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If he cant Be Myne He Damn shure cant be yours<3

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Its Vivian<3.Freshman.Sinqle<3I just like to have fun & forget those who dontt.I have great friends &i love them all the same.I give up easily,wich sucks but im only Fifteen& as a teenager im still learning.Im weird cause i hate goodbyes.My lifes a roller coaster it has its ups & downs.Dnt tell me ive changed because i know i have & maybe just maybe a little changed cant hurt anybody.I'm not perfect & im not the hawtest qurl around town & i perferr not to be,i love havinq a blastt & smillinqq.I think diff.from others & im diff from others too.i don't care what others think tlk your shyt because who i am doesnt concern anybody but myself.i just wanna havee funnn ♥.mhm lifes qood,i likee it :]so if nething get at me*




&&&& Lifeee goesss Onnn♥


friendsx 4life...!<3

SexiiYY b***h!<3'; (: