my old dream avi though....
1 million to be exact. It's a dream though. There's a pic of it in my signature. It's super pretty.

Care to donate gold?

xox, Hayley

12/9/09 @ 2:33pm -
(Currently listening to "Chinese" by Lily Allen)

Wow. That was the longest break I've ever taken for ANYTHING. I kind of hate myself for it. I forgot how much fun Gaia was. Then today I decided to log in again to see how things are, and nothing really has changed! I totally forgot I sold everything on my avi. EVERYTHING. Which pisses me off because now I want it back. So I guess I have to start from scratch and regain my 500k to re-buy ALL OF MY ITEMS AGAIN. Fml.

Care to donate gold?

xox, Hayley

7/6/09 @ 8:18pm -
(Currently not listening to anything)

Happy (belated) July 4th! I hope you all had fun. I know I did. I went to this bar-b-q at my family friends house (my mom and them have known each other for like 25 years). It was so much fun. We didn't have the very typical, all American 4th of July meal though. You know, the hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, and so on. We had a gourmet meal consisting of a beautiful spinach salad with tomatoes, decadent grilled cornish hen, perfectly cooked and seasoned baby back ribs, corn on the cob & to top it all off, the perfect ending to a perfect night, mirangue with strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream on top (made to look like the American flag!). Anyways, today I started my 09 crew lessons. In my eyes, crew is the best sport in the world. It's easy (it really is. Would I lie to you?), you get to be in the water (what's better than that?) and you work basically every muscle in your body without even knowing it (well, the faster you go, the more you will feel it, but if you're just going out for fun, you can barely notice.). I love crew. I plan to do it for the rest of my life (or until I can't do it anymore). I plan to row through all of high school and then college and hopefully in the Olympics! But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I really love it. Gahh It's the best thing ever. Ok well I am going to go eat dinner. Byes!

xox, Hayley

7/3/09 @ 3:07pm -
(Currently listening to "Pokerface" by Lady GaGa)

AHHH! YESS! YIPEE!! WOOHOO! IT'S FINALLY OPEN! I just opened my brand new awesome shop. It's amazing. It's called Dusties. Go check it out NOW! Here's the link:

Click for Dusties store!

Go buy one nowwww!!

xox, Hayley

7/3/09 @ 10:04am -
(Currently listening to "Thinking of You" by Katy Perry)

Yee! This is so exciting! I woke up early this morning (still on London time) and I was bored so I decided to make a new quiz! I know, I know, I already have a quiz (this one) but that's only ten questions! I decided to make a quiz for the more daring.. Fifty questions! Yay! It's really cool. I already did the first 40 but I'm waiting until tomorrow to do the last ten (the hardest). Anyways, you should take it. It's really fun! Here's the link: (click me!) Have fun with it & I hope you earn a lot of gold!

xox, Hayley

7/2/09 @ 3:00pm -
(Currently listening to "Billy Jean" by Michael Jackson)

Gah! I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I was in London! I just got back late last night and while I was gone I didn't have access to a computer (not like I would have had time to use one anyway). I went for a week with my mom and my friend Madeline. It was amazing. I absolutely love, love, love, London. Seriously, if you haven't been, you NEED to go sometime in your life. There is so much to do and see that you can never be bored. We did so much! We went to like a billion places but my favorites were definitely Madame Tussauds, the London Eye and then the theater to see Le Misérables (so sad but it was SO good). We also went to the Beatles Store and a Rock tribute store where I got a Queen shirt that looks like one of their album covers. So awesome. Anyways, I'm gonna go now so I can unpack. Love you all!

xox, Hayley

6/23/09 @ 12:40am -
(Currently listening to "Fat Bottom Girls" by Queen)

