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ucaldra's avatar

Report | 09/08/2017 6:08 am


hello biggrin
I am also not able to recall how we became friends.
But here we are! nice to meet you again xD
how long have you been on gaia? biggrin did you also take a break somewhen?
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 09/08/2017 12:04 am


:shock::shock::shock::stare::stare::stare::stare::stare::stare::stare::stare::stare::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::scream::scream::scream::scream:I don't feel like s**t because I've been actively fighting the need to feel like s**t and it's an everlooming encroaching feeling. 

Hopefully Friday goes as planned.
At times I feel like I'm not interesting, but then if I do think I'm interesting I feel conceited and condescending. Guess that's why I take the modest approach.

emotional blah blah blah i guess this all pretty familiar to my comments. I'll say some real stuff (?) I guess?

I've been juggling three conversations the past 2 hours and I feel like they've all suffered as a result.
Multitasking sucks. But at least they were all meaningful conversations.

I've seen four movies in theaters this month and they all sucked. The best one was The Hitman's Bodyguard because it was actually kinda funny. It was an action movie.
Last Tuesday I saw War of the Planet of the Apes. DIDNT LIKE. :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:


i'm gonna type one of those :scream::scream::scream::scream:i hope :scream::scream::scream::scream: messages my hope does NOTHING I SWEAR NOTHING! :scream::scream::scream::scream:

For me personally, bad or good, I just don't want this sick inbetween that's plagued me my entire life. Give me that RAW bad dude, that's the stuff I live for the, the DOLDRUMS. :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

welll i didnt reread your message so i dont know the stuff to reply to but i figure new material reinvigorates stuff, i'm pretty sure it said youre doin alright. maybe not. oh ya i remember, life is but a dream within a dream. i had some weird dreams too. one of them had jared calling me, then I saw I missed a call from him when i woke up. then i called him. ok.

i think had some other stuff. im sure youve been in them, i forget. i dont really tell people them much anymore. maybe i consider them insignificant. oooh look at me lowercase, wow this is such a slack way of typing you know this site is the reason i converted to this lil grubby way of typing. remember when i was adamant about proper grammar on this site, i miss my naivety. all i have is bitter. AND I DONT EVEN LIKE COFFEE :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I keep flipping

I bet this is going to look so messy im gonna love it, i have been shift entering a lot though. i wonder over the course of my life that's helped at all.
i like this emote :stare::stare::stare:

im gonna be tired tomorrow :gonk:


good thing you didnt comment me 4-5 years ago, man i was terrified of replying back then. now i just do it wow. just like that. i must of sounded like an idiot back then with my naivety. :emo::emo::emo::emo:

ok well, if i get to coherent replies i'll let you know. i feel pretty grounded, always have. maybe that's why I love sleeping so much, only form of mental escapism I have. Being so sane it hurts, help me. Sanity NotLikeThis. See isn't that conceited.

Maybe my superpower is the abundance of sanity, maybe that's why everyone thinks I'm weird. SO SANE. 0% INSANE. wow isn't that an interesting though. I wish. ... not really.

ok ill cya maybe ill talk to you on skype sunday or somethin glad to see you still leave comments. this site sucks btw but it's still awesome when i can comment people and it's not two lines and two wo
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 09/07/2017 10:19 pm


Whatever am i's avatar

Report | 09/07/2017 3:26 am

Whatever am i

Im a random person and im reading what you are saying with pengypop.

Well not really, im lazy
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 08/09/2017 6:13 pm


in my case dreams > reality.
I felt relatively fine this whole summer, but as soon as I went back for training at the bookstore I drove home somewhat anxious.
The little things people do make me feel that way.
It's like if I mess up, I murdered their children and shot them in the back, I don't understand why people cannot just be more relaxed with mistakes.
Everything is so high-strung and stressful out there, also I got a pain in the back of my neck when we looked at the manual from looking down so much. Gave me nostalgia of school.

I really like sleeping and dreams, but I don't really have bad experiences. I don't tell people that too often because jinxing is a thing, but whatever. rolleyes
Only bad experiences is the once in a 5-10 year period I experience sleep paralysis. That kinda sucks.
A common thing in my dreams is my cars brakes not working, but last one I had I was able to pump them pretty hard to get them to work. It gets me more pissed than anything, because I need to stop the car sometimes yknow.
Anyway, guess it's a common dream enough dream to have meaning on the internet so yeah. It's not like the entire dream is centered around that, but maybe 1/6th of the movie has a segment dedicated to it.

