
"You exhilarate my life baby, yes you do."

I don't know why I don't log on as much as I used to.
You'll always be my favorite site. <3


Viewing 12 of 55 friends





Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Songstress Nayru

Report | 12/27/2010 6:46 am

Songstress Nayru

Oh ... my god. o___o
My dear, you shouldn't be caught up in so much work, couldn't you make it up at home ?
Spend some time with your fraands. ;D
Songstress Nayru

Report | 12/26/2010 5:54 pm

Songstress Nayru

Lonely ? Psh, girl you have lots of people around you. D:<
I am the one who's a lonely person~.
Songstress Nayru

Report | 12/26/2010 7:26 am

Songstress Nayru

Okay my dear. owo
I got an iphone, a new one at that. xD
I also got a scanner and a tablet. Woot. <3
Likeee omgg. We can text every single day. ;3
Songstress Nayru

Report | 12/19/2010 1:59 pm

Songstress Nayru

Dear Shannon,

LOL, you call this "logging on more" ? c: I really miss you, I feel like a damn loner on this website. D:<

All my friends left me, well as in they don't want a conversation with me anymore. Ugh.

Well I really, really miss you right now. Have a phone ? We can text psh, everyday even ! O:<

I'm drinking hot chocolate right now, it tastes sooo good~. heart

I miss Irene as much as you do. akfhlkslahfklashf. D8

Hopefully she'll talk to me again, let me comment her .. like after this comment ? Idk.

Maybe. <w< Have a merry christmas my dear, and also a Happy New Year. 8D

Songstress Nayru

Report | 12/05/2010 9:37 am

Songstress Nayru

*logs on*. 8D Hi there Shannon.<3
Yeah, I do have an aim. RUNxitsashleyy. <-- 2 y's FTW. LOL.
Yeah, I'll still log on every now and then. But I ain't so popular so ... *sad face*.
I miss you A LOT. I mean, you should log on moreee. Add .. my other account?
I'll actually add you to hide my secret. I miss Irene too ... *doesn't know where she went* D;
I talk to her every now and then. I hate gaia too .. @w@;;
Changed and everything.. LOL. I MISS YOU A LOT. heart
Embroidered Veins

Report | 12/05/2010 1:15 am

Embroidered Veins

Songstress Nayru

Report | 08/31/2010 2:06 pm

Songstress Nayru

[ I'm bored so I'll just write a long a** comment for you. xD ]
Shannon, my girl. heart

What is up, in the sky. Cause, airplanes in the sky like shooting stars. O:
Baby, baby, ohhh~.! Justin Bieber is gayy.
Eh .... -pokes your face-. Lady Gaga needs to stop smoking all that tabbaco. :l

So, like. This douche almost ran me over not too long ago. [ depends when you read this. XD ]
I was crossing the street, and this guy was all like; " Gtfo the street stupid chinese! ". [ I'm freaking Thai/Laotion wtf?! ]
So, this guy really had some problems about asians and here are some of my examples.;
a) He was on crack.
b) He was a racist man.
c) He wanted beer so bad he was speeding, to get to the Liqour store. xD

I have to wear stupid UNIFORMS. This is the first year the school comittee is trying out.
Some parents hate it, some LOVE it. D:<
Grrr, I want to shoot them!

Oh, uh uh, My mother's fiance is nice. : D
Doesn't look 40 years - old at all. >A>
I'm gonna give you a pokemon nickname.
Unless I already gave you one, I forgot cause I'm a pain in the a**. :U

Woot!, Idk what else to say. I spent ten minutes thinking of things to say. xD
RANDOM. But I hope I make friend's this year. x___x;

heart Hina.

Songstress Nayru

Report | 08/31/2010 1:49 pm

Songstress Nayru

Peaceful Insanity

Report | 07/26/2010 8:33 pm

Peaceful Insanity

lol yes good times :c
Songstress Nayru

Report | 07/26/2010 8:24 pm

Songstress Nayru

Milady Hina
Said ;


I hate Asian Dramas. :l
I hate my summer so far. I don't want to go back to school.
Cause my mom is being married, to a guy I don't know and he's staying here for a week.
She was supposed to move with him to California. But my Grandpa convinced her to stay in Rhode Island in case I get sick or die.
Or if he passes away no one would take care of me.
Plus, I hate California, not the state but my cousins that live there.
They don't like me and I can't tell my Mom that. She'll keep asking why.


Thank you for listening.



uwah. i love you.