I am so sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days! Everything has been so hectic! I went to a joint bday party for me and my friend haleigh (hayley & haleigh hehe), went to this gigantic charity event (called the Starlight Ball) at my school (to raise money for student scholarships) and met Seth Meyers (from Saturday Night Live) and Martha Stewart! During the ball, there was this live auction and one of the things they were auctioning was a trip four to see SNL, get VIP & backstage passes and signed scripts... Anyways, seeing as I LOVE LOVE LOVE SNL and LOVE LOVE LOVE Seth Meyers and my mom LOVES LOVES LOVES me, obviously she bid (I mean it was going to a good cause so why not?) and obviously she won. The other bidder was my bff's mom. Since she didn't win, my mom thought it would be nice to invite her and her daughter. So now my bff Elisabeth and I are going to SNL! So excited. Even though it's all the way in september. I can wait. Anyways, Seth Meyers was sitting at the table right next to me (I obviously asked for his autograph) and after dinner & dessert while everyone was leaving I grabbed his spoon off his plate. I now have a spoon that was in Seth Meyers' mouth. AHHH I KNOW. Stalkerish much? I know. I don't care. I just hope he doesn't see this.

xox, Hayley

6/17/09 @ 11:06am -
(Currently listening to "Rocky Raccoon" by The Beatles)

I'm officially 15. Gah... I feel old. Anyways, yesterday was SO much fun! Filled with sadness (which I will tell you about later) but otherwise, it was really fun! First I woke up and ate like three cupcakes for breakfast. Then I got dressed and went to school. At school (since it was my last day) all we did was clean out our lockers, got our yearbooks, signed everyone else's yearbooks and had lunch. It was a half day so it ended at one. I came home, got all dressed up in my dress and headed off to graduation!!!!! When I got back to school (at around 4:30) everyone got into their caps and gowns (boys wore navy, girls wore white) and then we had our graduation. After there was a reception with cake and other food. For the most part it was fun since we were officially freshman but it was SO SAD to realize that some of my best friends won't be here next year. UGH STUPID ECONOMY AND RAISING OF THE TUITION AT MY STUPID PRIVATE SCHOOL. CURSEEEE YOUUUU ECONOMY. Sorry I had to do that. So many people can't afford private school any more so they have to go to public school now. It's so sad. Three of my bestest friends in the whole wide world are leaving. Madeline, Nadia and Cassie. I'm gonna miss you! SOO MUCH! ANYWAYS, after our sorrowful goodbyes (well they weren't that sorrowful seeing as we WILL be able to still see each other, we just won't go to the same schools) I went out to dinner with my OTHER bestest friend in the world (who is basically my sister) to celebrate graduation & my birthday. It was really yummy. While our families were still talking, Noelle and I went to go get some ice cream. After that we both went home and fell asleep. Now I'm here, it's summer, I'm 15 & in high school & I couldn't be more content.

xox, Hayley

6/16/09 @ 8:28am -
(Currently eating a cupcake for breakfast)

Happy birthday to MEEEE, happy birthday to MEEEE, happy birthday dear Hayleyyyyyyy! Happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEEE!

xox, Hayley

6/15/09 @ 7:33pm -
(Currently listening to "Float On" by Modest Mouse)

Soooo I'm not one who is big on change, but I decided to take a change and change my profile up! I personally sort of love it more that the old one. How do you like it? PM me about it!

xox, Hayley

6/15/09 @ 8:31am -
(Currently not listening to anything)

Tomorrow is my birthday! And today's the second half of my finals (cultural history and english)! Wish me luck!

xox, Hayley

6/14/09 @ 4:57pm -
(Currently listening to "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen)

I forgot to add, my birthday is in two days!

xox, Hayley

6/14/09 @ 4:50pm -
(Currently listening to "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games" by Of Montreal)

Wow. I truly hate studying. I also truly hate finals. Okay so I have been studying NON STOP since 10am. No lunch break. No bathroom break. Only flash cards, flash cards, flash cards. I felt like I was in jail. But finally my mom let me take a half an hour break. So here I am (obviously). My brain hurts from trying to memorize 350 different terms from the times of Charlemagne to the times of Genghis Kahn. Yes, I did say 350. Not 50, not 250. 350. Harsh much? Wait till you hear what else. Only 50 of them are going to be on my history final. ONLY FIFTY. But my evil teacher won't tell us those 50 so we have to rack our brains and try to remember all 350 we learned this year. I also have to study for science. But science will be easy-peasy. So were the math and english finals. They were SUPER easy. But I am worried for cultural history. It's my worst subject. I'm afraid I will fail. Well, I have to go eat something seeing as I haven't gotten food in my belly since, say, 9:30 this morning?

xox, Hayley

6/7/09 @ 10:50pm -
(Currently watching the special features on the To Kill a Mockingbird DVD)

FIELD DAY WAS AWESOMEEEEEEE. It was yesterday btw. It was supposed to be last friday but it rained so we had it yesterday. I was on the blue team. We got second place! I was really happy we didn't get in last. I mean it was my last middle school field day. I didn't want to be the complete losing team for my last year of middle school. Anyways, next tuesday is my birthday (and my graduation)! I'm so excited!!! Gahhhhhh! So. So. So. Excited! I already know what my mom got me. REALLY good presents. A new MacBook Pro (YESSS!) and a trip to London with my BFF Madeline. I've only been to Europe for five hours (because of a school trip to Egypt, we had a 5 hour layover) & neither has she so we are both superrr excited. My mom has been there like 10912309123 times. I mean she even lived in London for 6 months once. She knows it like the back of her hand. But she's excited to go too. She hasn't been for about 6 years (but that was a business trip so it doesn't count. Well, it's 11 so I must be heading off to bed! Sleep well!

xox, Hayley

6/7/09 @ 8:23pm -
(Currently listening to "Ole Black 'n' Blue Eyes" by The Fratellis)

I was browsing some art shops and I found one very interesting one. It was run by this girl who could make full body & headshot chibis in under 5 minutes. I was like "Wow! I needa get one of these!" So being the spender I am, I sent the trade for 1.5k (cheap right?!) to get my headshot and what do you know? Three minutes later I am being sent a PM with my new avi headshot! It is also really good! Here it is:

User Image

xox, Hayley

ps - Tomorrow is "field day" at school. GO BLUE TEAM!

6/7/09 @ 1:15pm -
(Currently listening to "D.A.N.C.E." by Justice)

User Image

Name: Pedro Kitty
Age: 8 years
Fur Color: Gray
Eye Color: Green
Favorite Accessory: His Blue Fenghuang Feather Tail
Can't Live Without: His grass skirt
Never leaves the house without: A Lemon Ring Pop
Favorite Food: Lemon Ring Pops
Favorite Hobby: Combing his mustachio.

6/7/09 @ 1:07pm -
(Currently listening to "If You Can Afford Me" by Katy Perry)

Gahhh... Sorry I haven't written in a week. I have been pretty busy with finals, birthday stuff, parties (hehe) and other things. Anyways, I had a pretty good week (minus the two detentions).. I got my Spanish final back. I did REALLY WELL. I got an A-. I mean for me, that's amazing (because I usually SUCK at Spanish). I was so proud. On wednesday I had my school concert. It went well. Chorus (what I'm in) did the beast (as always!). I also found out that sometime in July, Katy Perry (<3) is going to be preforming on the Today Show (like she did last year) and that since my mom used to work there and still has great connections, I get to get into the VIP section with a friend, watch the concert & then meet Katy! SO EXCITED. I loveeee her. She was just in the new July issue of Seventeen Magazine. You should go buy it. Ahh I love her.

xox, Hayley

6/1/09 @ 3:28pm -
(Currently too angry and upset to listen to music)

I am so freaking mad. I hate life. I hate my teachers. I hate my school. I hate the head of my middle school. I want it to be summer. Okay, so friday a few of my friends and I decided to skip Wellness (gym). Two of us got caught by my cultural history teacher and he was like not mad or anything. Then today the head of my middle school ame up to me during lunch and was like "Hayley, come see me in my office during recess". I was like "s**t.." so I went and it turns out I get two detentions (tomorrow at 7:30am.. that's a half an hour before I usually wake up.. and wednesday at 4:30pm.) I am so freaking pissed off. UGH I AM SO MAD. I mean two detentions for skipping GYM? Harsh much?