But uh, yeah, I will comment again, so that a bunch of random weird people can read what we both have to say, but most importantly, you can read what I say! blaugh
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 07/24/2017 11:01 pm


comment FeelsBadMan
comment empty comment comment comment gonk gonk gonk gonk crying crying crying
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 06/29/2017 9:02 pm


PengypopX's avatar

Report | 06/29/2017 9:01 pm


totally black because it broke and i decided to erase it all 3nodding

nice seeing you around, it's very desolate without you on here.
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 01/15/2017 10:51 pm


PengypopX's avatar

Report | 08/05/2016 2:04 am


Hey Janessa.
Update on the living situation. Actually been feeling a bit better then from the past 3 days.
Unfortunately I can't go to sleep and I'm up at 2 AM as a result, but this ravioli tastes p good.

I have an interview to sell Nurse's scrubs at some boutique near my house. Everyone told me the CutCo thing was stupid so I didn't do it. I also researched online. The only thing made me feel a little uneasy, but I am glad the way things turned out.
Job stuff is boring. I will go talk about something else (I had like a 8 minute hiatus between that eh and the last thing wrote).

It would make sense that I am very disassociative seeing as I have a strong predisposition towards playing video games. It kind of offers me an "escape" where I can not be me for awhile. But I'm sure a lot of humans experience that want, I guess it's just stronger in me and you? I could definitely understand if I do have it. On some days, I am very okay with how I am, on others I am like scribbled lines on a white piece of paper moving in a rapidly compact chaotic bundle.

Another thing!
I got this Ticket to Ride copy and no one play it with. ):

So like, I haven't meditated in 4-5 days. I only did it like three times I think. That being said, the guy's voice can be a bit silly. He is a bit too ASMR for me, but I like the idea so I kind of just stomach it. I figure that's part of the "YOUR SELF DOES NOT EXIST" Buddhist principle that Buddha would want. Kakak. Ya.
Actually a lot in my life I lose motivation to do stuff. I once had a tarot reading and I remember getting O THE FOOL. Dang.

Fortunately, Alexis has seemed to have gotten on to a pretty good schedule. I am very proud of her. She has been working out and eating healthy and all that jazz. Meanwhile, I'm up at 5 AM playing video games and sleeping in until 2 PM. NotLikeThis.

Feelings are a bit inconvenient. I do not remember the last time I cried. Once I did a little during an anime episode but it was pretty much just burning eyes and no water.
Did I establish the feelings things last post? Probably. I figure some grubs might look at profile comments and go "OH WOW LOOK LET ME READ ALL THIS CUZ HAHAH IM INTERESTED" but I am not going to give them the satisfaction of private messaging because profile comments are clearly superior, screw you people. Also screw the people who think they are too good to reply to profile comments. >_>
I guess I am guilty, but I get back 98% of the time I swear!

I took a shower on the coldest setting today and I was pretty proud of that.
I also learned that if I feel like crap, laughing at the dogs kind of cures it. Laughter seems to be the most convenient feeling and it doesn't really have any strings attached unless if you are with old fogies who think you are laughing and being rude or something stupid. I can see why I always seek comedy because it feels really good to laugh. -cue comfortably numb music-
Or you could cue that one Mary Poppins song "I Love to Laugh" but I never really even watched that movie that much, I don't think I really liked it all too terribly.

Aight. I'm out of brain fuel. I think.
I hope this reply is okay, my inner mind knows you will think it's okay, but there is always the apprehensive part of me. I read on Quora from this guy who sounded like a crackpot crazy eastern medicine dude that buddhists realize we have two sides (yin and yang) and it's good to listen to the apprehensive unmotivated side once in awhile instead of just loving the "MOTIVATED" guy. Learning this side can prove very useful and et cetera et cetera blah blah.
Not being able to get out of bed from apathy, depression, all that bad mental voodoo (for some people), well. Maybe I can appreciate the good stuff more, except it doesn't work like that at all. emotion_dowant

Alright peace out Janessa
gaia thinks your name is misspelled
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 07/27/2016 10:47 pm


I had a comment typed out and I tapped the power strip and my computer shutdown. -_-

Over the course of this week, I think I remember thinking a couple times "I do not have an option to feel bad" in my head. That being said, I end up feeling bad but I am not vocal about it all too often.
At the time of writing it, yes I think I was good. Now I feel a little uneasy, I am job-searching.

But mostly just "bad thoughts", thoughts that start fights between people. I know that if I acted on any of them it would permanently affect the person. A temporary thought that translates to permanent consequence just isn't worth it in my mind. Maybe it's unhealthy, I don't really know.

