
ImALovelyBoy's avatar

Birthday: 07/02


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All I care about is Gaia Gold!

Mwhaaaaa! heart


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Xx Purple Doll xX Report | 02/10/2014 4:02 pm
Xx Purple Doll xX
cool avi
Bitter Serum Report | 12/17/2010 9:40 am
Bitter Serum
Lol s'ok. Thats why you're in the Q&A too right? ;0
Boredom can do that to ya.
Bitter Serum Report | 12/17/2010 9:30 am
Bitter Serum
Xx Purple Doll xX Report | 12/05/2010 6:09 pm
Xx Purple Doll xX
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*.. lovelovelovelovelove…*….*…lovelovelo.*

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GoldenGurl-x Report | 12/03/2010 12:48 pm
Uhm, no, why?
You could check in my profile in the About section and you could see my name there.
GoldenGurl-x Report | 12/03/2010 12:46 pm
Aww... Okay then, I won't buy it xp
GoldenGurl-x Report | 12/03/2010 12:43 pm
hi, can you lower you'r price for the Woe item at you'r store please? heart
ImALovelyBoy Report | 12/03/2010 10:41 am
Talk to me guys!
Miss Black Eyeliner 86 Report | 09/26/2010 12:25 pm
Miss Black Eyeliner 86
User Image
Sonic speed 5000 Report | 09/19/2010 5:38 am
Sonic speed 5000
thats because the winning number is too high.


I'm not poor, and I'm not a mule. I just don't like crappy avatars.User Image


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