Inumaru Mukai

Inumaru Mukai's avatar

Birthday: 06/08


Im tired of being made the scapegoat in life. I feel like Im being persecuted at every possible moment. Even if a kitty comes up to me Im suspicious of its motives. I know its just there to make a fool out of me.

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A child born into a mean wealthy family, Not a care for hiim at all. Born into loneliness and courisoity he lived on his own. His graceful silver hair flowing down his back, His orange/hazel eyes shining in the moonlight as he stood upon his balcony, At the age of thirteen. He looked at the houses below him, the bookbag strung around his back seemed heavier on his back as he gulped. He closed his eyes and jumped. He landed with a soft "tmp" On the foor three stories below him as he continued on, Running... running.

He continued untill the sun began to rise on the horizen, finally reaching a small hotel at which he would stay for a bit. During the day he trained behind the hotel, running up trees and fighting the air. He trained harder and harder. A young woman about the same age saw him from a distance, and from then on... she waited watching. Inumaru stayed there for three years, in which he trained him self harder and harder unaware of the woman watching him.

Inumaru had a hard past, He looked into the sky but stopped halfway, noticing the woman. He walked over and looked into her eyes and with a soft smile he said, "Hello... What brings you here on such a wonderful day?" He asked as he never took his eyes off her wonderful red ones. She looked at him blushing and blinked, She jumped from the fence and ran off. Wondering who this woman was Inumaru walked into the hotel... Lucky for him, She ran right into him outside the front of the hotel.

Inumaru held her softly to his chest and looked down at her, "Would you mind telling me your name this time? Mine is Inumaru.. Inumaru Kuto" He chuckled. She looked deep into his eyes and stuttered, "M-my name is......"

She Was....

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I lied....