

Hey i'm Inferno the most absoultly disturping person any one can ever know. I'm into shredder movies or any thing were it shows people geting mutilatted and erotica magizens and movies; I especly enjoy the site http://rotten.com/ which can just barely start to satisfy my dark and grusom disiars; and i'm a total jack a** to any and every one just ask the FAZ. Infact the only thing that makes me some one youd want to be frend is that I hate my ******** exsitance so much that I would sacrice my self for just about any one and any thing that and I am completly into honor and respect so its very unlikely that I'll stab some one in the back unless there is an extremly good reason.

Inferno's back story

I reameber it like it was yesterday. It comes back to me in my dreams. I can still smell thier blood on my hands. I was about 12 then when it happend... when I happend. I was week and craved power and I wanted to live the storys in the books I read. It started like any other day I climbd a mountain that I had climed a thousand times before but this time on this day I took a diffrent rout. I saw a cave that I hadn't ever noticed before my curoisty got the best of me so I went in. I walked along the singal trail along the inside of it for a while. I knew I should leave something just didn't feel right but I keept going. untill I reached the end. Half the wall was bright Wight and the other half Blaker than any thing I had ever seen. Than a voice spook to me it said "I know you and what you can become. You can have the power and the life you have alwas wanted." my imediat reaction was I fell down in a panic then I was lifted back to standing as if the air it's self was holding me. I asked one question "How" than this barly visble tiny little ball of fire apeard before me and I heard the voice again. "All you have to do is feel an emotion so pure it over welms you." As you can probably ges my first reaction was how do I do that than as if an awser to my question an image of the most beutiful girl I'v ever seen flashed before my eyes and I was instanly in love so much so that it over welmed me and then the little ball of fire started geting sucked in to me untill it was no more. Than I hered the voice again "Good now you will need a weapon to protect you from those who mean to harm you and those you love." I said ok. Than in an instant I was in a diffrent world or so I thought. Than again I herd the voice "You must find the first dragon and take a skale from it. Than find the first flame ever made and forge that skale into a weapon that would best sute you." so I set of to find this dragon. It took me 5 long years before I did found it and when I did it was only a baby so I captured it and and took it with me. Now I know when they say fire was first made but in all my time here I never found a singal person I made a fire. It took me 6 years and more tries than I can count to make that sword each time I would take another skale from the dragon and over the 6 years we became like brothers. The living things in the whole world other than the plants we ate. Than finally one day I did it I made the sword and I finally hered the voice again. "Good now I shall return you, your powers, and the dragon back to your time." my reaction was "WAHT ******** POWERS AND WHAT ******** TIME ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" as you can imagin 11 years with out any one to talk to got realy anoying. Than the voice spoke to me again "Upon absorbig your soul you gaind power to creat and manipuleat fire and to manipulate all things that feed it." I was about to burst with anger all thise time I had to burn food to keep warm, to smak rock together tell hand bled "WELL WHY THE ******** DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I COULD DO THAT." the voice simply said "Because in order for you to apreciate the blade and the dragon you had fell more pain than you ever have before. As for the time I simply sent you back a thousand years." Than in an instant I was back in the cave I remberd but not I the body I remberd I was still 23. Than the voice said some thing to I wish I never herd "Now I must tell you grave news. because of your ablitys their are those that would hurt you and the people around you. they will find them and torture them. tell the die from pain." i had only one thought "how can i prevent this." theen it said "you can't. the only out come is thier death. the only thing you can do is give them a swift painless death." i fell to my knees sobing i knew that i had to do this as mercey but the thought tortured me like a thousand sering needles in my eyes; then i got my self up started for the entrance. i looked down at the town my town with a heavy heart then i ran down the mountain with my sword ready to strike; i used the air to keep me from tumbling over and to cushion the long drops. when i finally got down my best frend walked up to me; i closed my eyes and swung with my sword i didn't even feel the blade go thrugh him. when i opend my eyes he was dead and my sword had become shethd in fire. then killed again and againg and as i killed my anger grew to near insanity and i became a fire a ficous beast of flame killing every thing. then i saw some thing out of the cornnor of my but i couldn't make it out. i turnd and struck. only then did i realiz it was my brother my dragon. sorrow replaced my anger and i went back to normal. the vilage around burnt asunder. then i herd the voice again it said "you will hear me again when war starts and blood needs to be spilld." i realizd that i would have to get a hold on my imotions to prvent my self from burnning the world. but at the same time there was only 1 thing i could say"if you ever betray me. i'll get reveng." then i walked of casting aside my name and donning a new 1. 1 that would fit what i had become... i became INFERNO.


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vampress of the undead

Report | 02/08/2009 1:54 pm

vampress of the undead

i love you inferno
vampress of the undead

Report | 02/06/2009 6:00 pm

vampress of the undead

my chick sort of has a pissed off look though doesnt she
vampress of the undead

Report | 02/06/2009 5:51 pm

vampress of the undead

she's not that hot is she??? ok ya she is!!!


why bother trying...in the end...every thing you care 4 is weakness.