

Hey there whoever you are. I'm Ronni.
I'm sixteen.
I live in a small country. England.
I'm bisexual.
I'm in love with a girl called Luna, who happens to be my very best friend as well.
I'm heading into college this year. I'll be at Runshaw, if anyone cares and I'll be studying Media B-tec 'cause I wanna be some awesome Voice actor or Editor.
My eye color is odd 'cause I have different colored eyes, one green (right), one blue (left).
I'm a Red-head. Flame all you want but not one of you could pull of my hair color. If any of you wanna go into detail about this search 'Genesis Rhapsodos' in google then imagine his hair color a shade or two lighter.
I roleplay.
I'm into Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, VII being my all time favourite.
Favourite pairings are as followed.

Kingdom Hearts.
Sora x Riku
Axel x Roxas
Axel x Demyx
Demxy x Zexion
Zexion x Xemnas
Sora x Kairi
Roxas x Naminé

Final Fantasy VII
Cloud x Zack
Cloud x Sephiroth
Cloud x Rufus
Cloud x Reno
Rufus x Tseng
Rufus x Reno
Rufus x Reno x Cloud x Rude x Tseng (Read Guardian too much.)
Rufus x Rude
Cloud x Yuffie
Vincent x Yuffie

There are others but I can't remember them and I doubt you wanna hear Yaoi fangirl go on about pairings.
One warning.
Never ever, ever ask me to do Cloud x Tifa. I hate that pairing and frankly I hate Tifa. Can't stand her and her big Watermelon boobs. >>;;

I'm not just a gamer I'm an anime freak as well.
Soul Eater, Vampire Knight, Ouran Host Club, Wolf's Rain and some others I love.
I am totally Cloud and Rufus obsessed, not as in the pairing, I roleplay them and I love being them. Rufus especially.
I love random comments/Pm's/people, I'm totally random myself.
I read a lot.
Harry Potter.
Darren Shan.

I roleplay a hell of a lot, I'd consider myself literate. I can do three paragraphs. I've managed about five a few times, however I was in a good mood.
If you invite me to a roleplay I must warn you I'll only reply when I have time, like I said I'm going into college this year and I'm also looking for a job, not to mention I go to visit Luna whenever I can.

I have msn if you wanna know. If you wanna add me just ask for my messenger and I will give it you. ^^

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Total Value: 141,428 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Elemental Wings
Striped Stockings
Kitty Slippers
Lex's White Shorts
#0000FF Complex Shirt
Street Fighter IV Megapack
Gothic Veil


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Viewing 3 of 3 comments.


Report | 08/08/2009 10:19 am


Hi I'm just going around looking for stuff that people want on there wish list but you don't have one so if you want anything just add it to your wish list put your wish list on your profile and let me know when you did that ok blaugh

1-800 Lavalife

Report | 07/24/2009 12:47 pm

1-800 Lavalife

Thanks for buying ;D Now you get a hug XD -Hugz-

Report | 07/23/2009 1:04 pm




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LOL! Aren't we all?

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Tap my Tank?