
Here's a few things that u should know about me:

Hair: It changes when ever it wants duh!
Date of birth: 12.30

Country: Finland

The name is Mikkis, hello to everyone!
I'm a metal loving gothgirl who sees beauty in the darkest of things. I don't have any "real" hobbies, but I like reading, working out at the gym, cooking and baking, drinking, drawing and daydreaming. I've been a gaiamember for years and years, but now (year 2013) I found this site again. Come and talk to me if you dare smile

Fav colour(s): BLACK! red and violet, recently also pink

Oh I nearly forgot! If you wanna see my artwork just go to the deviantart.com and search name: RantAllMighty

95% of the teenage population would cry if they saw the jonas brothers or miley cyrus on the top of the empire state building. Copy and paste this if you would be the 5% screaming "jump, bitches, jump!!!!"


The sky is a forever unreachable place for we humans, who have no wings

"A friend is a person that doesn't expect you to have any special role in a world. A friend accepts you like you are"


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Mikkis4ever's Gaia Diary

Hmmm... lyrics... Thinks and thoughts, random stuff. I DUNNO!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

R a i n b o w x z
Satan of Man

Report | 06/22/2010 3:02 pm

Satan of Man

Thank you!!! I appreciate it. : D Also its so good 2 be back!! Enjoying all the time Ive got until aug. 10th. I leave again 4 basic training. U.S. Army 21B Combat Engineer. I basically blow s**t up all day. GOTTA LOVE IT!!!! EXPLOSIVES R SO MY THING!!!

Report | 06/13/2010 9:56 am


what do ya wanna talk to me about?

plus dun forget FB~

Report | 06/11/2010 3:04 pm


ehkä ole yhtä paljon kuin sinäkin, suomi on vaikea kieli oppia ja puhua, olen todella skandinaavista perintöä ja voin puhua bokmål, saksa, ja olen väli puhuja Islannin. Olen vain osittain puhumaan hollantia, ruotsia, ja suomi. lol .. Minun täytyy käyttää kääntäjän muutaman sanan suomeksi, sillä jotkut sanat, joita puhutaan eivät ole asianmukainen ottaen todettu vieraan kielen sanakirjoissa. Suomi on outo ei juurikaan lainaa yli sanojen englanti, saksa tai ruotsi;Ainakin Miten asiat vanhassa maailmassa?

Report | 06/11/2010 10:57 am


ikävä kyllä, minun täytyy olla hullu, varten minä olin varma, että se sanoi Norjan sad , puhutteko te suomea, tai vain englantilainen? pahoittelemme minun loppuani ei puhuta hyvin. Sitä paitsi minä en ole varma, jos minä muistan, kun minä tapasin teidät kaupungilla, mutta selvästi te kuuntelette hyvää musiikkia, jos me puhuisimme metallisesta musiikista.

Report | 06/10/2010 1:57 am


sry it took me a while lol i never check my profile and i saw you left a comment .. so whats up? , I hope this doesnt sound rude but have i met you on gaia before or did you just find me lol sorry i dont remember you if i did ... do you rly live in norway? and if so do you speak bokmal?

Report | 06/07/2010 1:02 pm


he ignored me when i asked him so ill try again later =/

yuh i clean out my list all the time...fed up with folks asking for donations X.x

Report | 06/06/2010 11:33 pm



....so tell me, why did you delete D??

Report | 05/18/2010 10:55 am


where the fack did you go???
Wheezy Kitten

Report | 05/17/2010 1:04 pm

Wheezy Kitten

your birthday is a day befor mine mine is 12/31


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My dream Avi