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Name: Hotaru Tomoe
Meaning: "Firefly Sprouting from the Earth"
Senshi Identity: Sailor Saturn; Super Sailor Saturn
Alias: The Goddess of Death; the Senshi of Silence; the Soldier of Destruction; the Soldier of Death and Rebirth; Princess Saturn; Mistress 9 (when possessed); Miss Dream (musicals)
Element of Influence: Death and Healing
Associated Name Day: Saturday
Sex: Female
Age: 12-13
Birthdate: January 06, 1981
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Height: 3'9" (as a child); fluctuates, 145 cm (4' 9"), 40 cm (1'3"), 134 cm (4' 5") [in order for main heights]
Bloodtype: AB
Hair Color: Raven Black
Eye Color: Blue-Violet
Hobbies: Reading, collecting lamps
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Gemstone: Fluorite
Image Gemstone: Amethyst
Favorite Food: Nihon Soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles)
Least Favorite Food: Milk
Favorite School Subject: World History
Least Favorite School Subject: Physical Education
Favorite Animal: Panther
Strength: Injury treatment
Weakness: Physically weak; marathons
Goal: To be a doctor/nurse

Transformation: Saturn Planet Power, Make-Up! ; Saturn Crystal Power, Make-Up! (manga)

Senshi Attacks:
*Death Reborn Revolution (Season 3) - In the manga, this power destroys the world unless stopped. In the anime, it is used to destroy Pharaoh 90 from within, although it is not shown.
*Silence Block (Season 4)
*Silence Wall (Season 4) - Super Sailor Saturn creates a barrier to protect her allies and neutralize attacks.
*Galactica Glaive Surprise - Super Sailor Saturn used this attack while under the control of Sailor Galaxia in the manga.
*Galactica Cannon - In the manga, Sailor Pluto and Super Sailor Saturn use this attack against Sailor Moon when they are controlled by Sailor Galaxia.
*Silence Glaive Surprise (Season 4) - This power is a double-edged attack by which Super Sailor Saturn can instantly kill an opponent, but must sacrifice herself in the process. This attack is seen in the manga which resembles Sailor Mercury's Shabon Spray inside a dome doing major destruction. In the Sailor Stars anime, Super Sailor Saturn uses this technique against Nehellenia. She spoke the incantation, and a large sphere of purple light formed around the blade of her Silence Glaive. She then began to bring down her glaive to end the world. After a huge blast of explosive power, she was stopped from completing this at the last moment by Chibiusa.

*In both the anime and the manga, Sailor Saturn destroys worlds simply by bringing down the Silence Glaive. There is no incantation for this power, though in the instances in which it appears, Sailor Saturn has used some of her other powers to give her time to bring down her glaive.

Natural Powers:
*Energy Barrier - At various times in the anime, Hotaru is protected from harm by a barrier of energy. This barrier severely damages the enemy. This barrier appears to be involuntary.
*Energy Beams - At various times in Sailor Moon S, Hotaru uses her power to damage or paralyze enemies.
*Healing - In both the anime and manga, Hotaru has the ability to heal wounds. This power was never explored in-depth, and the wounds being healed were always shown to be fairly minor.
*Rebirth - It appears that Hotaru has the ability to be reborn when defeated. It is unknown as to what the extent of this power is. In conjunction with her rebirth, Hotaru also ages rapidly when needed. In both the anime and manga, she is shown to reach her former age in a matter of days.
*Power-Ups - In both the manga and anime, Hotaru is the one to power up the Outer Senshi into their 'super' forms.
*Visions & Projections - Hotaru often has visions of upcoming events. She also has the ability to project visions to others. She does this several times in the Dream arc of the manga and in the Sailor Stars anime. In the manga, notable occurrences involve showing a defeated Pegasus in Dream and projections of the Universe of which Hotaru watches over and uses it to destroy or bring planets to life. While she was reaching former age in Dream arc, Haruka did it with her as Michiru referred to it as gardening with Hotaru.

Items: Saturn Henshin Stick (Transformation Wand), Silence Glaive


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Rinoa HeartiIIy

Report | 09/07/2010 4:24 pm

Rinoa HeartiIIy

l Kiffa l

Report | 11/16/2009 10:30 am

l Kiffa l

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A sailor Saturn,
[smiles and waves]

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Hail The Black Moon

Lilith Marie Raventhorne

Report | 11/14/2009 7:15 pm

Lilith Marie Raventhorne

Toon Link - Hero Of Winds

Report | 11/14/2009 5:00 pm

Toon Link - Hero Of Winds

Hello Sailor saturn, how are you? ^^

Report | 04/03/2009 3:22 pm


Happy Birthday!

Report | 08/10/2008 8:06 am


Sailor Neptune621

Report | 07/10/2008 2:50 pm

Sailor Neptune621

Then you know what I feel like!^_^

Report | 07/09/2008 5:17 pm


Sailor Altair

Report | 07/03/2008 12:21 pm

Sailor Altair

"Thank you so much Saturn~"

Report | 06/28/2008 9:41 am


Hello Sailor Saturn ^^


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