
ISAIS GIRL's avatar

Last Login: 07/05/2013 6:26 pm

Registered: 04/05/2010

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/29



ISAIS GIRL's avatar

Last Login: 07/05/2013 6:26 pm

Registered: 04/05/2010

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/29


i cant change my name, i wish i could cuz forever really dont last forever. love doesnt either, i hope she loves him good but ill always know and hope he knows i will always love him more and better then she can. who knew a broken heart could feel like a heart attack. just keep thinking it happend for a reason. only god knows what reason hope her remebers all our dream, hopes, everything we had plained for the futur i hope i get someone better than what iv had lately. last boyfriend ******** raped me when he was drunk. i have cancer failed 9th grade ******** my life!