


Viewing 12 of 19 friends


Forever Yours Truely

Anything that seems to matter to me will be put in here


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/10/2008 8:31 pm


thought i would stop by and say hello have not seen you on yahoo and a long time so here i am to see how things are going with you... <waves>

Report | 06/12/2008 7:30 pm



I'm not quite sure if you remember me.

We used to talk a little bit on my other account:

BURR At The Disco

I was just dropping by to see what was up,

comment back


Report | 05/25/2008 4:39 pm


o.o alex why yew say I luff yew so much to meh?

kinda scary in more ways than one.......-.-' I tell yew later bout crying and stuff ><"

I hate being the cause of everything and you probably just pissed off alotta males.............NO KIDDING

Watch what yew say b4 you go off pissing other guys off by saying stuff like that I dun like jealous wars
The Original Cheza

Report | 05/22/2008 1:26 pm

The Original Cheza

We meet yet again! How have you been? I havnt seen you in like forever!

Report | 05/08/2008 12:34 am


Thats good to hear that he doesnt hypnotize you no more. A definite good start to getting into the better part of life ^_^ . Yeah it sucks that i lost the account but one good thing about it is that i getta see who actually remembers me and tries to talk with me again, like you..you remembered me and dropped by and gave me the comment. Nah dont worry about that group of loser, they can try but what really can they do? If they harrass you too much just report them in or something. I'm sure you'll get through your depression fine and all, if you ever need to talk with someone you do have my messenger...so yeah hop on there somtimes if u ever need to just talk about something, i'll listen out and try to give you a piece of my mind to make things just a tad bit more clarified. No worries how you look like, from the last time i've seen your picture you look fine, so dont worry bout that alright? Oh and about being dominant, it can be good but i personally think a give and take kinda situation is better...like ur both dominant and submissive....well not soo much on submissive side though. I'll add you to my friend list ^_^ make it easier that way!

Report | 05/07/2008 1:44 am


Hey there! I remember you but dont quite remember your name!! Sowwies!!! Im horrible with names these days but as unfortunately that account has been banned....kinda tryin on seeing if i can get it back but chances are very slim. Well this is my new account anyways so if you feel like keeping in touch or something just add me up alright? Life has been treating me fair though, not the best nor the worst. How's life for you? Has everything resolved for you ever since the last time i talked with you?

Report | 04/28/2008 5:02 am


heeheeehee your too funny!

YAAAY someone who loves anime as much as I do! I agree, I wish I could have all those series as well... the ones you mentioned are all my favorites too! Im well on my way to having the complete collection of Naruto... I have seasons 1 through 5 right now... i need 6,7, and I believe 8 has just been released. YAY! heehee... im such a dork!

Yeah I dye my hair all the time too... ive had it every color out there at one time or another... right now its dyed black but I hope to do it blue soon... i LOVE blue hair! dont ask me why... i think you should do blue streaks if you ask me... just my personal opinion... itd look awesome on you.

I was glad to hear from you! You sound like alot of fun... and I too am HOPELESSLY addicted to Gaia! heehee... and I spend WAAAAAAY TOO MUCH real money here too... i spent 200$ this month alone! heehee...theres sooo many things I want badly... the devil horns and tail, the ninja headband and the kitsune mask are y favorite and Id sell my body to get them!!!! heehee... know anyone willing to buy? heeheehee!!!!!!!!

anywho... you should PM me so we can talk more... not a huge fan of talking in comments... well, I hope you have an awesome day! oh, if your on myspace you should add me there... the link is on my gaia profile under my personal website. ok... take care!

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Report | 04/28/2008 4:59 am


will you add me? I cant find the link on your profile... or the message user link either.

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Report | 04/25/2008 7:14 pm


heehee.... hmmmmm

Im looking at your pics trying to figure out your age...

you have a face like me (your is much prettier though! LOL)

I cant tell how old you are... you could be 17 or you could be 27...

Im 30.. but i act like a kid... I am an anime nerd to the fullest!

so how bout chuu? how old?

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Report | 04/25/2008 12:23 pm



just randomly passing through

i LOVE your avi! shes adorable!

and you sound very interesting! love to chat sometime.

stop by anytime!