xox, Hayley

5/31/09 @ 6:10pm -
(Currently listening to "Black and Gold" by Sam Sparro)

User Image

Name: Prince Kittles Worthington IV
Age: 6 years
Fur Color: Pure white
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Accessory: His great grandfather's (Kittles Worthington I) monocle
Can't Live Without: His KiKi Kitty Plushie
Never leaves the house without: His gold crown
Favorite Food: Creme Burlee
Favorite Hobby: Bossing people around

5/31/09 @ 6:03pm -
(Currently listening to "Clingwrap" by Sam Sparro)

OMGSH. I just purchased the cutest art ever. Pic & biography of my kitty in the next blog post. It is by Snowflake Mule (aka Omyasaka and MiSSZSN0WFlAKE). It is literally the cutest thing ever. You get to customize a little kitty cat and it's just so cute! The link to their store is below. GAH so cute!

User Image

xox, Hayley

5/31/09 @ 4:14pm -
(Currently listening to "When Did Your Heart Go Missing" by Roony)

Yeah! Little update. I went to my dear friend Laura's bat mitzvah yesterday and it was AWSOMEE. ily Laura even though you are like two years younger than me. Anyways, that's about it.

xox, Hayley

5/27/09 @ 9:51pm -
(Currently not doing anything other than this..)

im making this blog very quickly seeing as i am verrrry tired and my nini is on the phone (i'll explain who she is tomorrow). anyways, today i had part one of my spanish final, it was really easy. then, i presented my science fair project (i'll explain tomorrow). my teacher said it was excellent. so all in all, good news. i'm going to leave now. nighty night!

xox, Hayley

5/26/09 @ 2:03pm -
(Currently watching Without a Trace

I FINALLY GOT MY PADMAVATIS LOTUS! YESSS! It was the last part to my dream avatar. I'm so happy right now. You don't even know. OMG. Okay.. Haha. Anyways, now I only have 570g.. I used to have almost 200k. Now I am broke.. Well at least I have my dream avatar!

xox, Hayley

5/26/09 @ 12:16pm -
(Currently watching this morning's Today Show)

Guess what? My birthday is in 20 days. Yessssss. And that means my last day of school is in 20 days too! Even better "yes"! I think that the last day of school is the best birthday prezzie ever. Hahahaaaaa.

xox, Hayley

5/25/09 @ 10:11pm -
(Currently listening to "Little Secrets" by Passion Pit)

Okay, being the stalker I love to be, I was reading Katy Perry's blog today (you should check it out, it's ah-mazing.. Just google "Katy Perry's blog" and click the first one that says "Kitty Purry's Blog".. That's it.) and she posted this clip of a song that I had never heard before by this band that I had never heard of before. That song was "Little Secrets" by Passion Pit. I am now obsessed with Passion Pit. THANKYOUKATYPERRY! You should check them out (along with Katy's blog). They are soooo good. I don't really know how to describe them other than AMAZING! Okay, you just have to check them out. I'll stop writing so you can go do that now. Byes!

xox, Hayley

ps - OH BTW, I got another donator! It was SnoopyLovesYou! Thank you so much SnoopyLovesYou for your VERY generous donation! :]

5/25/09 @ 11:19pm -
(Currently listening to "Kids" by MGMT)

Okay. I know I have been changing my mind A LOT in the past like 24 hours.. But I have a new dream avi. It's better than any other avi I have ever seen. It's amazing. There's a pic of it in my siggy. I love it! Now I gotta get all those items.. Now.. Where can I find 370,000?? Hehe.. Care to donate?

xox, Hayley

5/24/09 @ 9:18pm -
(Currently watching some special on NBC.. I forget what it's called.)

