
[NOTE: This is my roleplay character intro]

Some might call it a curse; others call it my 'disease.' I am a lycanthrope. You don't know what it truly means to live until you've run through grassland or forrest, the sharp scent of fear permeating the night as you hunt; the tangy-sweet and bitter taste of blood as you feed, and the joy of collapsing, sweaty and satiated, surrounded by the comforting presence of your pard; the only family you will ever know again.

[About Me:]

As for the girl behind the character, I'm a 21 year old self-employed femme who loves to travel, Roleplay, read, and draw. I love animals and am "owned" by three cats and four ferrets! Yes, you heard right, that many.

PM's are always welcome, and I love making new friends. Thanks for stopping by!


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Benighted Ramblings of a Divergent Soul


