Intoxicated Potatochip

Intoxicated Potatochip's avatar

Last Login: 02/17/2011 8:14 pm

Registered: 10/16/2007

What I am wearing, foo!

Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me~

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Kael Louis Report | 11/13/2010 1:20 am
nice avi (not)
[[DASH]] Report | 01/25/2010 2:07 pm
oh well HELLO
saint aero Report | 12/29/2009 12:35 pm


I would never madly huff at you o3o.
Devin Says Rawr Report | 12/28/2009 9:07 pm
Hi. oo
saint aero Report | 12/28/2009 5:07 pm
Huffle! D<

You know what a huffle is.
saint aero Report | 12/28/2009 11:35 am
-madly huffles-
saint aero Report | 12/26/2009 12:30 pm
Toxiiiiii o3o
Beetle Beatle Report | 11/12/2009 10:12 am
I love your username smile
Good day!
elrianvaon Report | 10/24/2009 12:19 pm
I thought you were an old friend of mine, who has a similar username and disappeared.
elrianvaon Report | 10/23/2009 6:57 pm
This might sound weird but. . . did you formerly go by another username?

The story of my life?

My name is Toxi. What? You wanted a real name? Too bad, deal with it.

My age? Odds are, younger then some and older than most. Not satisfied? I'm almost a 'legal *****'. That's the most of what I will say about my age.

As to where I live, that doesn't matter for you won't be visiting me.

Sexy anime girls in maids outfits
Kingdom Hearts
Naruto SHIPPUDEN. Keep in mind, only Shippuden. Not so much regular Naruto.
I'm starting to like Gravion
Video Games
Free Stuff.

Poeple who generally beg me for stuff, unless I actually know you personally.
ppl wo tlk lyke dis al th tym.
People who type the word f*****t all the time.
People who call others stupid, but cannot seem to spell it properly.
Those who automatically hate you for something you like and they disagree with. Hate you tell you, but everyone has different likes and dislikes. Deal with it.
Extremely messy profiles. Augh.
Those in towns or just on Gaia period who always spam going:
PRESS 1234655164 IF YOU WANT TO CYBER. [ I like to make fun of them though]
In roleplays when people put one liners. Ew.

My life is in Barton Towns with their roleplays.
Sometimes my soul wonders off to Gaia Blackjack.

I have more dislikes, they just aren't being posted.
Despite this, please, I love to talk to people so message or comment me.

You should totally buy me some things

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[[DASH]] on 10/30/2021

Battle Music <3

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My Drawing

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This is where I put my art. I won't change it all the time but oh well.

If you want some art, pm me but it won't be free.
Maybe atleast 5k? Maybe more. Depends.

<3 Art given

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