Anyways, I've decided something. Until i get my KiKi Kitty Plushie, this will be my avi. (Looks over to the right to see current avi). Just because my dream avi doesn't feel complete until I have my KiKi. :] Sooooo... When I get my KiKi I will change it back.

xox, Hayley

5/24/09 @ 7:19pm -
(Currently listening to "Dashboard" by Modest Mouse)

I was inspired. I have a new dream avi. It's all finished. Isn't she pretty? She wants to play with you. Muahahahahaha,

xox, Hayley

5/24/09 @ 6:06pm -
(Currently listening to "Paparazzi" by Lady GaGa)

OMG Queen Saiai is the most generous person in the world. She just donated 5k to me! Omg! I love you Queen Saiai! You don't know how much I appreciate that!!

xox, Hayley

5/24/09 @ 12:30pm -
[Currently still watching Jon & Kate Plus 8]

Bah.. I just made a new siggy. Check it out (over to the right & scroll down). :]

xox, Hayley

5/24/09 @ 10:20am -
[Currently watching Jon & Kate Plus 8]

Soo... I'm still sick and I'm lying in bed watching Jon & Kate Plus 8.. Ugh. I hate being sick. But I have good news! My donations list is growing! We now have two more donators! That's SIX! Woo!

Here they are:

Xill Zera (100)
Queen Saiai (10)

xox, Hayley

5/22/09 @ 7:23pm -
(Currently not listening to anything. Just lying in bed on my laptop)

Welllll last night was the sleepover at school. It was SO fun. We did sooo much. We had a bonfire, watched a movie, played a faculty vs. students volleyball game (students won!), went to sleep really late, woke up really early, went to the beach to eat breakfast & then everyone went home. Everyone had such a great time! The only downside is is that I now have a verrrry bad cold. I didn't get it from the sleepover but I got it right before so I was sort of uncomfortable but whatever. OH AND GUESS WHAT? My mom said for my birthday she's taking my and my friend Madeline to LONDON! YESSS! Neither of us have been (but we've been like everywhere else like China, Egypt, Paris, etc.) so it should be a lot of fun. We are both soooo excited. Blahhh I am so tired. I think I'm going to get some sleep. Haha and it's only like 7:30. Byesss.

xox, Hayley

5/20/09 @ 4:57pm -
(Currently listening to "F**k You" by Lily Allen)

Okaysoo I just found something out that makes me pisssssed off. It turns out that we were getting the sleepover NO MATTER WHAT. Even if we sucked at always being in uniform or getting to class on time. It was just to scare us. Ugh. Isn't that mean? I think it was. Whatever.. We're getting the sleepover and that's all that matters.

xox, Hayley

5/18/09 @ 7:33pm -
(Currently still listening to "Lovegame" by Lady GaGa)

OHH I wanted to let you all know, I have had four (not much, but better than zero!) kind donators who donated 10 gold towards my "Dream Avatar Fund"! These people need some recognition! Here they are:

Lishia in Wonderland (150g)
stewiegriffin234 (10g)
iWingedDreamer (10g)
- Pinstriped - Polka - Dot (10g)

Again, 10g isn't that much to anyone else, but to me, every little bit of gold I get is worth a whole lot because it takes me one step closer to getting my dream avatar. Guys, I only have ONE more item to get until it's complete. Care to help a girl out?

xox, Hayley

5/18/09 @ 7:30pm -
(Currently listening to "Lovegame" by Lady GaGa)

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.
Bahahaa I love this song.

xox, Hayley

ps - I hate Spanish homework. Blech.

