The Face Behind The Avi~



Liz and Jaydon- 2,000,000 Gold; Wed To Darkness; Demonic Anklets(miss you guys!)
Insane Bloody Rena- Lala the Koala
Elite Nacho- Spinal Back Tattoo
XI-Yuki-IX- Black Sheep
My Precious Tomo- 200,000 Gold; Satin Hair Bow

Thank you guys so much!

Random stuff about me

Well, where to begin. I suppose my name is a good place to start! You may call me Inevitable Ruin, Ruin, DiscoPony, Steve, Batman, AbbyMae, Abba, Abbatha, Abster, Abby, or whatever name you could possibly think of. Yes, Abby, my real name IS Abigail, but I dont care much for that name. That is what I get called when I am in trouble, or on formal occasions. As of 7/12/11, I am the fabulous age of 16. My relationship status? Wouldn't you like to know? >.< Haha, if you must know, I am single, and not liking it much. Just waiting for that one guy to come into my life and love me for me. Until then, I will claim everyone I know as my lover, including you unknown stumbler across my profile.

I love my friends and family with all my heart. I would do absolutely anything for them. I am the type of person that will be there for someone until I am told to leave. Ill listen, talk someone through problems, and take secrets to my grave. Ill make someone laugh when they need it, or give them a shoulder to cry on if the situation calls for it. I love meeting new people, in person and online as well. Friendship makes the world go round. As do hugs......>.>

I believe I am a simplex individual. I also am the most pessimistic optimist you will ever meet. Race, religion, appearance? Those mean nothing to me. What does matter is what is on the inside, how a person feels and acts. That is how I judge people. I personally am a Christian that will not shove my beliefs down your throat, if you give me the respect of not doing so in return, or if you do not bash my religion. I am a giant compared to most people I know, standing at 5'9 and still growing.(: I love making people smile, and I hate seeing people upset. Sometimes I think outloud, making me come across as rather random. I can be hyperactive and fun-loving one day, and then next be as serious as it gets. When it comes to school, I can be rather smart, especially when it comes to math, it comes naturally to me in most cases. Others, like history and chemistry, they dont come as naturally to me. I have my blonde moments, I will not lie, but who doesnt? I am very lazy. I procrastinate A LOT, but I do always get the job done when I need to. I can be pretty easily distracted, but I have a short attention span, so I get bored pretty quickly too. It takes a lot to make me angry, but when I do get angry, I get over pretty quickly. Only on a few occasions have I been able to stay angry at someone and hold a grudge, but I do eventually get over it.

What interests me? Well, I love live sporting events. I cant stand watching sports on tv, except for the occasional MMA fight, I like to be there for all the action. I especially like sports where people get hockey. *-* >.> <.< I have played sports all my life, but recently quit them because of the shitty coaching staff for volleyball at my school. I now just play sports for fun rather than competition. Some of the sports I have played are soccer, basketball, volleyball, and tennis. I did love them all, but volleyball was my favorite. If there was a different coach, I would probably still be playing. In soccer i was the goal keeper, and I'd say I was pretty good. I also played first doubles in tennis and post for basketball. I played the alto sax for about 3 years, but gave it up to hopefully pursue learning another instrument. I love swimming, though only for recreation. And I love love love animals of all kinds. I especially love big cats and bears.

As you probably already figured out from this exceptionally long About Me, I love writing, but who doesnt these days? I have many little poems and short stories that Im not proud to say I wrote, but there are some works I am quite proud of. I love roleplaying, but I like multicharacter, longer post, literate roleplays. It gives me more to work with that way. Not only do I like writing, I love love love reading. Reading is an escape from life and all its drama and complications. My crazy imagination helps me to picture the stories in my head, like a movie in my head. Books that are well written, emotionally provoking, and longer are my favorites. I prefer fantasy to nonfiction any day. Right now, my favorite series is the Mortal Instruments series. Cassandra Clare... is a genius.

