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Infernalbane's avatar

Registered: 05/10/2008

Birthday: 11/10

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Kye Jenn Report | 09/16/2011 8:19 pm
Kye Jenn
Kitty go rwar!! >8D ... ^w^;;
Yaaay, I got the spelling right! ^o^ Yeah he got elected to congress or something like that, right? It's so cool how much he does! ^.^
YES, Thanksgiving was eeeeevil. 8U I did all that by myself, somehow. Christmas dinner didn't go quite as well. =__=|||
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 8:05 pm
Kye Jenn
Aww, well being allergic does create problems. Still..... what a pansy. XP
Whoot! Pacquiao!!(spell that right? @.@) I like watching him, he's good! 3nodding
Heh, I prefer cooking by myself, too. cat_rofl But, if it's a really big load, I do ask for help now and again. :3
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 7:46 pm
Kye Jenn
Ehh, well those certain people stink! cat_xp
Ohh, cool! I wouldn't have guessed just from looking at you! I can't make heads or tails of Tagalog. =P
Yeah, I love cooking! My favorite things to make are pasta dishes and baked goods, like cookies and cakes. 3nodding I can only do it when I can afford it, though. sweatdrop
Heh, thanks. I realized earlier that about half my wishlist is hidden. cat_rofl
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 7:28 pm
Kye Jenn
Yup, but who wouldn't like cat emotes!? cat_4laugh
Heh, nooo I don't know much French. =P Only what little bits I've gleaned from popular culture and whatnot. Kinda like my German and Japanese, I only know bits and pieces that I hear often.
Mmmmm buttery croissant.... blast, I'm hungry. T-T But it's pretty dark, and I'd rather not walk to the store alone. >_<
Heh, well I usually cheat and use the "View Equipped Items" option on people when I wanna know what they're wearing. =P~ Call it "research". 4laugh
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 7:10 pm
Kye Jenn
Heheh, I am melodramatic. XP
Yes, my mom told me that on her... mother's side(?) we're a bit French. XD So, no wonder I love croissants! cat_rofl
Ohh heeeey! It would look pretty good with Anesidora's Woe! Good thinkin'! blaugh
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 6:56 pm
Kye Jenn
Heh, that'd be cool with me! 3nodding Although, California's a fairly big place. cat_sweatdrop But we'll see. (I need a job, too sweatdrop No funds = no fun TxT) Sure, go ahead and PM me a link to your Facebook! =3 You will be the first Gaia friend to see the real me... prepare to be horrified!!! XD cat_rofl
Haha, well I am 1/16th French on my mother's side. =P Much to my chargrin. xp
Mmhm, I think if I get one from this month it'll be Maleficent Seven. I could use the belts and the hair. 3nodding
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 6:32 pm
Kye Jenn
Hahah! Better busy than slow, I think. =P (but, that's coming from someone who hardly ever has something to do. @~@)
Awww man, that sucks. >~< Definitely sounds like a new computer is in order. I know there are certain good sale days for electronics during the late fall/early winter. Keep an eye out online and in mail ads and stuff! =3
Nahh, the French are just... the French. XD Even their language is evil. <w< XP
Yeah, I saw the new MCs... they're alright. I like the Maleficent Seven best out of the two. The boots remind me of Beelzemon's (from Digimon; don't know if you've ever watched it), and the belts and all that are pretty neat. =3 I might pick one up eventually.
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 6:15 pm
Kye Jenn
...You do so many more things than I do. ;~; XD Sounds good, though! (For comparison, what I do most days is sit around and play on the computer or watch TV..... =~= blah.)
Man, that must've been an angry packet of ramen! XD I blame the French. Those sneaky bastards. <w<
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 5:59 pm
Kye Jenn
Yeah, it's nice that the weather's been cooling off little by little. My day's been alright, pretty quiet. =3 How about yours?
Kye Jenn Report | 09/15/2011 5:54 pm
Kye Jenn
Yep! ^_^ California, baby! =P
Dreamy Tamashi
-x- creepy lil doll -x-
Basic Moes
Kye Jenn
Cupcake is High
Sana Valentine