5/18/09 @ 5:57pm -
(Currently watching NCIS)

Today during science (first period) the whole 8th grade (my grade) was called to a meeting with Mr.Bowes (the head of the middle school). Before I tell you what it was about we should back it up a bit. So at my school there is a tradition every year where the current 8th graders have a sleepover at school. The thing is, they have to earn it (by always being in uniform, being on time to classes, doing homework, doing well on tests/quizzes, etc.). If they don't make those things perfect, then no sleepover. The past 8th graders have always gotten the sleepover. Well, my grade is very suckish. Just a few days ago Mr.Bowes said he was leaning towards not giving us a sleepover. He told us that may 18th (today) he was going to let us know whether we got the sleepover or not... So today during first period we called us all to a meeting. He told us that just a few days ago he didn't want us to have the sleepover but he did see some improvement in our uniform, grades, timeliness, etc. so he was going to give us the sleepover! YESSSSS. Soooo thursday night we will get school around 5, play games on the field, have a bonfire, watch a movie, sleep, and then friday morning we will get up, go to the beach and eat breakfast and then have the rest of the day off! BOOOYA. So exciteddd.

xox, Hayley

5/17/09 @ 9:15pm -
(Currently reading To Kill a Mockingbird)

Okayyy well as you can see above, I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird. It is SO good. This is one of the very few books for school that I actually like (along with The Giver & Of Mice and Men)!! I totally recommend it to anyone who can read. Gahh I can't put it down!

xox, Hayley

5/17/09 @ 7:13pm -
(Currently listening to "Shut Up And Let Me Go" by The Ting Tings)

Booooya. I just bought Oculus Magicus. I now only have ONE more item to get until I achieve my dream avatar. Yusssssssss. Too bad I blew all my gold on the OM. Now I need to get... Hmm.. About 712,110 more gold so I can buy my Kiki Kitty Plushie. Jeeeez that's a lot. Wish me luck!

xox, Hayley

5/17/09 @ 5:51pm -
(Currently listening to "Spaceman" by The Killers)

I know I just blogged like legit not even an hour ago, but I just wanted to let you all know, I made a new playlist for my profile. It isn't just Katy Perry songs now! Yay! I just know that not everyone likes her (even though I do.. I'm somewhat obsessed. But still.. I wanna think about the people visiting my profile too!) sooo I added other music (like MGMT, Queen, Lady Gaga & more). You're welcome guys! :]

xox, Hayley

5/17/09 @ 5:11pm -
(Currently listening to "Fingerprints" by Katy Perry)

Okayyysooo I'm not really used to writing a blog so if I'm doing anything wrong, pleeeease tell me. Today I like revamped my whole profile. It's totally kick-a** now. Agree? I'm still doing some work on it so please keep that in mind. I absolutely adore my background though. It makes me giggle every time I see it. Blah. That's about it.

xox, Hayley

ily x R A W R

ily x R A W R 's avatar

Last Login: 03/18/2010 2:53 pm

Gender: Female


Posts per Day: 0.28

Total Posts: 1592

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About Me;;

Ello :3

I'm Hayley.
I'm 15 years old.
I believe crew is the best sport in the world.
I like to read.
My favorite foods are sushi and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.
I love animals. My favorite animals are seals but I also love hippos, elephants, giraffes, and dogs.
I have three pets. Two doggies and a parakeet.
I am allergic to cats.
I think nugget is a funny word.
I like friends so send me a request!

Kthanxbye. :] User Image

Random Stuffs I love on the Interweb;;

Katy Perry's Blog. It's freaking amazing. - (click me!)

Twitter! Follow me by clicking the link. - (click me!)

Perez Hilton. That website is like my breakfast. I feel so out of touch when I go a day without reading it. - (click me!)

My quiz. I am very proud of it. Care to take it? I promise it will increase your gold by a huge amount! - (click me!)

FreeRice. I always have it open on my computer. It's a great way to exercise your brain while feeding people who really need food! - (click me!)

FML. Just read them. I promise it will make you laugh! - (click me!)

MLIA. Shows how everyone's lives are average at one point. I love it! -
(click me!)

My Milk Toof! SO ADORBS! - (click me!)

My siggy;;

User Image
Dream Avatar
Total Value: 1mill.

Care to donate?
Any amount of gold is very much appreciated.

- none -

My Music;;

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.



Ahoy there matey!

Welcome to my profile.