it's my look, don't go stealing it >:L

if you want to know what to get me for my birthday, look down...


Rosie isn't my real name, it's Angel

iRosiexy's avatar

Birthday: 11/05

come look...

"***** please" my motto LOL. well hey my NAME is NOT "Rosie" its Angel. i know a lot of people get mixed up and you know... LOL. i'm hella chill. i'm also into music and you know all that shiet... HEHE. i talk ghetto right? well no not really i just type ghetto. and yeah, i play soccer.... it's hella fun trust me! uh go to my tumblr at arrow ma-s** and you know. and yeah, i have a guild and i don't mind if you wanna join please arrow emotion_kirakira lol so yeah... be ready. we don't do much but if i know you and you chill, come join! well anyways bye bye... emotion_yatta

people who stalk...people

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oODragonBreathOo Report | 02/26/2012 4:36 pm
Hey there blaugh
who the hell is Christian from your profile LOL I didnt even know you guys were together (thinking its the same one i know lol)
iRosiexy Report | 02/20/2012 7:24 pm
Hey, people reading my comment.... emotion_sweatdrop Long time no see, actually i've decided to come back and chill with everyone. i now think everyone is separate and not a lot of people will be reading this. but yeah. i just love how we use to chill and do the most funniest thing, sometimes the most retarded. some of you might not even remember iMikeyxv... emotion_0A0 to be honest, that was me and my friend Christian... we would go on and i would talk and he would talk. but one day Christian moved away somewhere without even telling me and one day texting me in a blocked number "i miss you, take care. i don't think we'll meet up anytime soon. and you could do whatever you want to our gaia account..." when i read that i replied desperatly but no reply back... sadly. and thats the truth and now i want our account to be the same. emotion_kirakira and even if you say who are you. i'll know you are... thatnks for the welcome back, but you might not even mean it... emotion_bigheart
homosexualss Report | 02/20/2012 7:10 pm
you bought two itemssss
thank you so muchh heart 4laugh

NormalHmongGirl Report | 08/10/2011 8:50 am
thanks for buying
sexy_asian_girl36 Report | 08/04/2011 7:28 pm
Yeah, I don't believe you're a guy :/
sexy_asian_girl36 Report | 08/04/2011 7:26 pm
Yeah, I don't believe you're a guy :/
starsnrockets33 Report | 05/29/2011 11:16 am
thanks for your purchase mrgreen
Lovely Laced Heart Report | 04/17/2011 8:05 pm
Lovely Laced Heart
Hi just stoping by 3nodding 4laugh 4laugh
Xx_Gumdrop_CupcakexX Report | 02/21/2011 10:13 am
User Image
Maniac Mio Ayama Report | 02/20/2011 11:08 am
Maniac Mio Ayama

***** please...

welcome, stalkers...

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Jasmine, your a big N00B but you know i love you, Angela your so Cool and pretty, can i H0ll@, ahaha your brother dont know why he's on here but yah, and my friend Devin, you so THUPID