
Name: Ama.
Age: High school graduate!
Likes: Music, reading, movies, shopping, clothes, obsessing over things, being outgoing, talking on MSN, working (sadly), caps lock, being at Wonderland, reading at Wonderland, being lazy, making friends, & walking.
Dislikes: Hunger, boredom, homework, not having enough money, drop zones, heights (to a certain degree) & gore.

I no longer have a job, hence my slow transition into extreme boredom. I have a closet full of clothes, a ton of books, a decent movie collection, and an obscene amount of music. I read when I can think of nothing else to do, when I'm on the go, or when I need to for a class/test. I look forward to the future. I like to eat good food. I like to shop a lot. I'm going to university and living on campus this September. School was good times, bad times, but it's done and I'm kind of relieved. My important peoples know who they are. Ask if you'd like to know more.

Questing for: idk.
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/03/2011 7:48 pm


Heyyy...I'm kinda bored and I feel like posting on someone's page xD
How's it going? I haven't talked to you in a while o-o

Report | 06/01/2010 5:33 pm


You had to write a novel?! Wow, I kinda wish I had to do that. I've been wanting to write a novel for years...
My teacher's so flippin' lazy though. My essay for WC is short (600 words) and I'm doing it on why shower curtains are a terrible way to block the windows of a classroom during a lockdown. We had to write a short story, film critique and two poems earlier in the year, but thats about it.
So why do you no longer use your Facebook anymore? No interest? I use it almost every day, but only for about 10 minutes. If I use it for much longer than that, I get bored.
I do have some new artwork, but I'm colouring it on photoshop, and thats taking a while, lol.
Anime North was amazing! It was simply mindblowing! Without a doubt, I am going back next year. The costumes that many people wore were really well done. I went as a Lolita smile
I spent a hundred dollars this year. Next year I'm bringing even more money. I want to buy Link's master sword X3
The Zodikosis

Report | 05/30/2010 9:43 pm

The Zodikosis

Oh! Yes, I have read that. smile Great story. Bradbury really has a talent for story telling. It is very difficult to write a story nowadays where one cannot predict the ending in some way, shape, or form, but somehow Bradbury manages to suprise me with an ending I hadn't thought of at all in every single story he writes.

Yes, he has a ton of other novels! Dandelion Wine, Something Wicked This Way Comes, I Sing the Body Electric!, Graveyard for Lunatics, Death is a Lonely Business, Medicine for Melancholy, The Cat's Pyjamas, just to name a few...and, of course, my very favorite, The Martian Chronicles, which naturally I would recommend you read next. smile It's just such an enchanting book...as someone who is really interested in the expansion of our frontiers into space, I feel it really captures the spirit of the future age, by mixing both past and present sentiments about manifest destiny. It's got a bittersweet ending, yes, not something I'd actually want to happen in the real pursuit for expansion, but nonetheless it is a fabulous book and the only book I've read multiple times and still haven't gotten tired of. You should definitely go straight to your nearest library and pick it up. xD
iHug Zombies XD

Report | 05/30/2010 12:56 pm

iHug Zombies XD

Thank you for your purchase~

Report | 05/30/2010 7:55 am


Yeah, I'm working on my final essay for English and another essay for Writers Craft. I should be studying too, but I'm terrible at multi-tasking.
Most of my current art is in my sketchbook. I do have a couple of drawings up on facebook though.
And I'm doing well, thanks. Tired though. Was at Anime North yesterday. It was my first convention. I want to go again next year smile
The Zodikosis

Report | 05/29/2010 9:46 pm

The Zodikosis

I don't remember his stories by title (except for my favorites), but I'm willing to bet I have read it before. xD He's my favorite author, him and Heinlein.

Report | 05/24/2010 8:08 pm


LOL! Thank you smile
To be honest though, the work I have posted there is so old! I really should get some new work up...
So how are you?

Report | 05/22/2010 12:27 pm



Report | 05/20/2010 6:02 pm


Oh snap!

Report | 08/07/2009 6:16 pm


Thanks for your help!


Naruto was a blond with spiky
a n d
beautiful ocean blue eyes.