This leads into my next topic though. I read an answer on Quora about meditation and tried out this app called Headspace and tried it out. It actually was kinda eerie, but a comforting eerie. I didn't regret doing it. ANYWAY, pro-meditation peeps talk about this one concept where your self does not exist. When you meditate, you watch the thoughts go by like cars but you yourself do not have to follow them. I guess that is good. Actually my eyes itched really bad and I just ignored it for awhile and it went away and I felt better during the session. But I had to shake around a lot to ignore it.

I think I am naturally predisposed to "meditation" or whatever anyway. I have a very empty mind nowadays, I guess that kinda sucks. When I was a kid, it would sometimes adamantly shout ******** a bunch (especially during family prayers) just to spite me, but now it's just kind of empty. I'm better at conversations as a result of this emptiness, I act like a creature of instinct, but I might of lost something.

FUN THOUGH! Meditation, try it out sometime. Maybe you can add me on the cute little app.

My current life goal is just to make enough money to live with Alexis. I will get my 20g achievement soon enough I guess.

YOUR REPLY MADE ME HAPPY THOUGH AT THE TIME OF READING IT, THANK YOU! blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh
I had that typed more eloquently before my comment got wiped.
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 07/24/2016 11:06 pm


heya nubba.
had no idea you still use this site.

it's no problem, you are my favorite sibling because you always treated me like an adult and I could just have a good time around you.
while we may not have talked too much about our personal lives between each other too often, I think a majority of my good memories come from playing video games on the couch with you watching.

I guess that was a very formal explanation, but just know I have a lot of good memories with you, I will always tell stories about when you lived with me when we were together. There are few times in my life around people were I can just relax and be myself, but you were one of those people who loved me for who I am y'know?

sad stuff happens, but I think Alexis serves as a really good outlet for me nowadays. and we gotta remember it's all just bad chemical voodoo in our fatty brains. I don't actually remember that to keep me comfort but it's fun to write.

Thank you for commenting on my profile though Janessa, I am happy to hear from you. (:
RealJasonVoorhees's avatar

Report | 10/30/2014 7:25 am


He isnt coming to me, I am going to him, at Pensacon, hosted in Florida. This is the information on it But, it is also if we have the money. http://www.pensacon.com/doug-bradley/

When I see him, I wanna ask him how he gets into character for such a dark role, and ask for a hug. heart

Its simple with the RPing part. With Asterisks marking actions (*) and quotation marks being speech (" wink and thats it! smile
RealJasonVoorhees's avatar

Report | 10/27/2014 8:50 am


HI! That is the only movie I know Mr. Keaton is in, to be honest, and concerning Hellraiser, I havent seen them all, but my favorites are 1, 2, 3, and Hellworld. Hopefully, if I have the cash next year, I am going to meet Mr. Doug Bradley himself! He is the actor who portrays Pinhead.

I am a RPr on here, so if your ever up for one, I am always around, or if you dont know how I can teach you, its simple and easy. Up to you though. I likes your profile! gaia_diamond
RealJasonVoorhees's avatar

Report | 08/28/2014 12:10 am


Hey. I noticed you asked a person on here who's Avi was that of Beetlejuice from the movie, asking him who the actor was that played him.

I know it was years ago, and its probably irrelevant or you forgot, but ill just answer it for you, since im a huge fan of the guys works myself.

The mans name, is Michael Keaton. A great actor IMO, love him as Beetlejuice, personally.

Well, thats all I got to say, enjoy your day. smile
PengypopX's avatar

Report | 08/07/2013 3:30 pm


Friend of mine just randomly gifted it to me,
pretty sweet amirite grubs? >w<
k-ON4life's avatar

Report | 12/01/2012 12:19 pm


sooo sorry for the late reply i never really get on gaia anymore but the name of the anime is kuroshitsuji or black butler personally i really liked it biggrin
Mr Maybe McGrath's avatar

Report | 05/17/2012 5:32 pm

Mr Maybe McGrath

That would be great! I'm very low on money right now so anything is helpful.
Mr Maybe McGrath's avatar

Report | 05/16/2012 4:51 am

Mr Maybe McGrath

I would be forever grateful if you did. Estimated amount for what's left of both avatars is about 1,000,000.
Mr Maybe McGrath's avatar

Report | 05/15/2012 7:53 pm

Mr Maybe McGrath

Hope it's not to late to comment back. O.o But anyway I still have a lot more money to go on my two avatars..
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