I do like reading manga and watching anime too. My favorite animes are Ouran High School Host Club, Kuroshitsuji,Loveless, Gakuen Heaven, and JunJou Romantica. Im always looking for good recommendations, so let me know of some you like? I do also love yaoi with a passion. ^-^ (Yes, I am one of THEM XD)

Music is another thing I love, absolutely could not live without it. I love most every genre. Very little Country, Blues, and Jazz though. Good beats, nice instrumentals, great vocals, and catchy lyrics are always best. When the lyrics tell a story or speak the truth, thats pretty awesome too. Been to a couple pretty good concerts. The All Time Low/Hey Monday/The Summer Set concert was amazing, the Avenged Sevenfold/3 Days Grace/Bullet For My Valentine concert was ******** awesome, I have also seen Skillet, NewsBoys, Family Force 5, and a alot more. is the best. Whether its in video games, movies, haunted houses, whatever it is, I love it. Gore=Love. Weird? I guess, but I love bloody movies and games. The more gore the better. >.< I like other kinds of movies and games, but horror is my favorite. I love the adrenaline rush. o.e

I can curse like a sailor, I can be very opinionated, and sometimes I can take things a little too far, but no one is perfect. As you can see, I am pretty open about myself. I try my best to be nice to everyone. And I promise you I wont bite when we first meet. Other times I cannot promise. I love random PMs and Comments, so hit me up sometime. And if by some chance at all you have anymore questions, feel free to ask. >.<

Avi Arts. Draw me? <3

Signs~ Make me one? Ill love you forever!

User Image

Love you Krissy!

From the people that love me. :3

I Love You Like A Fat Kid Loves Cake.
Or Was It Cheese? . . . Cheetos?
I dunno!, But I Do Know That You’re The Best
Gaia Twin/ Wife/ Best Friend/ etc.
Anyone Could Ever Ask For, And One Day,
I Will Be Getting you A Medal For Every One Of Them.
You're The Best Thing Since Candy Cigarettes.
And the best thing to happen to me.
A n d L a s t B u t N o t L e a s t,
A L i t t l e W a r n i n g F r o m M e ;
Mess With This Chick,
And I’ll ******** Up Your Face.

;; Dream In Colors

This is Rachel, Rachey, whatever. Anyways I'm here to say Abby is the MOST amazing person you could ever have the pleasure of knowing. Trust me I know her. She's really nice and hilarious. But when sleep deprived her mind is forever stuck in the gutters. xD Anyways, Abby is one of my most loyal friends and I know if I ever have a problem or need to talk mama will always be here for me. Oh yeah and she's having my pregunta~

Love, FataI Destiny~

Kristen here~
My good friend, Abby is awesome, inside and out. I've known her for like....FOREVER! Shes a cool person, and awesome to hang around with. You can't use any word other than "AWESOME" to drescribe her. And if you don't know her, well it sucks for you! ;0

Love, Kristen C:

Comments, leave me one?

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Profexia Report | 10/16/2011 8:00 pm
Daw thank you for the gift! whee
OtterJae Report | 09/21/2011 8:42 pm
creepsies Report | 09/20/2011 1:09 pm
Abby D;
OtterJae Report | 09/12/2011 7:24 pm
I Mazuke Report | 08/06/2011 8:34 am
I Mazuke
welll you guys did a great job
I Mazuke Report | 08/04/2011 11:07 pm
I Mazuke
AWWW thank you!! i like your profile too!
cacoppedge Report | 08/01/2011 11:47 pm
Thank you for the conversation.
wyt noiz Report | 07/29/2011 9:57 pm
wyt noiz
Sure, I'll try.
wyt noiz Report | 06/07/2011 4:23 pm
wyt noiz
That's alright. c:
wyt noiz Report | 06/06/2011 11:00 pm
wyt noiz
Just checking to see if you got my posts. c:


FataI Destiny on 02/03/2021

Fun times in rally. :D